Status: Completed on 2.16.13 with 15 Recommendations, 319 Readers, 75 Subscribers, and 41 Comments.

Just Making Things Harder

“I don’ know about yeh, but I fink she’s tha’ crazy bitch”

My confusion didn’t last long as I glared her down, looking for a way around her. I’d rather not talk to this whore today.

“What do you want?” I snapped. She just kept her angry frown up.

“You attacked Cameron, you crazy bitch” She said, looking at me with disgusted eyes.

Attacked?” Oli said beside me. Olivia’s eyes flickered over to him momentarily, then focused back on me. I hardly noticed Cameron was a few feet behind her.

“Yes, attacked. He came to your house to try and make peace and you punched him in the face!” She cried. I had the urge to start laughing right then and there.

“She di’nt attack anyone. Tha’ bloke ovah there hit ‘ere. Et was self defense” Oli defended, but I stopped him. “Oli, it’s fine.”

“He didn’t do a damn thing. He said he was going to make up with you and came back with a black eye and injured balls. You viciously attacked him” She said, grabbing his arm and pulling him up by her. In case I decided to “viciously attack” her too, I guessed.

“He hit me. Oli is my witness. I defended myself, and if he wasn’t such a jackass he’d tell you himself” I spat, gradually shifting closer to Oli, “Now get out of my way, whore.”

She looked even angrily at the insult I tacked on the end. Then the lunged for me.

For a moment, I thought I was going to have to protect myself again and then be played off at the “vicious attacker”. I was surprised when Cameron grabbed her and held her back from me.

“She’s telling the truth. My anger got the best of me. You just jumped to conclusions” He said quietly. She looked angry at him now.

She turned and began loudly cursing at him. I just hope, for her sake, she didn’t call him a bitch.

While they were distracted, I grabbed Oli’s hand and pulled him out of the school towards his car. He just started laughing.

“I don’ know about yeh, but I fink she’s tha’ crazy bitch” She said, trying to mimic an American accent and sound the same as she did. I let myself laugh also as we both got into his car.

We chatted a little, mostly about Olivia. It was funny to hear Oli’s opinion on her, especially with his accent.

“She’s really not even tha’ pretty. I don’ really see tha’ big deal. Or wha’ he sees in ‘er for ‘at matter” He told me, sitting on my bed at my house. I had work today, so I asked him to bring me back here, and well, he just kind of stuck around.

“She’s hated me forever, I swear. She has the friends, I just have the grades” I told him, then let my voice drop, “If I just had more friends, I’d be perfect.”

I walked out of my bathroom and went to get my shoes. Oli was just watching me.

“Who says yeh not perfect already?” He said from behind me. I didn’t acknowledge his comment and just continued on with what I was doing. But I had this feeling, something was telling me that he meant it.

We were silent for a while. I had an hour or so before work started, so I offered to go out and get something to eat with Oli. My treat.

He laughed when I said this. “Yeh really think I’m jus’ gonna let’cha pay for meh food? Yeh might be crazier than ah thought.”

I smiled lightly at this, but still offered. He just said we could argue about who was paying when we saw how much it would cost. I just agreed.

I let him decide where to eat, and he immediately decided on the only pizza place in town. Which was perfectly okay with me.

He drove us over there and we got a large half pepperoni, half veggie pizza. “How long have you been a vegetarian?” I asked after he ordered. He thought for a moment and then shrugged, “A while.”

I just nodded. We talked and talking, only pausing when the pizza came and we both devoured the whole thing.

At some point, I remembered to check the time. I almost screamed when I saw I had hardly a few minutes to be at the store.

“Oli, we have to go” I told him. He checked the time, and the nodded, calling the waitress over. He told her to hurry, but of course she took her time.

I made it to the store without a second to spare. Getting there included running just about every red light, going over the speed limit, and almost breaking the glass door trying to unlock it.

Oli stuck around for a little while before telling me he had to go over to Matt’s for something. I said it was fine, but he assured me he’d be back as soon as he could. I brushed it off and told him to take his time.

I got about as many customers, that day, as usually come through my house. Which meant hardly any.

Around seven, Oli turned up again. This time he brought Matt with him.

As we all stood around, Matt basically talked my head over, Oliver being the only one to give him any sort of answer.

We waited another hour and a half before I decided to give up on business. I cleaned up the floors, counted the money in the register, and then locked the door. Everything I usually did before I left.

Oli took me back by my house, giving me a hug before I got out and sat in the driveway and waited until I got in. He was being way too nice.

That night I watched some crime show for an hour or two and text Oli idly. It was pretty relaxing. That is, until I got the feeling I was being watched again.

I looked around the room cautiously. All the blinds were closed, so it seemed stupid that I thought someone was watching me.

Stupid or not, I left a lamp on downstairs when I finally went to my room for the night. I even double checked the front door, making everything was locked.

When I got upstairs, I just curled up in my bed, not bothering to change clothes.

I needed to find someone to stay around and keep me company some nights.
♠ ♠ ♠
Two days in a row I've given updates. Enjoy c:

Comment? Please?

And yeah, my other story is still there. The Asking Alexandria one? Yeah, so go read it.

But yeah, please give me comments? I need ideas for some filler chapters to take up some space before the next big thing happens. So give me ideas.