Cover Story Now in Stores

The first fight

Easter in Italy was amazing. Even though Pete and I were forced into converting to The Church Of Hot Addiction (thanks to Nate Novarro!), we still celebrated with the Italians. Little yellow and pink eggs were handed out by a little street shop, and the only thing the elderly woman was selling were crusifixes and Jesus-nailed-to-the-cross necklaces.

I smiled with Pete's hand in mine as we walked down the sidewalk and just looked around. There would be plenty of time to shop, since we'd only been here three days. For today, it was strictly sight-seeing and food-tasting.

The sun was high in the sky, although it was still below thirty and snowing. Pete and I had bought some long-johns to wear under our clothes in order to keep the warmth in, even if they only helped so much. I had two hoodies, long sleeves, and a really thermal pair of skinnies on. I was still cold.

"It's so weird to be away from my family on Easter. Even after I moved out, I always spent Easter and Christmas with my parents. Whenever I could, that is," Pete said. I smiled, knowing exactly what to say in response to that.

"We're family now. We've got two puppies back at home, and we have each other," I said. He looked down at me and smiled. His lips met mine quickly before we returned to walking down the sidewalk.

"You're right. I'm just going to have to get used to sharring traditions I used to share with my siblings and parents with you and the dogs!" I smiled more and leaned my head on his shoulder. We must have looked cute; two newly weds holding hands and kissing, showing any type of PDA we could pull off while walking.

"Are you ever taking these extensuions out?" Pete asked. I sighed and shrugged. I liked the purple extensions that I kept in from the wedding. They made me feel like I did when my hair was amazingly long-back in High school. Maybe I did need to get them removed. Ha-ha!

"Do you not like them?" I asked. He shrugged this time, making me feel like he wanted them gone. What was so wrong with some purple hair?

"They don't look natural anymore. They did when you walked down the aisle to me, but now they just look....purple. I can't decide if that's a good or bad thing," he said. His tone told me otherwise; that he was sure he wanted me to get them taken out. "But if you like them, I'll get over it."

Once again, his tone told me otherwise.

"What's with the conversation about my hair?" I asked. He turned away from me. I stopped and pulled his face back to face me. "I asked you what you thought was wrong with my hair, and since you're now my husband, I was expecting an honest answer. You've never ever picked on my physical apparence! In fact, for as long as I can remember, you've always told me how perfect I looked!"

"That's the thing. The purple hair isn's perfect anymore. Everything but the hair is perfect, but I just.....I can't explain how much the hair is bothering me." He was so confusing! Of all the things to hate about my apparence (my nose, my arms, my stomach, my feet, my skin, my face) he hated my hair? Really? My hair?!

"You're being irrational. It's just hair! It's not like I gaged my ears or got snake bites! I'd ask you what you'd think of those before doing it! I thought you'd like this, because it'd be longer and more colorful. I got the extensions with all intention of making you happy," I said. My bright day had turned sour with this conversation.

I let go of Pete and stormed the other direction. Without a second glance, I found a taxi and went back to the hotel to be alone. When I got to the room, I took off my layers and got in the huge five-body tub in the bathroom and cried. Yes, I was crying. Pete and I were supposed to be happy on our honeymoon, not fighting over hair. The rose petals that hung around the edges of the tub fell into the water and caught my tears.

I brought my knees up to my chest and cried onto the skin of my legs. I didn't want to fight already. Pete and I had only been married a week! Where would we be in five years? Divorced already?

When I was done crying my eyes out, I got out of the tub and went right to bed. I didn't eat, I didn't answer my phone. I slept all through that day and into the next morning.
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70 chapters and still going.