The Immeasureable Distance


“S-Sir.” Freddy stuttered, looking around us. “Wh-Why are we in the f-forest where bandits and monsters and gh-ghosts are known to roam?”

“Oh, don't be afraid.” I told my servant. “I have my sword, and you have your bows. Though they're not much of much use.....”

“I'm not a hunter, sir!” He said in his defense.

“I know, you're the hunted.” I pushed aside a branch to get through the forest, then let it go. Freddy yelped and jumped back to dodge it.

We trudged in silence in the heat for a few more minutes before Freddy and I broke into the clearing that I had been waiting to get into. The clearing was merely a large field of grass and flowers.

“Oliver.” A voice grumbled. I saw Kadin push himself through the trees and emerge, his scales glistening in the sunlight. A smile broke across my face and I jogged to the dragon.

“Kadin! Are you alright?” I asked, reaching up to him. He bowed his head gracefully so I could could stroke his nose.

“Nothing but a few scratches.” I could see him grimace. “Humans are blood thirsty creatures.”

“Not all of us.” I informed the creature.

“I realize.” His tongue flicked out of his mouth to touch it to my hand. “Who is he?” Kadin asked, narrowing and acknowledging Freddy. He studied him with his piercing eyes.

“H-H-H-Hi.” Frank murmured, cringing. Kadin tasted the air in front of Freddy, and he practically soiled himself.

“No need to be afraid.” I said, patting Freddy on the shoulder. “Kadins a peaceful dragon.”

“Huh. Peaceful dragon. What an oxymoron.” Freddy murmured. Kadin growled a bit and blew a puff of gray smoke into Freddy’s face. He coughed and waved the smoke away from his face.

I laughed then sat down on the grass. I pulled my satchel onto my lap and pulled out the parchment father had shoved into my face before he pushed me out of the castle gates.

“What is that, sir?” Freddy asked me, sitting down on the grass beside me.

“This quest that Father gave me. After the whole incident.” Freddy shook his head.

“Why do you go visit that dragon?” Freddy asked. “ I mean, any moment he could eat you!”

“I could eat you.” Kadin snarled. I chuckled and pushed Kadin back over my shoulder.

“Don't scare him.” I said. “He's going to soil his pants. Again.”

“I have not!” He protested. He twisted up his face and reached for the parchment in my hands. He sighed as he looked it over.

“I know. He wants me to hurt Kadin!” I shook my head at the audacity my father had.

“Well you must do it.” Freddy said. He looked at Kadin, then at me, and leaned in. “You need to come back for your coronation.”

“Alright. I'm going to eat you right now.” Kadin got up on all four feet and reared up to his full height.

“Oh Kadin, leave him alone.” I scolded, though I smiled. I looked down at the parchment and started to read it aloud for Kadin, since he couldn't read the human language.

“Prince Oliver Livitha has been banished from his kingdom until he can bring back the head of a dragon Kadin, a piece of thread from the demon spider Arachne, the legendary set of Ruby Daggers, a princess for betrothal.” I snorted at his requests. “Doesn't he know that these things are practically impossible to get?!”

“It's almost as if he doesn't want you to come back.” Freddy laughed, shaking his head. His smile froze on his face, and melted off quickly. “I'll be quiet now...”

“You better, you fool!” I snapped. I sighed and stared at the paper. “I need to get back onto the throne though.”

“Why?” Kadin grumbled. “You want to be king of what? A kingdom that is fighting with people overseas while women here are dying because of heartache? A kingdom where children starve, and no adults take them in?”

“That's why I need to get back on the throne!” I exclaimed. “So I must do this, mustn't I?”

“It is your responsibility.” Freddy nodded, agreeing to me.

'Do what you want.” Kadin lied his head down next to me. “I will help whatever you choose to do. Except die.”

“You're not going to die while I'm alive! Or dead!” I proclaimed.

“Then how are you going to get accepted?” Freddy asked, pulling out some meat, cheese, and crackers.

“I'll bring him the best princess!” I nodded to myself. “It won't be hard for me. I'm handsome! A bit...But I'm charming! A tad... I have a good personality! She'll fall for me without a thought!”

Kadin snorted and I glared at him. Freddy was holding back a smile. “Alright, sir.” Freddy handed me a piece of bread. “We haven't got all day. Let's go find your princess.”

I smiled and stood up quickly. “You are truly loyal, Freddy.” I clapped his shoulder.

“Will you make me a Duke?” He asked hopefully. I laughed.

“No, Freddy. I wouldn't put you through that.” Then we were off, driven by adrenaline and naice thoughts. Dragon, prince, and servant.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the somewhat delayed chapter! Schools got me breaking my back >.>

I hope you enjoyed!
