Cover Story Now in Stores

You fall In and Out Of It.

I almost cried on the way home. But I guess Pete was just playing fair. I was flaunting my Josh-fling, and he was flaunting his Ash-hole. Sometimes, life works that way, I guess.

I had to pee really badly once we got back to the elevator. Instead of using the public restrooms in the lobby, I insisted on using the one in my suite. Which meant that a super-slow elevator was going to leave me peeing my pants on the ground floor of a five star hotel.

I ran to the stairs to try and make it to the fourth level without peeing myself, and ran past a very frisky couple. Everything was then on in transit. The guy's foot slipped on the marble stair enough for me to trip over, and I fell flat on my stomach and face. Then, I was out.


'Beep.' 'Beep.' 'Beep.' 'Beep.'

"C'mon Paige. I know you can make it through this! You've done it once before!" I heard. 'Beep.' "Paige! C'mon! We want you to live!" and whoever it was, they were desperate. I recognized the voice, too. I knew who it was, but wouldn't be able to put a face to it until I could actually open my eyes.


And finally, I forced my lids to part and looked at who was in the room with me. Autumn, check. Dev, check. Jeremy, check. Josh and Hayley, check and check. Pete and-, well, check anyway. But where was his new buddy, anyway? Matty and Vicky T, even though I'm not sure when she got here, double check. Sonny and Andy Burley, check-o.

"Oh my god!" Dev screeched. I went to slowly sit up and finally noticed something. I looked up at my friends with fear in my eyes.

"Where's my baby?" I nearly whispered. Three of nine faces dropped. Four faces went sour. Two faces were shocked. And one, the one I wasn't expecting to be alone, was hurt, angry (but I don't think at me), and aggravated. "Where's my baby?" I repeated, louder now.

Matty moved closer to me and held my hand gently. He tried to say something, but I could see the tears in his eyes, and my Matty never cries.

"Paigey. The b-baby d-din-'t m-make the f-fall." he chocked. I stared at him with wide eyes, then at all my friends.

"Someone please tell me he's lying!" I demanded. No one even looked at me. Other than the one person with three emotions. I could feel a tear slip down my face. "Some one-" I started.

"He's not, Ms. Katy." I heard. I turned my face to the door and saw a tall man in a long, white coat staring at me. I looked back at him, waiting for him to elaborate on what was going on. Because the last thing I remember was running for a bathroom.

"Ms. Katy, the impact of the fall you took was enough to puncture a rib, had you not been pregnant. Unfortunately, because you were pregnant, the baby was killed almost instantly." the doctor told me. And another tear fell down my face. After all I went through for that child, the big man upstairs had to rip it away from me.

I really wanted to have the baby after a while. That's part of the reason I kept it.

"And now that you're awake, we can have you discharged in a few hours." the doctor said. He nodded at all of us then made his way down the hall. I looked at everyone again.

Dev, Autumn, Hayley, and Pete all looked like they were going to cry. Matty, Jeremy, and Sonny all looked like they were choking back tears that had already fallen. Vicky T, Josh, and Andy just....they obviously were telling themselves that they couldn't cry.

And I felt bad for each and everyone of them, instead of me. Matty really wanted to be Uncle Matty. Dev really wanted to be a second mom to this kid, and Autumn wanted to be Auntie Aut., just as much as the next person. But the one thing that was stunning me, was the look on Pete's face.

Apparently, he wanted to be Daddy, more than anyone in the room. Could've fooled me.

"I'm so sorry, guys." I whispered. Dev got up and hugged me. This was the reason she's been my friend since 1st grade.

"Oh, Paige. None of this was your fault. None of this was anyone's fault! Please, whatever you do, don't blame yourself. Fate just didn't work out in your favor this time." she said, holding me as if I'd break. I wanted to believe her, but none of that made sense to me.

I had run up those stairs and fallen. I had gotten pregnant. I had left Pete, and instead of trying to talk sense into him, I let Ashlee have him. What wasn't I to blame for?

After a while, everyone, even Hayley (who surprised me by crying), was balling. I insisted everyone go home. But, of course, one stubborn person wanted to stay with me. Pete didn't refuse to leave; he threatened to hurt himself if I didn't let him stay. And, as much as I should hate him for flaunting Ashlee in front of me, I didn't want him hurt.

"I have something to tell you." he said. He was in hysteria. Tears were falling out of his eyes uncontrollably, and he couldn't talk without stuttering. So I waited for him to tell me what he needed to say.

"Paige....I-I.....huh....I love you. So, so much. I never stopped. And every day that I had to wake up next to someone that wasn't you, I was torn apart. You wouldn't even be able to count the times Ashlee was mad at me for calling her Paige." he said. He was starting to babble, but I stopped listening there.

I pushed myself off the bed and looked up at him. OK, so my body may have changed, getting ready to have a child, but my height was still the same.

"Why did you kick me out if you loved me?" I asked. He sighed and held my face in place, not moving closer to me, but just making sure I'd stay and listen to him.

"I was so, so scared Paige. If you can find it in your heart to believe me, I swear that I wouldn't want any other woman on this planet to be bearing my child." he said softly, another few tears falling down his face.

"So, if you love me so much, enlighten me on the fact that you didn't even try to get me back." I said. I wasn't mad. I wasn't going to let him think I was, anyway. I wanted to honestly know why he hadn't fought. Why he had just given up on us, until now.

"Because I thought you hated me. I know I did. I hated myself for treating you a cheating whore. I really wish I could take it all back, because I didn't mean any of it. I wanted that baby, no matter what I said that night. I wanted to have a child with you, Paige." he said.

A tear fell down my face, but since his fingers were on my cheeks, it fell onto his thumb and he wiped it away. I wasn't smiling. Everything was....overwhelming, over emotional, over dramatic. I leaned forward and cried into Pete's chest. And I remembered everything we've been trough together.

"Pete," I said. He pulled my face up so I could look at him. "I love you." I told him.