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"Are you sure about that, Paige?" Travis asked. We'd become closer as the tour progressed. I nodded.

"Yeah. I think I need it more than anything, espically to see if what I want can happen, you know?" I said. He sighed. He was just being protective of me. He's not sure the whole vacation thing will turn ou the way I want, but then again, neither am I.

"I want make sure you're not going to end up where you did the last time, is all. I know what being hurt feels like," he told me. I nodded. This kid thinks he knows pain. He wasn't the one that got pregnant and had to live in a hotel for five months.

"I know. And I'm glad that you care about me enough to worry, but I'm a big gril Travie. As much as I feel unstable and vunerable right now, I can really take care of myself. Maybe things won't be the way I need, but I'll get over it. I have you, Drew, Hunter, Doug, Autumn, Matty, Sonny, Dev, Hayley, Josh....the list could go on, all of which care about me enough to take care of me," I told him.

"You're right. It's just, you're like an older sister to me. I'd hate to actually see you go through that," he told me again. I nodded. "Like, what if Pete ends up hurting you again?" he asked. I didn't really know what I'd do. Probably find a way to live without him.

"Travis, that's a chance that I need to take," I almost whispered.

"But is it a chance worth it's consequences?" he asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know, but I'm ready to find out," I answered. He nodded.

"On a lighter subject, what do you think I should wear tomrrow night for the show? My purple hoodie, or a Bank Clothing shirt?" he asked. I giggled at his change of heart all the sudden. That's the good thing about being friends with this dude.

"Um...hoodie. Brings out the blue in your eyes!" I told him. He laughed and we bumped hips, like you see in movies when two people walk down the road.

Later everyone hung out. We had this...contest thing, and thirty of our biggest fans got to have a bon fire on the Salt Lake border with us. That was fun. I talked to so many people, I could barley remember my own name! But when I got back to my bunk, I stared at the picture of Hem and Pete and thought about all the good times we had together.

And everything seemed to be better when I thought about that.
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Short, kind of.