Cover Story Now in Stores

The Beach

"Paigey!" I heard. I looked to the door and saw a full head of red hair enter the room, and smiled, knowing that just the hair would make my day better.

"Hayley!" I said and wobbled over to her to hug her.

"Hey! Weebles Wobble but they don't fall down!" she teased. I stuck my tongue out at her but she just smiled. "You do look good though, you know, for a prego lady and all!" she told me. I giggled and waited for Josh to come in. And the second he did, my feet started radiating.

He smiled softly at me and pulled me into his arms. I was just shocked that he was standing in the same room as me again. It felt like I hadn't seen him in years instead of months.

"Hey Paige!" he said, low enough for only me to hear. I smiled.

"Hey Joshie!" I said back to him. He smiled and let me out of his grasp, then looked me up and down.

"Dude, you look so, so good." he said. I blushed and smiled. Wait, I thought the only person that ever made me blush was Pete.........

"Thanks." I mumbled. He smiled as Jeremy and Dev headed back into the room. They stared at me looking at the floor with a smile on my face and Josh staring at me.

"Is there something going on that I missed?!" Dev asked frantically. I giggled and looked at my friend.

"No. Nothing. Let's get you two settled!" Autumn cut in. Damn, she'd seen the whole thing! Hayley and Josh followed her to the extra rooms since I had a suite then came back out and folded her arms across her chest.

"OK, I've known you for.......almost six years now. Please, enlighten me on the subject of having two people in the last year and a half make you blush." she said. Dev stared at us like we were crazy, and Jeremy had gone down the hall to get some ice for the room.

"I don't know. Josh never made me do that before." I sighed. And even though it was true, it felt good to be blushing over someone other than the dick head that got me pregnant, as much as I still love him. But I looked at my friends and sat on the couch in the room.

"Well, it's a good sign, isn't it? You could be getting over Pete! Josh could be-" Autumn started. I rolled my eyes and glared at her. Of all people, she should be the one to know when to talk about certain things around me. Asshole.

"Do you not see this? I'm fucking pregnant. There isn't anyone on the green earth that would want me in my state." I said. Dev sighed and joined us on the couch.

"Not true. Would Farro have flown out here, all the way across the country from Franklin, just to see the scenery? I mean, yeah, LA is nice, but Paige, he came out here for you." Dev said. I sighed again. Why did she always have to be right when it came to things like that?

"Yeah, but-" I was going to finish the sentence, but Josh made his appearance in the room again. I smiled instantly, not really hiding it or actually causing it. But Josh smiled back, his lip ring shining in the light from the window.

Autumn noticed us staring at each other and smiled.

"Let's go to the beach!" Dev said. Iforcedturned my gaze to her with a hint of a question in my eyes. Did she not notice that I was a walking rock? "It's a beautiful day out, Haylz and Josh just got here, and we're on the Pacific coast! Why not?" she asked. I rolled my eyes.

"Dev, have you not seen me? My boobs are probably bigger than any one of my suits will fit and my stomach sticks out three miles!" I said. Josh chuckled and Autumn burst out laughing.

"All I heard was something about boobs!" Hayley said, walking into the room. Dev started laughing, but I rolled my eyes at the freaks I call friends. Dev looked at me and snorted. My case prooven.

"Paige, wear a strapless shirt and short jeans!" Autumn said. Man, she really wanted to get to the beach. I sighed and walked into my room. I picked up the box that was on the bed.........

It was the box that held the ring Pete had given to me for my birthday as a promise ring. Some promise. I couldn't wear the ring, but I couldn't find it in me to get rid of it. I felt the baby kick as I moved the box to the bed-side table and picked out a yellow, flowy, strapless shirt and a pair of short jeans and changed.

I put on flip flops and took one last look at the ring, then headed out to the front room again. Josh was in his swim trunks and a low v-cut shirt. I smiled at him, he smiled back at me. The baby kicked again.

"Ready? Everyone headed down to the cab already." he told me. God, they're friggen fast! I smiled again and nodded, taking his out-stretched hand and walked into the elevator and down to the cab that was waiting outside with Hayley, Autumn, Jeremy, and Dev. Dude, it was more like a van.

We all sang the songs on the radio, driving the cab driver crazy until we finally made it to the beach. Josh helped me out of the van and held my hand until we fond a spot on the beach for our stuff. Everyone started taking off their over-clothes and ran to the water.

Josh and I hung out on land for a while. It was nice, getting to know him again like this.

"Other than preparing to be a mother, what have you been up to lately?" he asked. I smiled at him and pulled my sunglasses off my face.

"Other than preparing to be a mother, trying to just get along. I mean, there isn't much money coming in to a single lead singer-mom-to-be, especially with the whole 'no touring while prego' deal. I do have my friends that all took time out of their lives to come out here and take care of my, though." I answered. He started rubbing my back, and it felt really, really good.

"Well, you can always call me if there's anything you ever need. I want to-need to let you know that, no matter what, I'll always be here for you." he told me. I smiled at him and kissed his cheek.

"That's sweet, Josh. Anyway, what have you been up to, Mr.?" I asked. He smiled and kept rubbing my back, a hint of a blush creeping across his face. It was cute.

"Not much. I went home right after you got out of the hospital and just spent a few months catching up with old friends and family. My older sister, especially. We haven't talked in.....two years since Paramore started, and it was nice to finally be able to catch up with her." he answered. I smiled. So the kid's family oriented. Good sign.

We talked about nothing and everything for a little while. Every time he'd smile at me again, the baby would start to kick. Until I saw it.

It. It was Pete and Ashlee, heavily making out, only about 30 or so feet away from Josh and I.