Cover Story Now in Stores

Back to the Streets

"Are you sure you're ready to start recording again?" Dev asked. I sighed.

"Yes, for the millionth time today!" I said. So here's the new CD list:

1. Can't Buy Me Love- The Beatles.
2. Black Cat-Mayday Parade
3. Saturday- Fall Out Boy
4. The City Is At War- Cobra Starship
5. G.I.N.A.S.F.S.- Fall Out Boy
6. Circle- Paramore
7. The Levy- From First To Last
8. Dance, Dance- Fall Out Boy
9. All Time Lows- Hellogoodbye
10. King Of Wishful Thinking- New Found Glory(cover)
11. Jamie All Over- Mayday Parade
12. Figure It Out- Plain White T's
13. Dairy of Jane-Breaking Benjamin
14. Everybody's Fool-Evanescence (Bonus Track).

"Are you positive?" Matt asked.

"Yes! Can we just get started already?!" I asked. Sonny smiled and put his arm around my shoulders.

"There she is!" he said and shook me. I smiled. friends are total dorks. I LOVE THEM ANYWAY!

They picked up their instruments and took their places behind their Mic's. All at once this time. We made it through Can't Buy Me Love without many issues. Guitars needed to be tweaked here. I needed to bring the vocals up or down an entire octave there. Nothing to drastic.

We got ready for the next song not long after that.

Close up Camera One,
The hero sings in this scene
The boy that gets the girl gets to go home, where they get married
But stop the tape,
The sunset still looks fake to me
The hero looks like he can't breathe,
The damsel just left everything

You're like a black cat with a black back pack full of fireworks,
And you're gonna burn the city down right now
Whoa, whoa
You're like a black cat with a black back pack full of fireworks,
And you're gonna burn the city down right now
Whoa, whoa

Oh, close up Camera Two
`Cause the hero dies in this scene
Your inspiration is the loss of absolutely everything
And flashback on the girl,
As we montage every memory
And we bleed out in the bathroom sink,
And we fade out as the soundtrack sings:

You're like a black cat with a black back pack full of fireworks,
And you're gonna burn the city down right now
Whoa, whoa (yeah)
You're like a black cat with a black back pack full of fireworks,
And you're gonna burn the city down right now
Whoa, whoa

She said get your hands off of my star,
It's not your part but all your fault
And this jealous actress has a habit,
Of making things sound way too tragic
Get your hands off of my star,
It's not your part but all your fault
And this jealous actress has a habit,
Of making things sound way too tragic

And this jealous actress has a habit,
Of making things sound way too tragic
Oh, this jealous actress has a habit,
Of making things sound way too tragic

You're like a black cat with a black back pack full of fireworks,
You're gonna burn the city down right now
Whoa, whoa

You're like a black cat with a black back pack full of fireworks,
And you're gonna burn the city down right now
Whoa, whoa
You're like a black cat with a black back pack full of fireworks,
And you're gonna burn the city down right now
Whoa, whoa

And this jealous actress has a habit,

No one said a word. It was like all the noise had been sucked out of the room.

"Is anyone going to say something?" I asked. Everyone burst out laughing. "Am I missing something?" I asked.

"No. I just guess everyone else was thinking the same thing." Dev said.

"That's just a nicer way to say that I am missing out on something." I said. No one stopped laughing. "What the fuck is so funny?!" I yelled. No one answered. "GUYS!" I yelled.

"This is such a Paige song!" Autumn shouted. Huh?

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked.

"Nothing. Inside joke." Dev said. I rolled my eyes and requested that we move on. I don't think we left that studio until 11:30 pm. But Pete and I made our way home with the little white puppy in my lap. He licked my face until there wasn't much left he hadn't licked.

"You know, I think my own dog likes you better than he likes me." Pete said as we pulled into his drive way. I giggled and picked up the blob of fur and headed up to the house. Pete unlocked the door and I headed upstairs and laid the now sleeping puppy on his couch right outside the bed room.

Pete waited for me, then headed to bed. I got in my pajamas and slipped under the sheets.

"What do you dream about at night?" I asked, almost asleep.

"You and me. Every night." Pete mumbled wrapping his arms around me.

"What do you dream about when you're just napping?" I asked.

"You." he mumbled again. I smiled.

"What do you dream about?" he asked.

"You." I answered.

"And when we were in the hospital?" he asked.

"You." I mumbled just before I fell asleep.

Next Morning

The sun hit my face, which meant that someone had either been out on the balcony or was on the balcony. The blinds were pulled almost all the way back and a little white tail with a bigger tan arm wrapped around it stuck out enough to be visible from my vantage point.

I got out of the bed and headed outside.

"What are you two doing up so early?" I asked. Pete looked at me and smiled, although his eyes were giving off a different emotion; sorrow, sadness. Was there scared in there, too? "What's up?" I asked. Pete just shrugged.

"What are we doing today?" I asked.

"Well, you have a doctor's appointment in a few hours. Then we're heading back to the studio." he answered.

"Since when do I have a doctor's appointment?" I asked.

"Since I scheduled one before we left Little Rock." he answered and walked back into the house.

I followed him, Hem between the two of us. I picked up some of my clothes and headed to the bathroom. I took a nice shower then got dressed and did my make up and hair.

We pulled up to the clinic again and got out of the car. Pete signed us in and I found a comfy corner seat to read the cheesy article about Lindsay Lohan and her shenanigans. Pete joined me shortly, didn't even try to say anything to me, and rubbed my knee nervously. What is his issue today?

"Katy?" the nurse called. I got up and followed her into a room. I sat on the bed thing and Pete took the seat next to me. The doctor came in shortly and smiled.

"How are you feeling today, Ms. Katy?" he asked.

"Fine." I answered.

"How is your head?" he asked.

"Great." I answered.

"Any dizziness or fainting since you've been back?" he asked. OK, what?

"No. Doctor, if you don't mind me asking, why all the questions about my head?" I asked. Pete's hand almost cut the circulation in mine until I quickly turned to glare at him.

"You mean no one has told her?" the doctor asked Pete. Oh, the emotion on his face was guilt if I've ever seen it. "Ms. Katy, I hate to be the one to tell you this. I am, however, your doctor and obliged to inform you that, because of Mr. Wentz's quick thinking to save your life in the accident, your head hit the back of the arm rest in the center of the car hard enough that in the x-rays sent over from Little Rock, we have found a tumor about the size of a guitar pick located on your brain." he said.

My stomach stopped moving. My breath got caught in my throat. I couldn't even feel Pete's hand trying to grab mine.

"A TUMOR! AN NO ONE HAD THE AUDACITY TO TELL ME?!" I yelled at him. The doctor tried to calm me down, I just pushed him out of the way and ran to the car again.

I broke down. I had nothing else to do in this situation. First I get in an accident, then I can't remember any thing, now a tumor! I cupped my hand over my mouth to try and subside my crying and screaming, for lack of a better term for the noise that I was making.

My cell phone started ringing. Why was the doctor calling me?

"H-hello?" I asked.

"Ms. Katy, I was about to let you know that, considering the size of the tumor, we can easily remove it just as you ran out." the doctor said. I sighed. One weight off my shoulders.

"When?" I asked.

"When do you want to have the surgery?" he asked.

"As soon as possible." I answered. He gave me a 'hmmmmm'.

"March 17th?" he asked.

"That soon? That's next week!" I said, instantly panicking.

"Yes. You wanted it asap, Ms. Katy." he answered.

"Fine. I just want it out of me. By the way.....where are the incisions going to be made?" I asked.

"Well, the tumor is on the lower side of your brain. I would say under your hair line on the back of your neck." he answered. I sighed again.

"Well, thank you." I said.

"No problem. I'm sending Peter out right away." he said.

I hung up and waited for the asshole of a boyfriend I have that couldn't even tell me I had a cancerous tumor inside of my mind!