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Penguins.....You're my penguin.

"You know, penguins find their mate and never leave their side ever again." I said, trying to put the beads on the string just big enough to fit the dog's throat. Pete smiled and looked up from his string. How had I talked a grown man into necklace making?

"Yeah, I knew that. I also know that, whether you can remember me or not, you're my penguin." he said. He leaned over his coffee table and kissed my cheek. I blushed and continued adding the rainbow colored beads to the collar. When I looked at him, I saw he meant it.

"But what happens to those penguins that loose their memory?" I asked. Pete shrugged.

"They get back to their lives and hope for the best." he answered. Pink bead. Wait. A pink bead? Pink isn't in the rain bow. R-O-Y- G- B-I-V. No pink.

I drew in a big breath and waited. It was one of those near death experiences. The one were your life flashes before your eyes. Only this was different. I was seeing things that I knew had already happened. I was REMEMBERING! I saw the first time we had played as a group.

I saw the first time I actually met Pete, our first date, the first tour, what Ryland had done to come between us, telling Pete that I loved him, asking Pete to show me what love really was, my birthday and the ring, our first New Years together, having to leave him to go on tour, meeting Paramore and The Used.

"OH MY GOD I MET THE USED!" I yelled on impact. Pete just stared at me for a long while. Well, that was until I attacked him. I threw myself back and went into a complete hissy- fit, shouting events that had happened months ago.

Pete noticed I was babbling about what he had been hoping would happen. He noticed that it WAS happening. He threw himself on top of me. This was possibly the best kiss I had ever received.

"How is that for a wish come true?" I asked. He smiled and chuckled. Then we just stared at each if we'd been missing something from each other for too long. Well......until we figured out what we were missing. ;)


Something is making my feet wet. Something with a very big urge to tickle me!

"Hem! Stop licking my feet!" I groaned. I must have slept longer than I had been expecting; the sun was out and the blinds were open. The puppy at the end of the bed yelped and ran across the sheets (that now needed to be washed) to continue to lick my face.

I giggled at the dog then heard laughing from the door.

"Fucker! You're dressed already?!" I yelled.

"Oh yeah, she's back to normal!" I heard. That was most definitely NOT Pete.

"What is Autumn doing here?! I'm totally not ready to see anyone!" I yelled again.

More laughing. Pete stood there and had to hold his stomach, he was in that much hysteria. I grabbed the sheets around me, some clothes that were on the floor (not caring if they were clean or not) and ran to the bathroom. I got dressed and realized I had picked up a pair of Pete's jeans and a black Clandestine hoodie instead of a shirt.

Oh well; I walked back out to the living room. Autumn and Billy were both on the opposite couch from Pete. They all stared at me.

"What? Is there something I don't see that the three of you do?" I asked. They all burst out laughing again.

"The first day back and she's already clueless again?!" Autumn tried to stutter.

"What?" I asked again.

"Paige, you're covered in Pete from head to toe. Your hair is sticking up in six different directions and you look like you just woke up." Billy pointed out.

"Billy, I DID just wake up you douche!" I yelled and sat next to Pete. Autumn was still giggling.

I glared at her and she automatically stopped.

"You have something to say?" I asked her. She tried to stifle and giggle and shook her head.

"Good. What are you two doing here anyway?" I asked.

"We wanted to see how you were doing. You kinda are my best friend." Autumn answered.

I smiled.

"So.....if you're here, where are Dev, Matty, Sonny and their partners?" I asked. Billy shrugged.

"Dev saw you two days ago, Matt is in New York, and Sonny is being a talent scout with Mr. Hurley." he answered. Wow.

So, while my life was on hold, all my friends were living theirs. All four of my best and closest friends were loving what they had and I had been stuck in a three month sleep that basically erased my memory.

"You still there?" Pete asked, concern written all over his face. I nodded and got up to walk out onto the balcony.

"I'll be back." I called behind me. No one followed me, thankfully. Well, except the dog but he wasn't going to bother anyone.

Am I really THAT far behind everyone else?