Cover Story Now in Stores

Your Eggo is Prego

I walked past yet another magazine stand, four of ten mags with Pete and I on some part of the front. Autumn sighed, seeing exactly what I was, too. Dev just kept walking, texting both Matty and Jeremy at the same time.

"I can't even remember the last time I got my period." I told them randomly.

Autumn looked back at me, surprised that anything of that sort might come out of my mouth.

"What are you trying to imply?" she asked. I shrugged and sighed. I really had no idea what I meant. Today.....was just not my kind of day. Well, it's overcast.

Usually, I love overcast weather, but today it's just miserably dark. My hot coffee turned cold too quickly. And I've felt like I was gonna vomit at any minute ever since I woke up this morning.

"Paigey, you don't look so good. You wanna just, sit for minute?" Dev asked. I shook my head and ran down the alley closest to me. And out goes everything I'd consumed in the last twelve hours.


I rushed into Walgreen's, Dev and Autumn following.

"What are you doing, Paige?" Dev asked. I didn't answer. I hurried to the aisle I needed and picked out the box that I saw first, shoving my way back to the register. I quickly paid for the stick and ran back to the bathroom.

I ripped the box open and frantically tried to pee on it. Five long minutes and endless questions went by me, Dev and Autumn repeating things that I hadn't been listening to anyway. God, I can't be pregnant. I'm only 21. We're supposed to go on tour for five months soon! I can't.....I'm not ready to be a mom!

I checked my watch again. It's time, I though. I closed my eyes tight and tried to not look at the stick.

"Paige....what does the box say the pink screen means?" Autumn asked. Shit. Fuck. Damn it!

A tear fell from my eyes.

"Paige? Are you OK?" Dev asked. Another tear. "Damn it, Autumn! She's fucking pregnant!" she yelled. That's when I broke down.

"Paige, don't cry." Autumn pleaded, holding me up by my arms. I opened my eyes and looked at the shitty, piss-smelling stick in my hands. The screen was pink. And the box said that meant 'prego'.

As the clerk in Juno would say, "This ain't no etch-a-sketch. This is one doodle that can't be undid".

After that, I all I remember is being forced into the car and driven home. Pete ran right out to the car and carried me up to the bedroom. Now, with everything that's about to happen, I warn you that, you're going to be shocked, utterly appalled. You used to think Pete was the perfect boyfriend, until this happened.

"Paige, what happened?" he asked. I mumbled something even I couldn't comprehend. It was so inaudible, that I think the dog was straining to hear it. "What?" he asked, pushing hair out of my face. I looked at him face, trying to find answerers to my own questions.

"Pete, I......" I drifted. He sat there with worry in his eyes.

"Paige, you what?!" he asked. I felt one last tear fall down my face. He wiped it away and just kissed it's trail. See what I mean about the perfect boyfriend thing?

"Pete, I'm pregnant." I told him. His worry turned into shock. Then something I'd never seen from him since the Ryland issue. Anger. Hatred. I cringed at these.

"You can't.....we whore!" he yelled. My breathe got caught in my throat. He did NOT just call me that. More tears came on.

"What? What did I do? It's your fucking fault that I got pregnant!" I shouted back at him. He glared at me, and it was the scariest thing I'd ever seen in my life.

"How could I? We had protection every time! Don't you dare tell me this....this thing is mine!" he yelled. My turn to glare. I think, somehow, my glare wasn't half as scary as his was.

"Did you ever think that, maybe your crappy 'protection' might have ripped? Maybe we forgot to put it on and didn't realize it!" I gritted. I couldn't believe it was coming to this. I thought we were in love. What's love if he's going to accuse me of cheating?

"Oh, so now my protection is too small?" he asked. I started laughing a mad laughter.

"You realize you just called your 'package' bigger than your 'baggage', right? You do realize that you've been the only guy I've ever given myself to, right?!" I asked him. He backed off a little. He looked as if he was thinking about something. Then he turned back to me, eyes bright with fury.

"Get out. You're lien to me. I knew it would come to this ever since Ryland. I knew I couldn't trust you." he told me. I looked at him as if he was crazy.

"What?" I asked, truly hurt. He just glared at me.

"Get. Out. Of. My. House." he told me as if I was stupid. I lightened my expression, so that he could see how hurt I was. I was bearing his child in me and he was throwing me out of the only place in California that I called home. Really, so much for love.

"What are you waiting for? Get out!" he yelled. I cringed again, turning my face from him. "You heard me. Get the fuck out!" he told me. I could feel tears stream down my face.

"I thought you loved me." I said and stormed out of the room. I picked up a bag off the dinning table and started stuffing clothes into it, and my wallet, then walked out of the house and down to the bus stop. A bus pulled up and I pulled my hood over my eyes.

I put my money in the little box and looked around the bus, surprised to see that I was the only one on.

"Just tell me where you need to get." the driver told me. I sighed.

"The nearest five-star hotel." I mumbled. He nodded and I took a seat and stared at the house as it pulled away. And I started crying again. My phone started to vibrate. I pulled it out to see I had a text from Autumn.

"How'd he take it?" it read. I whimpered, not really wanting to explain the whole thing over again. I did, however hit the reply button and typed "Does 'he kicked me out' sound good to you?" then sent the message. The bus pulled up to a hotel and the door opened.

I put my bag on my shoulder and ignored the vibration in my pocket. I thanked the driver and headed into the hotel, getting a room with a big bath tub. All I need right now is a big bubble bath and a gallon of chocolate milk. And maybe some pride.
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Hate to say Told-ya-so!