Cover Story Now in Stores

Ya Fired!

It was the third time we'd tried to practice the same fucking song! We were covering something really dangerous for us; Feel Good Drag, by Anberlin. Dangerous because most of our stuff is more.....pop punk stuff, but Anberlin is so different. Anyway, it was our fourth attempt at rehearsing the same fucking song, and not on the vocal end.

Autumn kept slipping off her guitar neck. I knew something was wrong the moment she stepped into the rehearsal area, from the way she smelt, but I had no idea it was this bad. I turned around and glared at her, as she started to sob. "What is your fucking issue, Autumn?!" I asked harshly. Usually, I wouldn't be this hostile to a friend, but she was messing up big time, and it was getting really annoying.

Matt held my shoulder, being more my friend then he was ever with Autumn. "Take it easy on her," he whispered. Though, I had a feeling he knew as well as I did that I wasn't going to end this, or be nice to her, until I go to the bottom of her problem. I walked over to her, arms crossed over my chest, and waited for her to answer. She just sobbed, almost drunkenly, into her hands.

"I'm so sorry, Paigey," she sobbed. I let her go on. "It's-s just wi-ith Will-ll breaking u-up with me, I s-started d-drinking-g, and tod-day I wen-nt t-to far and h-had-d m-more a-alcohol t-then befor-re, so I-I'm a complete-e m-mess-s," she finished. I raised my eye brow, then looked over at Matty. He knew my issue with drinking better than anyone, with the exception of Dev, who knew everything about me.

"Leave," I said. I had my eyes closed in rage by that time. This was the stupdest excuse for messing up a rehersal, and after all the band's been through as a band, she shouldn't throw herself away with drinking. What was her issue?! For real! William only left her because of his touring without her!

Autumn's eyes grew wide, and she let her guitar hang around her shoulders without support of her hands. "Paigey, w-what?" she asked. Disbelief was written on her expressions, but I held my ground and pointed to the door.

"You heard me! Get out! You're fired!"

"Bu-ut it's only one timeee! Why a-are you d-doing this t-to me?!" she screamed the last part. I glared at her, getting right in her face so I was basically breathing on her face. I was so tired of this. People throwing themelves away because someone won't love them. It isn't the end of the fucking world!

"I said, get the fuck out, Autumn. I meant it. Get the fuck out of my house, now," I seethed. Autumn cringed away form me, wondering where her frined went. Her huge pupils were filled with almost-tears, but I couldn't have cared less. She took one step back from me, took her guitar off, and ran out of the room.

The room was silent after that. I returned to my mic stand and adjusted it's height. I turned around, and the three remaining people in the room were starring at me. "What?" I asked. Dev had her mouth hanging open, and she rested her weight on one hip, placing her hand on that hip. "Was that the wrong thing do to?"

"Paige, she's your frined. She's our friend. How could you do that?" Dev asked. I raised my eye brow.

"Dev, how could I not? Maybe that'll be a wake up call for her, and she'll get help! But, until she does, I don't want to see her," I said. I was being rash, and I knew it. But I couldn't help myself.

"What is up with you? You'd never do this to her, especially when she needs you most!" Sonny called. I turned around and sighed.

"Really? The three of you are siding with her? She's ruining her life over some guy that still likes her! He just never saw her, and he wanted to break it off until he did! What does that say about her, huh? And why am I getting picked on?" I asked. I didn't see why they though she was right.

"Am I really hearing this? Paige, what happened to you? Four months ago, this would have never happened. In fact, you were so glad to have Autumn, you;d never get rid of her! What happened?" Matt asked. I felt my heart sink. My friends were turning against me, because I'd kicked a girl that was ruining herself out. I felt tears coming to my eyes, because these were the people I trusted most; these three were my life, other than my husband.

"Is it such a bad thing that I want the best for her? I wanted her out because I wanted her to get better. I didn't want her wasting time here that could be spent working to a recovery. Did anyone else see the girl that was tearing herself in two? Or was it just me, and was I the only worrying over it?" I asked. No one said anything, and I took that as I was wrong, and I was also delusional to my friends.

I felt the tear fall down my face, and I sniffed. "Is it horrible to want the best for my friends all of the sudden?" I asked. Sure, I wasn't the nicest person to Autumn, but she was using the worst explanation I'd ever heard for alcoholism. I sighed, as the tears started pouring out of my eyes. Now, I was the one that needed out. I wiped the tears that were falling out of my eyes, finding the black make up staining my hands as I did so.

I twisted my fists so they sat next to my hips before stomping out of the room. I couldn't handle something like that; they were tearing me out because I kicked Autumn out? Did no one agree with me all of the sudden? I huffed breaths that were forcing tears out of my eyes now. I ran past Pete, who was in the hall with Cassadee from Hey Monday, and into the bathroom. I locked the door so I wouldn't be disturbed, then turned around and slid down it's length.

Then, I was crying for what I had done. I had kicked out one of my best friends, and then I had argued with my other friends. Now I was starting to see the fault of mine in the story.

"Paige...are you okay?" Pete asked through the door. I didn't answer; I just wiped the make-up off my eyes and onto my pants. He sighed through the door, knowing it was useless until I was ready to come find him. I wiped my eyes and sighed, laying my head on my knees. Right then was when I wanted to get up and find Pete, and just cry on him because I knew he'd let me.

I stood up, hiccuping every few seconds. I just needed a break. I wiped the rest of my make up off, and calmed my breath. Then I opened the door and found Pete sitting next to the door, a frown on his face. "What's wrong, baby?" he asked. He stood up and wrapped me in his arms, and I continued to cry on his shoulder, like I knew I could.

"I made a horrible mistake, Pete." His arms rubbed up and down my back, comforting me like I'd never felt before. There were so many reasons I loved this man.

"What was that?" he asked. I sighed and kissed his neck quickly.

"I fired my best friend."
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I'm evil to my ex's.