Cover Story Now in Stores

Getting Ready

I held my beautiful dress in my hands, contemplating about when to put it on. Bee had gotten it just the way I wanted: tu-tu skirt, corset top, and lace-up converse flats. My bride's maids dresses came out perfectly: short fitted halter dresses in all sorts of sherbert colors. And Dev's dress was a light shade of yellow, showing off her tan skin amazingly.

She was going to knock Jeremy off his feet. And he was sitting down!

Iesha tried putting her makeup on while Autumn let the lady from Extra! in. Pete and I'd decided their crew would be the only television show or media at the wedding. But when the girl walked into the room, I recognized the look on her face: pure horror. She was filming Pete Wentz and Paige Katy's wedding, so that was understandable.

"Do you mind if we film everything in here? Maybe take a few pictures?" she asked. I smiled and shook my head. The extensions Bee had put in my hair made my face seem smaller then usual, but I liked them. I was seriously thinking about just keeping them in for a while. The purple color of the fake hair blended nicely with my dyed black hair.

I pulled my jeans off first as the cameramen set up their equipment. There were three people from the network in the room; the reporter, a video cameraman, and an image cameraman. She girl went around to my bridal party (Autumn, Dev, Iesha, Bee, and Hayley) and asked them all how they knew me, why I put them in their positions, how cute they thought Pete and I were together, and so on.

I pulled off my hoddie and stood in front of my dress in just my purple corset and lacey underwear for.....later, and carefully took the dress off the hanger. I looked behind me. All eyes and cameras were on Hayley for the moment. "Dev," I called. She turned around looked at me. I nodded to my dress before she got up and smiled.

It was her honorable duty as the maid of honor to help me into my dress.

The reporter noticed this and told the image cameraman to get some pictures of Dev helping me into the thirty pound piece of cloth. I stepped into the dress and pulled it up, letting the hem of the corset top hang just under my arms. I turned around as flashes went off in my face. I just smiled and let Dev lace up the back of the dress.

She turned me around and sized me up. "You look amazing. Mind blowingly beautiful," she said. I smiled and hugged her, sniffling and keeping my eyes closed to try to stop myself from crying. That would not have been good since I already had my makeup on and everything.

"Thank you so much for being here for me today," I almost cried. This was my best friend, and I'd known this girl longer than anyone in the entire building. She held me close to her and nodded. More flashes went off.

"You're gonna be married at the end of the day. I'm just glad I get to witness it!" she said. I smiled and let her get back to what she'd been doing previously. That's when it hit me; I was marrying Pete Wentz today. My Pete Wentz. The Pete Wentz I fell in love with over a matter of two years. The same Pete Wentz I'd been through so much with.

Soon, I was going to be Paige Katy-Wentz. Then I would be mama Katy-Wentz. And so on, but that's not my point. My point was that I was getting married at almost 22.

But quite frankly, I didn't care. I was marrying the only man on the planet I'd ever really loved. The only man that would (other than Matty and Sonny) really love me back. I sighed to get a hold my nerves. They decided to kick in just then, and I wasn't comfortable in my own skin again. One of the cameramen told me that was normal for a bride to be on her wedding day. His sister went through the same thing.

About ten minutes before the ceremony was supposed to start, Matt came through the door. He looked around until his eyes found me. I was so glad to have a friend like him, and since my dad wasn't invited to the wedding at all, Matt was taking his place and walking me down the aisle. It only felt right.

"You look amazing, Paige!" he told me. I blushed as a couple more flashes went off. "

"You don't look half shabby yourself, Good," I said calling him by his last name. He smiled and held his arm out for me.

"Someone's waiting at the end of the aisle for you, Katy."
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the only thing I have to write about Paige and Pete.
After everything is just about planned, but until this, there wasn't anything.
Therefore, I'm posting this.
The actual wedding will come in the next chapter.