Fruits Basket

The Coming of Akita-san

I stepped into Hatori-san's office where he, and Akito-san were waiting for me. Akito looked up at me from where she was, standing next to the open door that led out onto the deck of the main house.

"Akita-san, come in."

Hatori said as he stared at me with blank expression from his seat at his desk. I walked fully into the room with my hands in the long sleeves of my blue and silver kimono, and bowed my head respectfully to my younger sister.

"Akita, sister. How are you."

Akito asked as she walked over to me and bowed the same smiling at me too. Seeing Akito smile was like finding a thousand dollar bill on the side walk. For the rest of the Sohma family anyway, and the ones who take care of her.

"I've been better,"

I answered as Akito offered me a seat. We both sat down as Hatori sat up straight and folded his hands on his desk, which is what he usually did when I was here to talk business.

"Akita-san, we need you to watch over Shigure-san's residented home for a while,"

I sighed and looked on for more information.

"There had been another incident in public with this, Tohru Honda girl. Luckily, no one saw it so we didn't have to take action. You will be staying there with them temporarily and while you do, watch the girl closely, make sure she does not do anything stupid. Report back to us every three days on how the boy's bonds are growing with her's."

"Will Shigure-san know of my arrival?"

"He has already been notified. Shishou-san's will be open to you if need be also,"

Hatori-san finished and stood up and walked Akito and I to the door. Akito walked out before Hatori and I and as Hatori tried to walk through the door, I shut it on him.

"Was this your idea? Or Akito's,"

I asked with a small glare.

"It was mine,"

Hatori answered in a quiet voice.

"Why? To get me away from the estate for a while? I am not some child you can send to a corner every time you need to think without screaming inside your head Hatori-san. I know what it feels like to hurt. You don't think I hurt every day? Every time I'm near you?"

"Akita, I feel the same way, your sister doesn't understand! It is not my fault your sister is a selfish little brat that wants zodiac's like us away from the gods and-"

Hatori-san's secretary opened the door,

"Hatori-san, you have a visitor."

I turned away from Hatori and walked swiftly out the door and passed Akito-san, who just stared blankly, watching me leave towards my home within the Sohma estates. After a while of cooling down, I got a call that told me my limo to Shigure-san's home was here. I walked out and got into the limo and watched out the window as it drove away.

When the limo arrived at the driveway, I stopped it and told him I could walk from here. I got out and turned around to see Yuki-kun and the girl, Tohru-kun. Yuki stopped dead seeing me and said, looking shocked,


"Now, is that really a name you should call an old friend,"

I said in a questioning, yet sarcastic, voice as his look of shock, turned into a happy smile.


He cried hurrying up to me, but he stopped as his expression turned to an almost straight face with a small smile and bowed his head to me and I bowed back.

"Oh Yuuuu-ki,"

I heard Ayame-san yell. Oh dear god, did he annoy me. When we were little, I sometimes teased him about the way he acted, because he was like a drama king, or queen. One time, I had, sort of, accidentally punched him in the face.


Ayame stopped as his look of joy soon was erased from his face as he stared surprised at me. Shigure-san was standing next to him and smirked.

"Akita-san. I was wondering when you were coming,"

Shigure said.

"Hatori-san didn't give you a time,"

I asked.

"He is very vague anymore. He hardly seems to want to talk about you,"

Shigure said walking closer to me.

"Akita-san. This is Tohru Honda,"

Yuki said intervening. Tohru looked a little shy, she wasn't at all what I had expected. The way the other house maids at the estate talked about her. But when I talked to some of the other Sohma family members, they said that she was a real keeper. If the boys didn't change into animals every time some one hugged them.

"H-hello Akita-san. Pleased to make your acquaintance."

"I've heard much about you Tohru."

"Oh! I'm sorry! I haven't heard anything about you! Please forgive me!"

"It is alright. Please, don't waist your apologies on me. I don't mind. People don't think very highly of my sister, so I'm not very well known by others outside the family."


Tohru looked embarrassed and I smiled at her and she smiled back. Shigure walked over to me and smiled as he bowed.

"How bout a hug?"

"I don't think so Shigure. Remember, Akito may not be able to turn you back into animals, but I can. Let's go inside."

We all walked inside and Tohru made tea for us. So we sat around the table and drank our tea and talked. Tohru had much to say about living here, that she was grateful for Shigure-san's hospitality and all the joy and fun she's had being here. I found it especially interesting when Shigure and Yuki spoke of how Tohru helped the other members of the Sohma family find their wings. After an hour or so, Kyo-kun walked through the back door and saw me. His expression went from his usual boring look, to a 'what the hell is she doing here' look.

"What the hell is she doing here,"

He yelled.

"Oh be nice Kyo. It's not everyday you see Akita-san around here. It's not like she has done something terribly wrong to you,"

Shigure defended me.

"Yes she has!"

"What might that be Kyo, dear."

I asked listening contently.

"You, you,"

Kyo stopped and slunk off with an annoying look,

"Just leave me alone."

Yuki looked at me and said,

"Why does Kyo-kun hate you?"

"Because, when he was little, he still hated and feared the rat. When I befriended you, he barely talked to me since."

"Kyo-kun always has a grudge against some one,"

Shigure-san commented.

By xxArielxAcexx
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This is short, I know. But its the end of Akita-san's arrival.