Cover Story Now in Stores

What You've All Been Waiting For

I glared at Matt. Sure, we were on our way to New York right now, but Sonny and Matt sill wouldn't tell me why. Pete had left this morning, and now that it's two in the after noon in L.A., it's five in New York. Dev was just sitting with Autumn and Jeremy, talking away to the both of them. But I sat there and glared at Matt, then Sonny, then back to Matt.

"Flight 837 is now begining to board," I heard. I sighed and picked up my bag, walking up to the stewardess and handing her my ticket. Thank god I was in the same row as Lover-boy Davis and his Wonder-girl Dev. I found my seat and pulled up the window. Hopefully, we'd be leaving soon, so I could watch he flight take off.

"Excited?" Dev asked. I shrugged. Sure, I'd get to see Pete again, but did Pete even know? What if Pete was the one that set this up? And how did Sonny and Matt know, but not Autumn and Dev, or Jeremy for that fact? No questions, I promised myself I would stop overanalyzing things.

Finally, the plane backed up, then waited for it's turn to take off. As soon as the signal was given for electronics, I pulled out my iPod and started listening to Ludo. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew Dev was waking me up and trying to pull me out of he row and off the plane.

I got off the air craft and looked around at the terminal. The clock I found said that it was nine o'clock here, and I followed my mates down to the luggage area to grab my suitcase. I was still glaring at Matt, but he was ignoring me, so I glared at Sonny. He ignored me, too.

I got my suitcase and waited for everyone else to find theirs. As soon as we got into that was waiting outside for us, we were whisked away past building after building. Finally, we pulled up right into a building with an MTV logo. What was that about? What were we doing here?

The door was opened, and we were all ushered into the building. We came all the way across the country to be on MTV? I guess that's the sacrifice we have to make being....,well, us. I guess. Before I knew it, I was being pushed into hair and make up, then was pressed up against a door. There was alot of noise on the oppisite side, and I was begining to wonder what we were acually here for.

"Please welcome, Falling In Flames!" I heard. The door opened and I would have fallen flat on my face had I not been able to walk. I made it down the stairs smiling and over to-Pete? This is the taping of his new show? What was I doing here? He already had everyone booked for this thing!

"Nice to see you again, so soon!" he said, putting his arms around me. Something was up. But what? Pete wouldn't have flown us all out here from Los Angels just so I could be on his show, would he?

"So, this is a music video show, so what's all of your's favorite music videos?" he asked, arm still around me. I tried to smile and let someone else asnwer, but I probably looked fake. Dev took the lead from there.

"I think we all agree when I say that our favorite video is Pressure by our friends Paramore." Thank god Jeremy was back stage, there might have been a full-on make out session right there on stage. Pete smiled and pulled his mic up to his mouth.

"Let's roll Pressure!" He yelled. Soon, we were all looking at the screens around the stage and watching a clip from the middle of the Paramore video. Then Pete was talking again. "What is is about that video that you all like?" That's when I took over.

"Probably the way the took the title and the whole point of the song and put it into a literal and visual movie for their fans." Pete nodded and went on with his show.

"So, Falling In Flames doesn't have a new video out just yet, but I do have a question for Paige here," he said. He let go of my waist and I looked back at my friends. Sonny and Matt had the biggest smiles on their faces. What could they be so happy about? Matty pointed over to where Pete was, and when I looked over, I didn't find him. That is, until I looked down.

He was on one knee, a smile on his pretty face, and made me back away quickly. I thought I was going to fall over. What was going on? This is why I came all the way out to New York? What was this, anyway? "Paige, we've been togther for just about two years now, and I-I can't really explain how I feel for you."

I put my hands over my mouth, and I could feel tears welling up in my eyes and throat. This was it. This was why I couldn't know about coming here, why we were on this show. I could feel the ground moving, but that was because of everyone's cheering. I couldn't hear anything but what Pete was saying to me.

"I want to know, if you'd-d make me the luckiest guy in the world a-and m-marry me?" I could feel my heart stop. Why hadn't I thought of this in the first place? Of course this was why we were following Pete out here. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't thi-no, I was deffinitly thinking.

There he was, my dream guy, on one knee, in front of a whole lot of fans, asking me to marry him. Was 21 too young? I was almost 22 anyway. Time seemed to go a lot slower, so a few seconds felt like hours, until my throat cleard and the tears were flowing down my face.

My hands flew from my face and around his neck, kissing him in front of all those people. I didn't care. I had just accpeted to being Mrs. Pete Wentz.
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