Cover Story Now in Stores

Lazy Days

I woke up in a cold bed. Sheets were wrapped around me, two dogs were at the end of the bed, and the house was errily quiet. The blinds were pulled back, letting a vast expanse of sunlight fill through my room. I smiled into the pillow for a second before really opening my eyes and looking around.

My feet were tangled in our new red sheets, my naked body still asleep from a very long night. I propped myself up on one elbow, finding a note on the bed side table next to me. Paigey! <3, I saw on the front. I smiled, picking up the paper and unfolding the crease so the two halfs became a whole.

Had to get down to the studio for some technical work; be back soon. Try not to get dressed, today is a cuddle day, and tomorrow we can worry about the wedding. I love watching you sleep, especially when I can never fall into that dream-like state myself.

I told Hem and Rigby to behave themselvs, and I hope they complied, because I want to come home to a semi-sleepy, beatuifully nude fiance. Now I just sound like a pig, but can you blame me? L-o-L or whatever. -Petey! <3

I put the letter back in it's original place and smiled at the dogs. Hemingway was still fast asleep and Rigby was looking back at me, waiting for recognition for her to join me at my end of the bed. I held my hand out and waited for her to trot over so I could play with her. It still barley hit me that I was getting married to Pete-the one and only-Wentz.

I looked out my window and searched the back yard, not expecting but finding Dev and Jeremy in the pool. There was another note on the door that I hadn't noticed until I was pressed against the cool glass. P.S. Dev and Jeremy invited themselvs and promised to behave as long as they could borrow the pool for the day. I wouldn't stay near the door for too long with them down there, haha!

I giggled and waved down at my friends, almost being ignored but not really carring. Tomorrow, I was going to start planning my wedding. I don't know anything about this! I don't have a date, a maid of honor, a ring bearer, a guest list, a caterer.......god, I had nothing!

I heard the door slam then, and I smiled, getting back into the bed with the sheets still wrapped around me. I sat against the head board of the bed and waited for Pete to walk through the door, only to have my happiness brightened when a whole bunch of red roses were found in his hands. He must have known they were my favorite by then.

"I see someone got a good sleep," he said. I realized what he was wearing (sweat pants and a hoodie); something easy to slip off once he got home to his naked soon-to-be-wife. I smiled, nonetheless, as he set the flowers down and let the dogs out off the balcony and down the stairs of the back wall into the yard. I knew they'd be preoccupied with Dev and Jeremy down there.

"I sure did, only after the amazing sex that came before slumber," I said, trying to boost his ego. He raised his eyebrows into a smile; the kind of thing a guy does when he hears what he wants to. I rolled my eyes and watched as he stripped down and got in bed with me, wrapping me in his arms again. How I missed those tattoos whilst dreaming.

"So what did you do while I was gone?" he asked. Truthfully, nothing. I walked across the room and got back in bed. And that's just what I told hing; "Nothing," before leaning against his bare chest, loving his arms holding me in the most protective of ways.

"Good. All your energy can go into our lazy day in bed then."

I smiled and nodded, adoring the idea of doing nothing but just that.
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Ugh, a realllllllly long wait here.
Sorry 'bout that!