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The Big Day

Everyone was in line. Pete was already down the aisle when Matty and I took our places behind everyone. After Pete, there was Dev and Patrick, then Autumn and Andy, Iesha and Joe, Bree and Andrew (Pete's brother). Finally, Matty and I had to wait until the 'brides' song started.

The veil on my head wasn't covering my face, so I could see everything clearly. The whole room was filled with friends and family, and especially my mother and brother who I did decide to invite. Unlike my father and I, I had a great relationship with my mother.

Matty held my arm while I held onto the small bouquet of roses. We walked down through the middle of the seats in sync with the music. Pete's eyes were on me-though I doubt anyone else's were anywhere else-drool almost hanging out of his mouth. I smiled and let a small blush rise in my face.

When we got to the end of the aisle, Matty let go of my arm and kissed my cheek before handing me to Pete. I stepped up across from him with Dev right behind me. The Justice of the Peace spoke up and started the ceremony.

I had trouble concentrating. One thing was running through my mind: Pete Wentz loves you enough to marry you. One thing was reminding me that I loved Pete enough to marry him.

Rigby and Hemingway were sitting in front of Pete and I, little pillows on their backs. Really, Hem was the ring bearer, but Rigby just looked so cute with her little red pillow on her back!

"Paige, do you solemnly take Pete as your lawfully wedded husband? To hold in sickness and health, till death do you part?" he asked. I smiled for a second before answering the usual, "I do." He asked the same question to Pete, getting the same answer before pronouncing us Husband and Wife under the law of California.

I smiled when he started saying that Pete could kiss his bride. Pete pulled me to him in a quick flash of sight and passionately placed his lips on mine. I smiled into the kiss before pulling away and smiling at my new Husband. I was married.

We almost rand down the aisle again, hand in hand, and out the doors to the limo that was waiting for us. That was probably the only alone time we were going to get that day-Extra! was going to follow us until the whole wedding ended. Reception included.

We savored every minute of the half-an-hour drive from the hotel to the reception area-a building on the north side of down-town L.A.

When we finally arrived, we were announced as Mr. and Mrs. Pete Wentz, and we walked into the huge room to our fist dance. Our song we chose was Sweet Child O' Mine, and the house band (a.k.a. Patrick, Andy, Brendon, and Spencer) played it well. I smiled and held my body close to Pete's, enjoying ever minute of being his wife.

Because wife was more than just a title to me. It meant that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me. He wanted me and only me until the day he died. I felt so amazing knowing that.