Cover Story Now in Stores

A month later and one happy cancer victim

April. What is there to say about it? Well, April 9th is Gerard Way's birthday. B-Den has a B-day this moth, right? April15th is the date that our new CD is due. Kinda fast, I know, but it's all cover music, so we can record faster since none of it is really new to us.

And today? April 14th, the day we're signing Cd's for our Fan club members (hey, we have a fan club!). Barnes and Nobles has been totally closed to the public for three hours now. As we pull into the parking lot, hundreds of people get off the ground and cheer.

"How long do you think they've been sitting there?" I asked.

Pete, with his arm around me, kissed my cheek.

"I'd wait forever if I was them. You guys are worth it." he said. Dev got off the bus first, followed by her boy toy, Autumn, Sonny, Matty, then Pete and I. I walked to the crowed of people and decided to run down the length of the building, slapping hands on my way.

I ran back inside the book store and sat behind the white table that had been set up for us, next to Dev. The first person that we actually met rolled in. She only looked about fifteen and was bald. The lady that had walked her in came to our table.

"This is Cassie. She's a really big fan of yours. Listen, she has brain cancer. She's part of the Make-A-Wish foundation and her wish...well, it was to meet you." she introduced. I smiled.

"I've always wanted to do this; make someone happy like this." I smiled at her. My band mates did the same.

I got out of my chair and walked over to Cassie. She froze at the mere sight of me. I just smiled at her.

"I'm Paige!" I said. She smiled and blushed.

"It's nice to meet you!" Dev said. Matt, Sonny, and Autumn joined us shortly.

"I'm Cassie." she said shyly.

We nodded as I picked up the pictures we were signing today and a sharpie and signed my name with a big heart around it and took off my Falling In Flames rubber bracelet. I handed the paper to Dev and looked at Cassie.

"I want you to have this. I know it'll mean much more to you than it has to me." I told her and put the bracelet on her wrist.

She stared at it like she had just gotten a golden invitation from god. Matt was the last to sign the picture and handed it to Cassie.

"How about a picture?" her lady asked. I'm going to assume she was Cassie's mom. I smiled at the Photo Op and turned around so I was next to Cassie. She was about my height, so we had no trouble with the arms around each other thing.

Dev, Matt, Sonny, and Autumn shortly joined the picture.

"Jere-bear! Panda! Join the picture!" Dev shouted. Pete and Jeremy hurried into the frame. We all smiled and hugged Cassie. Her face lit up with happiness. Just before they made their exit, Cassie's mom came over to us.

"Thank you. She'll never forget this. You know, when the agent from Make-A-Wish told us she was going to meet you, I had the thought that you would let her down, disappoint her. You five proved me wrong! Thank you so much!" she said. She looked as if she was going to cry.

I smiled and placed my hand on her shoulder.

"Believe me, this is something we want someone as sweet as Cassie to remember." I assured her. She smiled and walked back over to Cassie.

A few minutes later, the line that was outside flooded in. The first few pictures were easy to sign, but after a while, my hand was throbbing. Still, I had a smile on my face and always tried to say something to the fans that weren't too shy. Some people actually leaned over the table and asked for pictures.

A few girls in the line looked just like me or Dev. Some of them didn't even look like they were really in our fan club, but I really don't know their stories.

Eventually all of the fans filed out and we made our way to a Hotel, seeing as this whole thing was in Minnesota. I started watching Big Brother when Pete laid on the bed next to me and played with my ring. Remember, the ring he gave me for my birthday? Yes, that one.

"What you did for that girl, Cassie, was really special." he said, kissing me hand. I smiled.

"I know. That's why I did it. I wanted her to be special." I replied. He smiled.

"How did I end up with someone like you? Someone so special, you have to rub it off on everyone around you?" he asked. I blushed.

"It's the truth!" he defended. I just giggled and kissed him.

"Well, how did I end up with someone like you? Almost the total opposite of what people make of a good way?" I asked. He shrugged and kissed me again. I sighed.

"I guess it's not how we ended up here, but who we had to step on along the way!" I joked, looking at my nails for dramatization.

Pete chuckled.

"You're so cute when you're a fake narcissist." he said and kissed me again. I smiled and deepened the kiss, but Jeremy and Dev burst in.

"Sorry, but it's PARTY TIME!" Dev yelled. I jumped off the bed and pulled Pete out of the room with me.

And indeed, we did party!
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I'm such a good person!