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I had been writing over the honeymoon. Little bits of original songs here and there, mostly at dawn and dusk right before falling asleep, almost out on the balcony. I'd have to fight sleep in order to walk into the room and place myself on top of Pete, but I seemed to manage every night.

I'd also been calling my friends on occasion. Dev and Autumn are glad I made up with Pete, and Patrick was willing to produce a duet album with Matt and myself. My original stuff was going to be put to use.

On the second to last day of the honeymoon, Pete and I stayed in. It was dark and cloudy that day, and really cold. Snow was being called for, but the two of us decided that, since it was our last full day in Italy, that we'd keep each other company in the room all day.

I didn't even turn my phone on that day. I kept it packed with the rest of my carry on stuff, and left any communication device in the off position. Pete did the same.

I stared at my wedding and engagement rings for a while. The wedding ring was obviously larger than the engagement ring, but the engagement ring had mulit-colored diamonds, in contrast to the wedding ring that only had one big clear diamond in the middle. Either way, they were both beautiful.

Pete's warm, tan arms wrapped around my waist as he say behind me and trailed kisses up my neck. "I'm getting another tattoo. When we get back. I'm getting the wedding ring tattooed on the side of my neck, that way everyone can see it," I told him. He looked at my ring and smiled against my skin.

"Maybe I should get a matching tattoo then, if you're so set on it," he said. I smiled. He was so sweet to me, and every day he seemed to just....get sweeter. I turned in his arms and laid my head against his shoulder, with my face towards his neck. His arms moved from my waist to wrap my whole body in them, and Pete sighed while looking out the window. "I'm gonna miss this. We're only going to have a few months together before we have to tour again," he said. I sighed.

"I know. But I thought you were going to arrange another tour with Falling and Fall Out Boy," I said. He nodded and rubbed my arm.

"I'm trying. I was thinking maybe a tour with Hey Monday. Or maybe someone you want to choose. I can't garuntee what will happen, but I'll try to get us out there with us together," he said. I sighed and cuddled in closer to him, the large sweater I'd put on keeping me warm. He kissed my hair and looked out the window.

"Tomorrow we're leaving for L.A. again, and then what? This honeymoon has been a fairy tale, for the most part. I feel like I never want to leave Rome. Not now, not ever," I said. He nodded before pulling his arms tighter around me. I kissed his neck and felt his warm skin shudder for a moment. Times like these were what I had to sacrifice when I wasn't with him, which was frequent after the first tour.

Man, two years ago, I'd met this guy. Now I was here in his arms, married to him and unbelievably happy. The first tour was the only tour I'd had with him. "Pete, I want a baby," I said, half absent-minded. My voice was shaky, but I knew I meant what I said. I wanted the first baby, after a while, but fate wasn't working on our side. Especially my side.

I moved my head so I could see his face. There was happiness in his eyes, with a smudge of scared-shitless. He wanted to be a dad, but the thought terrified a small part of his soul. "Does this have anything to do with the fact that you want to test my temper again?" he asked. He knew that I knew that he was a changed person since the almost-baby, but I couldn't tell if his question was a joke or not, so I shook my head.

"I want a baby. I want your baby. I want a family with you, and I want to live in a nice house, big enough for eight people when really there will only be five of us and two dogs, maybe a snake, and a couple of fish and birds and-"

"Well, you want to own a farm then, don'tcha?" he asked. I stopped in my rant to hear him, then I giggled at the thought of a couple little Paige's and one little Pete running around the house, with Hem and Rigby, a huge albino boa, and a ginormous fish tank for our living room. He chuckled with me, then kissed my lips and rested his head against mine. "Here's what I think. We'll be just us and the dogs until after the next tour, then we'll start trying. Okay?" he asked.

I smiled and put my small hand on his chest, kissing his lips again before laying my head on his shoulder. "Sounds good."

Pete put his arm under my legs then, and stood up off the chair. He carried me over to the bed and laid me down, getting in next to me and placing his fingers up under my sweater to chill my tummy. He kissed my neck before laying his head on my shoulder and breathing down my face. "You know what sounds good?" he asked. I turned a little to see him for his answer.

"Spending the rest of my life with you."
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