Cover Story Now in Stores

Oh do I have Hell to Raise

I stormed into the studio, anger taken over me, and glared at all four of them. They all looked back at me.

"How many, out of the four of you, knew that I had a tumor?" I asked, outraged that I hadn't known this before. Dev and Autumn's eyes grew five times their size, as well as Matt's. Sonny looked clueless.

So the three with the wide eyes raise their hands and looked in different directions. That outraged me even more.


They all looked so ashamed. And they should!

"I only have one more thing to ask you," I gritted through my teeth. They all looked at me. "How come none of you told me? I trusted the four of you more than anyone else on this planet and none of you told me that I had a guitar pick growing inside of my head!" I said.

"Paige.....the thing is......we did tell you. You know how doctors say that loved ones should talk to people in a coma and see if that wakes them up? Paige, you were out for three months. I told you right just before you did wake up." Dev said. My air ways became constricted.

"So you couldn't find it in the three months that I have been awake to tell me?" I asked. She looked guilty again.

"And you? What's your excuse?" I pointed to Autumn. "I-i.......I don't have one. I just.....couldn't find the right time to tell you Paige. I'm sorry." she answered.

I turned to Matt.

"Sorry, dude they promised me they'd tell you. I wanted to, but they insisted one of them would." he said, guilty but defensive. I nodded.

"And why didn't Sonny know? Anybody?" I asked, edgy as hell.

"No one told me." he answered sadly.

I rolled my eyes and turned around to Dev again.

"I don't mean to sound like a Diva, but I can't work with people who keep secrets from me, ABOUT me." I said. I walked out of the studio and right out of the entire building. Pete was no where in sight, so I sat on the ground and waited for someone to drive me home.

I still didn't have my own car and I didn't have keys to anyone else's. After a few minutes, a cab went by and, I guess the dude saw me waiting, because he turned around and came back.

"Need a lift?" a young girl asked from the drivers seat. I nodded.

I got up and slid into the cab and told her the address for the house. Then I took out my phone and texted Pete to let him know that I got a ride home. He texted back saying that he was on his way back and that he was beyond sorry for not telling me himself.

But, then again, I didn't know who he was for the longest time that I have been out of the coma. I guess he has the biggest brake out of anyone that should have told me.

"You OK back there?" the chick asked. I nodded. She turned her head a little. "Do I know you from somewhere?" she asked.I shrugged. "You're the singer from FIF, right?" she asked. I nodded.

"So what were you doing on the curb? Get kicked out of the band?" she asked.

"No. I was just....not feeling well. My ride was taking too long and I needed to get home." I answered, trying not to just spill everything out.

I stayed silent most of the ride back to the house. I paid her as I walked up to the door. Dammit. The black Tahoe was in the driveway. He beat me home.

I walked inside and got attacked by Hem. I picked him up and walked right past Pete, who was looking at the mail on the kitchen table, and ran up the stairs. I put the dog down on his couch and stormed into the bed room.

Where was this going to leave me? I could have brain cancer by now. I could never talk to my friends again because of today. I may loose everything I've worked for, all because of that damned truck driver nearly six months ago. I ran my hands over my face and sighed.

The bed sank next to me and nice warm arms wrapped around me.

"I'm so, so sorry for not telling you Paige. I just.....I couldn't scare you like that. I couldn't tell you anything about us when you didn't know who I was unless you asked. I just, I couldn't do it." he said. Is he crying?

"I forgive you. Because I love you, I forgive you"