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We posted the fliers both on the streets of every place we went, and all over the internet. Heading to Chicago helped us, for two reasons as well. We were recording some more there, and looking for a new guitar player. Autumn wasn't coming back.

But, other than benefiting my band, Chicago was clearing my head. This was the city I had fallen in love with, the city I remembered playing in the snow and making snow angels for the first time with Pete. Everything about Illinois made my heart jump, and I realized how much more I liked it in the windy city than I did in the city that never snowed. But I'd keep my thoughts of moving out here to myself until Pete and I got a few moments to ourselves.

Knowing that Falling In Flames was residing in Chicago, what did we do? First off, Pete and I headed into Willmette to see his parents again, since we don't do that enough. The last time I remember seeing Dee and Peter was at the wedding, in May. Three months ago, already. I'd been married to Pete, the man of my dreams and the love of my life, for three months. Time does fly, when your heart does.

Early August, and Chicago was already warm with the endings of Summer and beginnings of Fall. I was falling in love with the state more and more with every mile it took for us to finally reach Pete's parents' home. We finally pulled into their drive way, and I could replay making those angles with Pete perfectly. We had laid out behind the black iron gate, just to the right of the door if you're facing it.

Dee ran out of the house and engulfed Pete in a tight motherly hug. He chuckled as she let go of him, coming over to me. "I missed my daughter in law!" she said, taking me into her arms. Just another reason for me to move here; I absolutely loved Pete's parents.

Peter came out of the house after her, slower, but with that same warm smile on his face. And another reason to move; Pete's parents' both loved me. It all worked out.

"How have you two been?" Dee asked. She was breathing heavily, trying to get her breath back from running out of the house the way she did. I smiled as Pete came around to me and held my hand. We must of looked adorable to Dee and Peter; their smiles lit up even more.

"We've been great! Better once we landed in O'Hare," Pete answered. Peter shook his head and looked between Pete and I. It was like he couldn't believe his oldest son was finally married, and to the most wonderful girl he'd ever met. I blushed slightly, but Pete just squeezed my hand. I felt so welcome in his family; I technically was his family.

"Why don't you two come in? We have something to show you!" Dee said excitedly. My smile widened as Peter, Pete, and Dee led the way into the house. Without much of a noise, the four of us trailed in a single file line up the narrow steps to the highest room of the house. This was where Pete's old room used to be; before he moved out to L.A., and before I ever moved in with him.

However, the last time I had been in that room, there were two twin beds, one on each side of the room. Now, all of Pete's childhood things were in boxes around the room, and there was one queen sized bed in the center of the room. Pete's parents were opening a bed-and-breakfast if you asked me! Pete's smile grew, and I couldn't help but smile too. Don't get dirty thoughts just yet; I thought it was sweet that Dee and Peter would go through all the trouble to get Pete and I an actual bed!

"We figured, since you two got married, that we'd make some changes to your likings," Dee said. I rolled my eyes with a smile plastered to my face. Peter chuckled, while Pete just embraced his parents. I did the same when he was done, and they went downstairs to get ready for dinner.

Pete picked me up and laid my down the bed, and I giggled the whole way through. He chuckled after kneeling above me, his face inches from mine. His hand came up and stroked my face softly, leaving goosebumps on my arms. It didn't matter if I was married to him or not; Pete Wentz still made me so crazy about him. "Does it still seem amazing that you're no longer just Paige Katy, but Paige Katy-Wentz?" he asked. I smiled again.

"How many times do I have to tell you and the rest of the world? I'm just Paige Wentz. I don't have any use for the name Katy at all," I said. He smiled and pecked my lips, then just leaned on me. "I don't want to be Paige Katy anymore. I like being Paige Wentz too much," I admitted.

Pete kissed my lips again, then moved around my face. "You," kiss, "make," kiss, "me," kiss, "so," kiss, "happy!" Pete wrapped his arms around me and brought me so close to him, that I was literally being warmed by his body. His lips found their way down my neck, leaving bigger goosebumps down my sides and arms. He was so gentle with me, and I couldn't have asked for a better husband ever.

I wouldn't have ever thought to ask for anyone but Pete.

"I love you, Pete. I always have, and always will. You make me so, so unbelievably happy, and I can think of anyone else I'd want to spend the rest of my life with." I know, it was sappy, and it was over dramatic, but the time called for it. Our time was coming; our time to really be together for forever, our time to finally start a family the right way, and our time to live out the rest of our lives with each other.