Anything for Us

And that's all I'll ever know about myself.


This scream was what I was woken up with, accompanied by Dakota and Yasmin jumping on my bed, while Zach, my dad and Scott watched from the doorway. Luckily I’d thought to put on boxers before I went to bed, because I fell out onto my ass with a thump, earning laughter.

“Assholes,” I whined, standing up.

“Get dressed! Get dressed! We’re all having breakfast downstairs because Scott is cooking his awesome pancakes and then we have to take you out and distract you while your dad and Scott hide all breakable stuff for the party!” Dakota said excitedly.

I sighed. “Who gave Kota caffeine?”

“My bad?” Scott offered.

I grimaced but nodded. Scott probably didn’t know how excited Dakota gets on my birthday. Don’t ask me why – he always does. And now that he’s had caffeine? He’s going to be a nightmare. Ever since our little argument last week, he’s been absolutely perfect, trying to make it up to me, not even sleeping with or kissing anyone else – and I know that today is still going to be an extension of that. I’ve already told Dakota that I’m not mad at him anymore, but he seems to like acting this way. So I’m not going to stop it if he wants to do it.

“Alright, clear out, I’ll meet you guys downstairs,” I grumbled.

“Can I stay?” Dakota asked unashamedly.

I rolled my eyes but smiled, looking at Zach. Zach just laughed and threw Dakota over his shoulder, taking him out of the room with everyone else following. So yeah, today’s my 17th birthday and it’s going to fucking rule. I have a feeling that today’s going to be a good day. A really good day.


30 minutes later, I was sitting at a newly-cleared-up kitchen table, Dakota to my right and Zach to my left, with Yasmin, my dad and Scott sitting opposite us.

“Your mom sent an email saying that your gift is on its way, but it’s not here yet,” my dad announced, sliding over a birthday card.

I just shrugged. I didn’t bother opening the card. I knew what would be inside. Happy birthday Angel. Love mom and Rocco. I didn’t need their lack of heartfelt message, not today. Not on our my birthday. They left our home, not me. Rocco probably didn’t even look at the card before it was sent. Asshole.

“Here’s my gift!” Dakota said cheerfully, changing the subject.

If anyone knows how much Rocco’s lack of presence affects me, it’s Dakota. He was around when Rocco left, after all.

“Thanks, Kota,” I grinned, pulling out a crisp pale blue Dolce and Gabbana shirt, and a matching dark blue tie.

“You’ll get the other part of your gift tonight, after your party,” Dakota murmured in my ear.

I grinned at him and nodded. I like the sound of that. Maybe it’s something embarrassing that Dakota can’t do in public?

“I don’t even want to know what he said,” Zach snorted, sliding over his gift.

Dakota blushed slightly. I just smirked. I have a feeling he probably won’t want to know either.



I downed the shit mix of what I think is rum, vodka, tequila and something else equally as vile. Holy shit. Those drinks do not go together. But I am Angel Lewis – I don’t back down from a challenge. Smacking my lips together as I slammed the red solo cup down on the table, I grinned at the whoops and hollers sounding all around me. Fuck yeah. I’m awesome.

“Someone’s enjoying himself,”


“You fucking bet I am! You’re the best, did you know that Kota?” I said happily, pulling him tight against me.

Dakota giggled and wrapped his arms around me too. The party started at 8pm, and now a few hours later it’s close to raging, my dad’s house filled to the brim with people. I’m not entirely sure where Dad and Scott went, but they’re not coming back until tomorrow afternoon, so I have plenty of time to clear up. That was the deal for me holding the party here – I have to personally clear up afterwards. It’s a fair deal.

“Do you still want the other part of your gift?” Dakota asked giddily.

“Depends if I’m going to like it,” I smirked, looking down at him.

“You’re going to love it,” Dakota smirked back.

“Then yeah, I want it,” I nodded, laughing.

“You’ll get it in an hour. Go dance, flirt and make-out with anyone you want – I’ll find you in an hour and then you won’t be wanting to come back down here,”

That sounds like a challenge to me.

“Alright, you’re on,” I grinned.

Dakota grinned back and smacked my ass, before disappearing from the room. I laughed and grabbed a bottle of rum from the kitchen side, before staggering from the room myself. I immediately found Zach and Yasmin and the rest of the basketball team and slung my arm around Zach’s shoulders, pressing a quick sloppy kiss to his lips, pulling back just as quickly. While Zach just looked shocked, everyone else laughed. I grinned – it’s good to be me and to not be judged.

“No kiss for me too?” Yasmin grinned.

“Only if your boyf can handle it,” I winked.

Zach looked between us before shrugging. Yasmin giggled and pressed her lips to mine, earning catcalls and whistles, until Zach pulled her away.

“Enough,” Zach grunted, pulling Yasmin tightly against him.

He’s not angry at me – he’s just horny now. I know my friend.

“Mine,” Zach growled, before pressing his lips firmly to hers.

“You can thank me for the amazing sex later!” I yelled at them, as he dragged her from the room.

Yasmin just about had the time to flip me off before they disappeared. I laughed and moved further into the dancefloor, swaying in time with the music and the other bodies. It’s good to be me.

An hour later, like promised, Dakota found me. His eyes were slightly glassy and his cheeks were flushed, but I knew I looked no different. Fuck, he looks good tonight.

“Where did your shirt go?” he giggled, slipping his hands into mine.

I looked down. Huh. My black shirt is gone. When did that happen? Oh well, I’ll look for it tomorrow.

“Never mind. Do you want your gift now?” Dakota asked hopefully.

“Fuck yeah I do,” I nodded.

Dakota grinned and immediately pulled me from the room. I ignored the cheers and catcalls as he pulled me upstairs, but smiled in anticipation as he pulled me down the corridor towards my bedroom, trying not to stumble too much. Stupid rum. This must be where he’s keeping my gift.

“Zach and Yasmin are in the guest room at the end of the corridor, and as far as I know there’s another guest room occupied too, but that’s it,”

“You’ve been keeping an eye on upstairs for me?” I asked, surprised.

“Well, as well as I can with the tequila’s help,” Dakota grinned, unashamed.

I laughed but nodded. He’s had almost as much tequila as I’ve had rum, and that’s saying something. As soon as we were in my room he locked the door behind us.

“Go sit or lie on your bed,” he ordered.

My skin sizzled slightly at the demand, but I nodded, quickly kicking off my shoes and socks. Without thinking, I took off my jeans too.

“Can’t get comfortable on your bed in clothing, huh?” Dakota teased.

He knows me better than I know myself. Wow. Rum makes me deep.

“My boxers are staying on,” I retorted

“For now,” Dakota winked.

I laughed and laid down on my bed, putting two pillows behind my head so I could still look at him. Dakota moved quickly to my iPod speakers and back again, making my vision blur slightly, but I grinned as he pressed play and the heavy beat of ‘Closer’ by Nine Inch Nails poured out. Fuck. I love this song.

“So, this part of your gift technically has two parts,” Dakota started.

I opened my mouth to ask what they were, but got distracted when Dakota’s hands ran down his chest, toying with the bottom hem of his plain black t-shirt. He smirked, knowing my eyes were completely transfixed on him, and he started to sway his hips in time with the music.

It was only when his hands slowly pulled his t-shirt off that I realised what he was doing.

He’s doing a strip tease for me.

Holy shit.

From then on Dakota’s burning blue eyes never left mine, thumbs brushing over his nipples and trailing down to the waistband of his jeans. Do it. Do it. Dakota grinned at my lustful gaze and unbuttoned his jeans, slowly unzipping them, sliding them even slower down his legs, bending over as he stepped out of them. I hadn’t noticed until now that his shoes and socks were already off.

My breath hitched in my throat as he stood upright to reveal the massive tent in his boxers, a small wet spot already forming from where his dick was leaking. And it was only then that I realised I was just as hard, my hand reaching down to palm my throbbing dick through my boxers. Dakota growled slightly as I moaned, his eyes darkening a little, before he hooked his thumbs into the elastic of his boxers. Holy shit. Holy shit, I can’t think of anything but how good Dakota looks right now, his skin glistening, his eyes lustful and his dick straining. Fuck. I want him. I want him so fucking bad.

“Want more?” Dakota asked softly, teasing me as he inched his boxers down slightly.

“Yeah. Fuck yeah,” I rasped.

Dakota grinned and slowly slid his boxers down, exposing his aching erection, the tip red and leaking, all because of me. Mixing this with the swirl of desire soaring through my blood, and I know I’m screwed. He’s so fucking perfect. Then he stopped, hands on hips, as if inviting me.

“So…the last part of my gift is a blowjob,” Dakota said innocently.

My mouth went dry and my dick twitched. Holy shit. He hasn’t blown me in forever. And the rum coursing through my veins is telling me that his gift is a great idea. A really fucking great idea.

“O-Okay,” I choked.

Dakota grinned even more and stripped my boxers off me, before crawling over my body…and stopping at my hard-on. Fuck.

“Mm, I’ve missed your monster dick,” Dakota sighed happily, rubbing his cheek against my erection.

Monster dick.

“My dick isn’t a monster! People don’t run away from it!” I protested, frowning.

“A super-thick 9 inches isn’t exactly average, Angel,” Dakota teased, wrapping his hand around my base.

I inhaled sharply, but still frowned.

“Proportional to my height, assface,” I grumbled.

“Well I do want a face full of your ass,” Dakota grinned.

I’m not entirely sure how that makes sense.

“When you say you want a fa…ohh!” I moaned loudly.

Dakota had interrupted me by lifting my hips and licking down to my entrance, sucking lightly, his tongue making neat little circles. Holy shit. H-He’s never rimmed me before. Why hasn’t he ever rimmed me before? Oh, wait, there’s a lot of alcohol here. But…

Oh Kota,” I moaned again, throwing my head back as his tongue dipped inside me.

Dakota giggled and moved back to nuzzling the base of my crotch. Fuck, he looks so good down there. I’m blaming my thoughts entirely on rum, by the way. All that fucking rum…oh.

“So can I blow you?” Dakota asked, lifting his head.

“Yeah,” I grinned.

Dakota grinned back and wasted no time in closing his lips over my tip, sucking lightly.

“More,” I whimpered.

Dakota just smiled and slowly took my erection in, inch by inch, until his nose was pressed to the short curls at my base. I couldn’t help but moan as I felt my dick brush the back of Dakota’s throat, desperately trying not to buck my hips because I know that Dakota’s gag reflex isn’t great. Dakota’s hands squeezed my thighs as he started to bob his head, his lips creating the perfect pressure, his tongue creating the perfect swirl.

Thanks to the rum, my moans were soft but constant, only turning Dakota on more with each one. As Dakota continued to bob his head, sucking a little harder each time, I felt delirious, my head practically swimming with pleasure. I’d forgotten how good Dakota is at giving blowjobs – it’s been a long time since I last got this drunk. I whimpered as Dakota groaned around me, looking down to see that Dakota was rutting against the bed in time with his bobs on my dick.

“So fucking hot,” I breathed, making Dakota look up at me.

Dakota smirked at how wrecked I sounded, and dug his tongue into my slit, making me cry out and stiffen impossibly.

“I’m cl-close,” I whimpered, squeezing my eyes shut.

Dakota immediately cupped my balls with his fingers, massaging them softly until I arched my back and came in long hot spurts down Dakota’s throat. Dakota worked me through my high, bobbing his head slowly, until I started to soften, and he swallowed my load. Through my blissful drunken haze, I just about noticed him jerking off fast and unrelentless, crying out as he came in strings over my chest and his fist. Dakota whimpered and collapsed next to me, snuggling into my body.

“Did you like your birthday gift?” he asked softly, nuzzling my neck with his lips.

“Fuckin’ loved it,” I mumbled, pulling him close as my eyes slipped closed.


The next time I opened my eyes, the music was still going downstairs but I felt cold. What the fuck? Where am I? Then I felt someone moving next to me and looked down…only to see Dakota as naked as me. Did we…we didn’t fuck, did we? I desperately searched my hazy memories, eventually locating some of Dakota’s mouth stretched around my dick. I don’t remember being inside his ass, only his mouth. And there’s no condom or condom wrapper, so I’m hoping that he just gave me a blowjob?

Then I got angry. He waited until I was extremely drunk because he knew I wouldn’t say yes to a blowjob otherwise. Fucking jerk. Sure he was drunk too, but that isn’t the point! Asshole.

“Dakota! Wake up!” I hissed, shoving him lightly.

Dakota’s eyes fluttered open, looking at me blearily, before he registered my angry expression and he blushed. Well, at least he has the decency to look guilty.

“Uh, happy birthday?” he offered.

“Kota, why did you do this?!” I exasperated.

“Because I wanted to suck you off,” Dakota said simply.

“But what if I didn’t want you to suck me off?” I retorted.

“You…y-you didn’t?” Dakota asked, hurt clear in his voice.

I sighed, running my hand over my hair. I know I wasn’t drunk enough to be incoherent, so I know if I truly hadn’t wanted it at the time then I would’ve…could’ve said no. Fuck. I can’t really be angry at him can I? It was when Dakota’s eyes started to prick with tears that I knew I had to answer.

“I could’ve stopped you if I didn’t want it,” I said softly.

“So you’re not mad at me?”

“I guess not,”

“I’m sorry, Angel. It was part of your birthday gift, y’know. I just…I wanted to give you something special,”

“From what I remember, it was fucking good,” I mused.

Dakota blushed slightly, but grinned. I smiled back and pressed a gentle kiss to his lips, before getting out of bed and pulling my boxers on.

“Where are you going?” he frowned.

“Back down to the party. Come with me,” I replied, smiling.

“Sure. But, uh, you might want to wipe the cum off your chest first,” he said sheepishly.

I looked down and scowled. Fucking Dakota.

“I’ll get you a beer?” he offered, pulling on his boxers too.

“Alright,” I nodded, scratching at the dry white substance.

Dakota giggled and smiled adoringly at me as he got dressed fully, before leaving the room. I sighed but smiled to myself. As if I could ever stay mad at Dakota?
♠ ♠ ♠
Well that was an interesting birthday present ;)
Could you stay mad at Dakota?
I don't think I could.
Someone I mentioned in this chapter makes an appearance in the next chapter...

Thank you to everyone who commented on the last chapter! Even those who said 'Angle' instead of 'Angel' ^_^ please keep the feedback up - I love it!

pixie dusttt.
Artistic Difference
call me by your name
maxx danziger
Fear to Commit (x2)
