Cover Story Now in Stores

Setting In A Honeymoon

I had the purple and black corset and lace underwear on under my dress. It didn't take me long to get out of the white cloth and into my jeans and Pete's black and purple Bat-Diamond Clandestine Industries hoodie. I took my time slipping on my Vans and grabbing my suit case before joining Pete in the limo to the air port.

He had changed into a tight pair of skinnies and a blue shirt that was too small length wise. With his arms around the head rest and around me, I could see the top of his bart-skull tattoo. His warm skin was calming against me, while I was shaking in my socks.

I was hoping the Honeymoon sex wouldn't be horrible. Not that it ever had been, but that's just my own business.

"How does it feel," he said shifting so I could almost lay on him, "to be married to me? Not the media's Pete Wentz, but the me that you know?" he asked. I sighed and let his arm move up and down mine, drawing a narrow but long circle on my skin.

"Amazing. I'm still having a hard time believing it," I answered. I grinned and asked, "How does it feel to be married to me? I'm just some chick from Florida in a cover band." He pulled my lips to his before answering me. His kisses still felt amazing, despite having reached this new level of our relationship.

"I can't even begin to say. I'm happier than I've ever been in my life. And I finally see what I need to-that you are the answers to any question I've ever had," he said. The last part confused me a little, but I let it go and blushed like crazy. "You're amazing, Paige. Beautiful, smart, an amazing singer, funny, fun, and I don't know one person you've met that doesn't like you!"

I smiled and let my blush consume my features completely, turning my pink cheeks to a deep shade of almost fusha. I probably looked like a cherry tomato. He just smiled and held me close to him. The rest of the ride was filled with dreams and goals for the next few years.

I wanted to put out a new FIF record, Pete wanted me to model for Clandestine. I wanted to start my own production company, Pete wanted to expand Decaydance. I wanted to meet Kellen Lutz, Pete wanted to know who the hell that was! I just smiled and laughed as we got out of the limo and headed into the air port.

Our flight from L.A. to Sicily was on time. The plane came in and we were boarded almost exactly at the time it said on the tickets. Pete and I were in first class, where the seats were aligned with two to a row, letting us have our pre-honeymoon privacy.

It was really nice to be so alone with him.
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Kinda filler-ish.
More soon!