Cover Story Now in Stores

Pool Sex ;)

I was back home and on bed rest in a few days. That was good. But the instant the words Bed Rest came from Dr. Besman's mouth, Pete insisted that mean that I literally never get on my feet. He carried me into the bath room and waited for me to be done, he carried me into living room then wouldn't let me get off the couch unless I needed to go to the bathroom.

Hem barked at him when he wanted ME to take him for a walk!

"I think my dog likes you better." Pete said laying on the bed with me after finally getting back. I smiled.

"How many times are you going to tell me that?" I asked. He smiled too.

"Until the dog tells you himself." he answered.

"Is there I can get you?" he asked. I rolled my eyes.

"No, for the millionth time! I just want to get off this fucking bed and back to recording!" I yelled in agony.

"In seven days." Pete promised. I groaned.

"You're gonna drive me nuts is six and a half days! I won't be able to get to the studio if I'm locked up in a psych ward!" I told him.

He chuckled and moved the hair out of my face.

"You won't be going anywhere silly! I'm not letting you out of my sight for at least the next year and a half!" he said and kissed my cheek. I groaned again.

"I do have to finish this CD sometime this century!" I said.

He laughed at me.

"What is so funny, Wentz?" I asked.

"You, Katy." he answered. I rolled my eyes and tried to sit up.

"No! I don't want you to get hurt!" he freaked.

"Oh my god, Pete. It's friggen beautiful outside! Can't we go in the pool?!" I asked. I had been in the same pajamas for days!

"No!" he said sternly.

"PLEASE?!" I asked, bugging my eyes out and pouting.

"No." he said looking away. I pulled his arm and made him look at me.

"Please?" I asked. He sighed; I knew I had won.

"Fine." he said getting off the bed and looking through my drawers to find a bathing suit.

"Only because I love you and hate to see you pout!" he explained. I smiled and grabbed the suit then was forced to be carried into the bathroom. He did, however, give me privacy with getting the suit on. I started to walk downstairs and was swept off my feet.

"Now that, Pete, was how is should be done." I smiled and kissed him. He smiled and carried me outside then surprised me. He threw me into the pool! I almost forgot how to swim in my shock. "PETER LEWIS KINGSTON, YOU ARE IN SO MUCH TROUBLE NOW!" I yelled.

He stood back and laughed at me. I glared at him and made my over to him. A plan hatched in my mind. I pulled him to me, kissed him, turned him to the pool and pushed. It was now my turn to laugh hysterically!

"Touche." he said surfacing. I giggled and jumped into the water. He grabbed my waist and pinned me against the wall of the pool.

"Now how shall I get even?" he asked. I looked up and thought.

"I don't know, Wentz. How will you get even?" I asked. He smirked.

"Like this." he said and kissed me.

"Not much of payback, but I can deal." I said, smiling.