
Chapter 1: The Book of Mystery

Prue turned down the center isle of the bookstore at a brisk jog. Her short black hair was swishing about her shoulders as she looked at each of the subjects in turn. Usually she would have dived for the young adult or science sections, but not to day. She had been reading a fictional series on current day magic.

Her hurried green eyes narrowed in dismay. Where in this never ending place is the New Age section? Prue thought as she rushed from isle to isle. Gram's will kill me if I don't pick something quick.

"Prue dear, we're leaving!" Grams called as Prue sighed in annoyance.

Fine, I'll just grab something else and go. She turned and walked to the Young adult section. She scanned her favorite series to see if there were any new editions but sadly they where out. She stood up, ready to leave, but before she could actually make it to the front desk a book fell from the shelf and flopped on the floor.

Prue spun around to see what fell. In the middle of the isle was a large book face down on the floor. She grabbed it and was about to shove it back into place without a second thought when she caught sight of the front cover.

In each of the corners was a different image. The upper left corner was overflowing with greenery that seemed to be reaching out. On the right was a beautiful whirlwind that seemed to dance on the pages. Below that was a blossom of fire so realistic Neeka could almost feel the heat, and lastly a jeweled sea that seemed to pour from the pages. At the center of the book was the meeting of the four images at a solar eclipse. And in the middle of that eclipse was the title of the book embossed in gold:

The book of Elements

It was so lovely that she gasped in surprise. She flipped it over to see if there was a summary of what the book was about. It was completely blank. She flipped it to the side to read the spine. Created by: The Elders

Prue frowned. It sounded like a Witches book but she couldn't be sure. She cracked it open to check when -

"Prue, are you coming?" Gram's called once again.

"Yeah Grams, I'm coming!" Shutting the book without a glance, she raced to the front of the store to pay. She was in such a rush that she didn't get a chance to check the inside until she was in the car.

The inside was completely blank.

"Aw man..." Prue muttered. "I could have sworn that it was book... Oh well. I'll just give it to Piper, she was looking for a journal anyway."

The Next day at School / Lunch

"Hey Piper." Prue came walking in while tossing the book on top of Pipers calculus book. Her crystal blue eyes flickered up to Prue's beautiful green ones.

"Wow Prue, thanks!" She said while looking inside the book. "What's is this?" She asked while Prue began to explain.

"I thought it was a book on magic but it turned out to be blank, so I thought you could use it as a journal." Prue said while grabbing a place at the table.

"I'm not so sure it's a journal." Piper said while turning it over and showing her the name written inside. "Journals don't usually have the creators name printed on them." Piper said while showing her the spine.

"Well I don't know what it is and right now I don't care." Prue said while flipping her Government book open.

"Hey guys." Phoebe sat down with her sisters, but her face wasn't happy.

"Whats your deal?" Prue asked while Phoebe sighed in annoyance.

"Cole is such an ass. He hangs on me like a form fitting dress." Phoebe muttered angrily.

"Well that's what you get for dating a joke." Prue said while digging for a pen.

"Ha, ha, very funny." Phoebe said while looking at the journal sitting in Pipers lap. "Hey, whats that?" Phoebe asked while taking a look at the beautiful cover.

"Its a journal, Prue got it for me! Pretty cool, huh?" Phoebe rolled her eyes.

"Your such a prep. Only you would want to have a diary." Piper put the book on the table while turning to the first page.

"Actually, I was thinking that we could share this one, all three of us." Piper said while Prue smiled happily.

"That's a great idea Piper!" She said while Phoebe laughed.

"Ha, no its not. I don't do that whole diary thing. I'll pass." She said while Piper frowned.

"Come on Phoebe, please!" Piper said while Phoebe just drew on the table with her permanent marker.

"No Piper, now leave me alone. I'm busy violating the school tables." Prue glared at Phoebe while snatching away the marker. " Hey!" She whined while Prue just crossed her arms.

"You'll get it back when you sign your name in the book." Prue sigh while Phoebe sighed annoyance.

"Fine, but I'm not writing any entrances in this thing." She said while grabbing a pen and writing her name on the inside of the book.

"OH SHIT!" Phoebe yelled while jumping away from the book and staring at it. Half the people in the quad stopped to stare at her. "Did you see that?" She asked while Prue grabbed her arm and pulled her down.

"See what?" She said while forcing Phoebe back into her seat.

"I - I don't know!" Phoebe whispered in awe. "I just wrote my name and it…flashed." Prue glared at her doubtfully.

"It flashed?" She asked in disbelief.

"That's what I said. I wrote my name and it sort of shimmered in a green flash."

"Oh, you got to be kidding me!" Prue said while almost laughing. Phoebe's head snapped up.

"Well you sign it then." She shoved the book at her.

"Fine, but you better not be lying to me." She said picking up her pen and signing her name: Prudence Halliwell. The instant the pen lifted from the paper her name lit up with a fiery red glow.

"Oh my God..." She said while Piper sat there in confusion.

"So you did see it!" Phoebe said while standing up and pointing at the book.

"Yeah but... That's impossible... It was like wet ink caught in the candlelight. Only it was like the fire was inside the ink." Prue was shocked.

"Well take it back! Wherever you got it take it back." Piper said while gesturing to the book.

"I can't return it, we just wrote in it." Prue said while tearing her eyes away from the book. It was so creepy...

"Well what do you wan to do with it then?" Piper asked angrily.

"We'll put it in my locker for now. Then after school we'll…think of something." Prue said rationally.

"Fine, you can put it in your locker. But no one goes near it, not until after school!" Piper said while inching away from the book. tossed the book to her.

the Halliwell Manner

The three sisters ran up stares and into the attic. They went up there every day so they could work on there home work together, but today was different.

So what exactly do you want to do with it?" Piper asked while sitting near it, along with her sisters. Prue sighed while handing her sister the pen.

"What? No way!" Piper said while standing up.

"Your the only one who hasn't written in the book Piper, you need to do this." Prue said while Phoebe just sighed.

"It could have been the outside lighting Piper. Now just write in the damn book." Phoebe said while forcing her sister to sit back down.

"Oh…of course…that's it. Its the lighting and this time it's going to be different, right?" Piper said while grabbing the pen in her hand.

"You'll never know until you try." Phoebe said while sitting on the left of her sister and Prue on the right, leaving Piper right in the middle.

Piper took a deep breath and began to write her name under Prue's. When her pen lifted from the paper nothing happened. They all waited but nothing flashed, shimmered, or glowed. They were just about to relax when they noticed it. The words were fading from the pages, disappearing into the paper, and re-appearing into a whole new sentence.

~ * ~ Well it's about time. What were you doing for 5 hours? Watching paint dry? ~ * ~
♠ ♠ ♠
To be contrinued