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"I'm gonna be all lonely in that bed by myself!" Pete whined. I rolled my eyes, but turned and smiled at him anyway. Tonight, Dev, Iesha, Autumn, and Bridget were sleeping over, and Pete wasn't invited. Although, Will, Jeremy, and Brendon offered to come and take him out for a pre-bachelor party. Why didn't he accept? Dumbass.

"Hey, you're the one that opted to stay at home instead of taking a guys night on the town while you knew you'd get kicked out of the party here if you even thought of crashing," I told him. He sighed, smiling just a small bit, before wrapping me in his long arms again.

"Why are you always right?" he asked me. Silly boy, he should know this!

"Because, women are always right!" I said. He smiled and pecked my lips before I turned around again and started getting things ready.

"Is Rigby allowed to keep me company?" he asked, following me down the stairs and into the kitchen. I sighed and set everything in my hands on the counter before opening the fridge and getting out a jar of grape jelly.

"No, she's one of the girls and part of the wedding. The part that I have to plan with out you! Hemingway and you can watch all the episodes of Pokemon and Spongebob all you want while pigging out on pizza and shit when Rigby and my girls are planning our wedding!" I insturcted. Pete smirked at me.

"That little rant you just had, it was hot!" he said. I rolled my eyes at my horn dog of a fiance and opened the jelly jar, grabbing some bread to make an all-grape sandwhich. Man, was I ever hungry! "Can you at least make me a jelly sammie?" he asked. I smiled and nodded, recieving a kiss on my cheek a he walked around the kitchen with eight paws hot on his trail.


"Where are you having the whole thing? I mean, you've got the wedding party, dresses, ring bearers, and a cake layout, but you still have no venue?" Dev asked. I siged. She was right. I had most of the important things setteled, only really big things were the date, time, invites, and the venue. Ugh.

"Pete and I were thinking Angels and Kings back in Chicago. Well, for the reception, anyway. We're really not sure where, we plan on taking a trip out to the grand Windy City to find a place. By then we should have a date. I kind of want a Fall/Winter wedding, you know?" I asked.

"Paige, your birthday is already a Fall/Winter holiday! Can't you do it in, like January?" Autumn asked. Bridget sat next to Iesha with her sketch book open, listening to our conversation wordlessly. To her, she was just the dress girl, no matter how many times I told her other wise.

"Nah. January's too.........plain for me. What about July?" I asked. Dev scrunched her nose. Summer wasn't best time to get married, especially when the couple is made up of two very sweaty rockstars in ninety-degree weather. "September?" I asked.

Iesha shrugged with Dev, but Autumn rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Autumn, it's already November! Soon enough, my birthday's gonna roll around, then it'll be January again, then what?!" I asked. I was hoping they'd agree on a later date next year, that way I'd have more time to grow, to plan.

"May." Bridget wasn't looking at any of us, only at her book. I gave her a quizical look. "Your dresses go with spring, so I'm thinking the wedding should be in the middle of May, in the heart of Chicago!" she said. I smiled so wide, I felt my lips crack.

"She's a genious!"
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Hate to say "I told you so".