Status: Completed on 2.16.13 with 15 Recommendations, 319 Readers, 75 Subscribers, and 41 Comments.

Just Making Things Harder

“Maybe I did it for you, Kyle. Maybe, just maybe, I had to.”

I pulled myself out of Oli’s car wearily, quickly pulling my jacket on.

There he sat, right in front of my door, looking down. I’m sure he knew we were there by now, as loud as Oli’s car is.

As I walked up, I hardly noticed Oli trailing behind me. In a way, I kind of didn’t want him to witness this. But then again, I kind of did. Just in case.

Cameron picked up his head as I got closer. I could faintly see tear stains on his face, breaking my own heart, but I reminded myself not to give in.

You know what he did. You hate him.” I told myself, pulling a more angry expression onto my face.

“What do you want?” I snapped when I finally got to the porch. Oli stayed back, just watching us.

Cameron disregarded my question and narrowed his eyes at Oli behind me. “What is he doing here? Where were you?” He asked, holding his glare.

“I don’t think that fucking matters, Cameron” I growled, “Answer my question.”

He looked back up at me, letting his gaze soften. He stood up quickly and came towards me. I felt Oli’s hand on my arm, tensed and ready to pull me back. I easily shook him off, silently telling him I’ll be fine.

Cameron didn’t come any closer than a few feet, just watching me. I could tell he was been here for a while because of his shaking from having been in the cold so long.

“I wanted to apologize” He murmured, hardly coming over as a whisper as the wind tore through the trees around my house.

Apologize? You slept with the school whore, the bitch who hates me. How can you just apologize and thing it’s going to be completely fine?” I shouted, almost hysterical.

Then his expression changed, from the “sorry puppy” look I had been seeing to a more angry one. “You have no idea what’s going on. You don’t know anything” He growled at me, taking a step forward.

I laughed, “Then why don’t you inform me, Cameron. Tell me, since when did you become such a whore that you’ll sleep with her? Especially after a fight of ours. Was it to get back at me? Did you want me to hurt?”

His gaze dropped to the floor for a moment, then came back even stronger, “I never did it to hurt you. You don’t know anything

“Then tell me, bitch” I growled, trying to press his buttons. He absolutely hated being called bitch, something his dad called him more often than anything else.

He might as well have been on fire from then on, he wasn’t going to cool down.

“Maybe I did it for you, Kyle. Maybe, just maybe, I had to.” He hissed, not coming out as angry as I was expecting.

For a moment, I softened, taking in his words. That only lasted for a moment.

“I can handle myself, I don’t need your help. Now just go back to fucking your whore of a girlfriend, you pathetic little bitch” I spat, ready to go around him.

Then I was falling backwards. I looked up, Camerons hand suspended in mid air, a furious look on his face. Oli caught me as I fell and I crumpled to the floor.

Cameron hit me. My best friend for a years just hit me.

I felt Oli ready to lunge at him, and pushed him back, regaining my balance on my feet.

I stepped back onto the porch and took a step towards him. He glared me down as I did the same, even though he almost towered above me.

A smile stretched itself across my face. “Stupid bitch” I growled before letting my clenched fist make impact with his jaw.

Out of all the times me and Cameron fought, I knew the easiest ways to make an opening. I knew how to kick his ass.

As he was holding his face, I let my knee sail into his, ahem, man toys. As he crumpled over, I pushed him to the side and walked to my door.

I was grinning like a fool as I unlocked the door and walked in, Oli following after, leaving Cameron in a heap outside.

“Kyle, what was tha’?” Oli asked me once I closed the door, a hysterical tone in his voice.

I just chuckled a little. “Nothing, nothing” I murmured, going to hang my jacket up.

Oli continued asking things, telling me how he wanted to “Kick ‘is pafetic little arse fa’ layin’ a hand on meh”. Through all his talk, I hadn’t even realized the TV was turned off.

I started walking to the kitchen, then froze as I spotted another coat on the hanger. I continued slowly, elbowing Oli to shut up.

When I made it to the door of the kitchen, I froze. Solid.

“Oh, Candice, I see you’re home. Who is this?”

My mother.
♠ ♠ ♠
Yus c:

10th chapter. Shitty argument and kinda-fighting scene. Wasn't much to it.

You should know, if they fought, she would win. I mean, not like Cameron would willingly beat the shit out of her.

Anyway, yes. Shit hits the fan. It gets worse though.

Kinda short chapter..but yeah. Lots of italics fo' emphasis xD

Comments? Tell me how much you hate Cameron, how you maybe want Kyle's mom to act in the next chapter, suggestions on what to do with Cameron?

I will tell you, Cameron is a huge part of this story. He's not going anywhere for a while. He'll disappear a few times, but..nope, no more details.

Anyway, tell me what you think c: