Cover Story Now in Stores

Recording, For A Change

I was back in the studio, again. I'd been waiting a really long time to finally get a new Falling In Flames cd out, and our time was finally here. We'd record most of it here, in L.A., then finish it off with Patrick producing on the tour, which we did arrange Fall Out Boy and Falling In Flames to tour together!

I stepped up to the microphone and smiled, loving the first song we'd picked out. Tickle Me Pink was FIF's new favorite band, and we all agreed their best song was Madeline, so we decided to make that our opening song.

"There's a girl back home I used to know
She cried her self to sleep every night
We all knew
We all knew
Only girl who would ever compromise
Strike a deal with the devil to save the night
We all knew
We all knew
She tried to call me a month ago
To sing me a song that she just wrote
But I wasn't home
I should've known
That time had taken its toll
She had no place to go
They found her body resting by the river

Oh I never said goodbye
I wish I would have tried
I couldn't hear her cries
As she filled her veins with lies
Until she saw the light

I remember when we'd hide behind the trees
Smoking cigarettes until our throats would bleed
Those were the days
Those were the days
Never scared
Never worried that the summer would end
Invincible to every sharp end
We drove so fast
Thought it would last
But time had taken it toll
She had no place to go
They found her body resting by the river

Oh I never said good bye
I wish I would have tried
I couldn't hear her cries
As she filled her veins with lies
Until she saw the light
You will be remembered
We still have September
We'll see you on the other side


If I could could turn back time
I'd find a way to remind you
That some how you could try to give in and fight the good fight
Oh you didn't have to die
You filled your veins with lies
My precious Madeline."

I smiled. I looked up and saw my usual crowd; Hayley, who was backing on vocals on the next track, Jeremy, who was holding Dev with his dear life, Iesha, who was now my official asstiant, and who learned how to drag Brendon everywhere she went, Patrick, la producer (I know, Spanglish!), Matty, who had, sadly, decided to break it off with Vicky T, but they were still good friends, Sonny, who was leaning on his still-boyfriend, Andy, and Autumn, who also broke up with Will. Actually, Will broke up with her, but it was because of the seperation between them, not his feelings. Then there was Pete. I didn't go anywhere without my husband now, and I loved it that way.

My whole peanut gallery was clapping for me. I loved how they always did that. I wasn't that good, was I? I couldn't be compared to Janis Joplin, could I? No. I waved Hayley in and gave her a spare set of head phones.

The next song we chose was.....kind of my story. Arizona by Hey Monday defined my story from small town girl to lead singer of the most well known cover band around. Plus, the irony of my car crash in Little Rock kind of, sort of went with the song.

"It took two days
For me to figure out
This isn't working out
But I lost my way

I drove all night
Just to be with you
But you weren't worth the view
I gotta hit the brakes

Now you know
Get up and go

Arizona, Arizona
A crash on the highway
Now you're burning on the side
Of the road
Arizona, Arizona
A million miles from Florida
Now you're history
I'm stranded
Get me out
I'm going home

Deep in your soul
Lies a lonely heart
That only ever pumps
For you alone
And I can't relate
So I gotta leave you here
I can breathe without you, dear
Just start walking away

Now you know
Get up and go

Arizona, Arizona
A crash on the highway
Now you're burning on the side
Of the road
Arizona, Arizona
A million miles from Florida
Now you're history
I'm stranded
Get me out
I'm going home

Tell me, how does that feel?
With the grand canyon between me and you
Tell me, how does that feel
To see me waving goodbye.

Took two days
For me to figure out
This isn't working out
I gotta hit the brakes

Arizona, Arizona
A crash on the highway
Now you're burning on the side
Of the road
Arizona, Arizona
A million miles from Florida
Now you're history
I'm stranded
Get me out
I'm going home


Pete handed me my mail, smiling at something in his hands. I came around him to see what he was looking at, wondering what put that idiotic smile on his face.

Pete Wentz,
You've been nominated (as part of your band) for a Grammy. Fall Out Boy is nominated in the catagory Album Of The Year, for Folie a Duex. This letter is inclosed with the location of the Ceremony. Please let us know if you can make it, and if you wish to bring a guest.

the Grammy Team.

"So now they're calling themselves the Grammy Team? How freakin' cheesy!" Pete laughed with me, then went spazzy. "Peter Wentz, what's your issue now?!" I asked. He kept spazzing, until he came right up to me and kissed my lips. I smiled, but pulled away with one eye brow raised. "Is there a reason you're spazzing?" I asked.

"Paige! This is amazing! The last time we were nominated for a Grammy was when From Under The Cork Tree came out! And then, I didn't have you! Oh, you better believe I'm taking you with me!" he said. I rolled my eyes, a smile still on my face. Seeing Pete that happy made me happy, too. It was inevitable.

"All that for an invite to the Grammys? Can we even go?" I asked. Pete stopped and looked at his invite. He checked the date and smiled.

"Yes. And we are. This is so great!" he said, pulling me into his arms again. I smiled as he placed his lips on mine again, and wrapped one of my arms around his neck. He put his mail down and wrapped me in his arms, then pulled away and just stared at me. "One reason I love being married to you; I get to stare at you for as long as I want, and it still never seems real that I somehow managed to keep you for this long," he said.

I blushed and he kissed my cheek. I brought my other arm up and wrapped it around Pete's neck, holding him to me. "One reason I love being married to you; now I know that this is real. That I'm not just dreaming about dating and loving Pete Wentz, but that it actually happened."

He smiled warmly at me, before pulling me so close to him, that we were literally chest to chest. "Some people build relationships out of friendship, and some people were made to be together. And then there are couples like us, that feel like they've known each other since....well, forever. It's like, every time we're reborn or whatever, we always end up together. And I'm so beyond glad that I'm always stuck with you," he said. I would have cried if I didn't giggle and roll my eyes.

"I'm glad I keep getting stuck with you, too," I said. He kissed me again, and then lifted me so I was on the counter. I sat up against the wall to the stairs and just smiled. Pete ran his hand up and down my calf, smiling back at me. Was I ever this happy in my whole life? I don't think so.

You know when people say they find their other half, and then you think about the whole origin of love thing*? That's what I was thinking. I'd never been this happy before because Pete was my other half-a part of me that made me whole. I wasn't completely happy without him, and vise versa. Of course, Rigby, Hem, Dev, and Patrick all had to fit into this ordeal because they were all parts of us, too.

We were one, big, disfunctional, person. Without one part, we'd be incomplete.
♠ ♠ ♠
* The origin of love is weird. I had to learn it in my world history class, and in case you don't know what it is, it's from Ancient Greece. Everyone was two people, a man on one side of the body and a woman on the other. (Yes, they were all naked). Since the Gods were all one person each, we thought we were better than them. One God (I can't remember which one) thought that, in our pride, he should kill us, but Zuse had a better plan. He split us in half. That's where we get the idea of "our other half." Our other half is the person that was part of us, according to Greek beleifs.
