Status: Completed on 2.16.13 with 15 Recommendations, 319 Readers, 75 Subscribers, and 41 Comments.

Just Making Things Harder

“It’s perfectly fine, love”

That morning I woke up to my doorbell ringing and repeatedly being banged on. I groaned and checked my phone for the time.

I was beyond late, and I just assumed that was Oli making all the noise downstairs.

Coming to the conclusion that I’d rather not go to school today, I didn’t even want to answer the door. I sent a quick text to Oli, letting him know where the spare key was.

I mean, I trusted him enough. Not like he’d come and steal shit.

I heard the banging cease for about half a minute, and then I heard the door opening.

“Kyle? Are yeh goin’ to school or not?” He called. I just groaned loud enough for him to hear.

I heard footsteps coming up my stairs and then he appeared in my doorway. “Well?” He asked again, standing there with a slight smirk on his face from my appearance.

I just woke up, give me some credit.

“No, all your noise was what woke me up. I have work today, I’ll get up for that, but that’s it” I told him, turning over in my bed.

I heard him leave the room and head back down the stairs, then the door slammed close. I snuggled in, ready to fall back asleep until I heard footsteps coming up the stairs again.

“Well, I guess ‘am stayin’ with yeh then” He told me, taking a flying leap at my bed.

I groaned when he landed on me, and used my legs to push him off onto the floor.

“Noooo” I moaned, “Leeeeave.”

I heard him chuckle before he grabbed me by my legs and pulled me all the way off my bed. I scrambled to hold onto something before I hit the floor, but was a few seconds slow. My face crashed into the floor, and I just turned over to glare at Oliver, standing above me smiling.

“C’mon, lass” He said, picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder before descending the stairs and heading into my living room.

“Ugh, I hate you” I told him.

“I love yeh too, girly” He responded. I just knew he was smiling, too.

He dropped me on my back on my couch and grabbed my remote, turning on the TV and looking for something to watch. He ended up on Mean Girls. I have no idea how.

“You like this?” I asked him, scrunching up my nose. He smirked.

“Not realleh, but there’s nofin’ else on.”

From then on, we just browsed the shows on TV. I didn’t understand why he wanted to stick around my house with me all day, but I wasn’t complaining. Better than being alone.

I ended up falling asleep on Oli, laying my head in his lap. I was briefly woken up by the sound of my doorbell, again might I add, and Oli moving me over to go answer it for me.

Well isn’t he sweet.

I drifted off again, but I knew it was only for a few seconds until I was woken up by arguing at my door.

“Just move so I can see her” I heard a familiar voice.

“No, now get yeh arse out of ‘ere before I make yeh” I heard Oli say afterwards.

“I want to talk to her.”

“I told yeh, get tha’ fuck out of ‘ere.”

“Kyle! Make this asshole move, I need to talk to you.”

Of course I recognized the voice, but I didn’t want to get up and go talk to him. I assumed it was already after school, otherwise he wouldn’t be here.

I heard them continue arguing until Oli seemed to get even more angry, and I heard a struggle. That’s when I decided to do something.

I got off the couch and grabbed the baseball bat from the coat closet near the door. I propped it on my shoulder and approached them. Oli was trying to push him back, as Cameron was ready to kick his ass, I could tell. They both froze at the sight of me with a more deadly weapon.

“Let him go” I told them both, as a general statement. They both backed away from the doorway, Oli moving back next to me.

“Now, Cameron. Get the fuck off my property” I told him, glaring him down. I had just woken up, I didn’t want to deal with this.

“Oh, come on Evvie..” He said, taking a step inside the door.

Now” I growled, tapping the bat against my shoulder. He knew I wasn’t afraid to attack him with it, too.

He narrowed his eyes on me. “Fine, but I’ll be back. We will talk” And with that, he left.

Once he was away from my door, Oli closed it and locked it for me. I put the bat back in its place and went back to the couch.

“Now, what was tha’ all about?” He asked me. I just shrugged, and leaned over on Oli as he sat next to me.

“I think I’m going to call in sick from work, I just don’t feel like going in” I mumbled. I grabbed Oli’s phone, since mine was upstairs.

I dialed the number of the other guy who worked the opposite shift. I briefly told him that I was feeling under the weather and asked if he could cover my shift, or close up for the day. I offered my salary for the day, but he declined it.

“You work your ass off here, you need a day off” He had said. I was happy he understood.

After the little conversation, I watched another movie with Oli. He didn’t move once from where I was leaning on him, and I had to admit, it was nice to have someone to kinda-sorta cuddle with, since Cameron certainly wasn’t going to back in that spot for a while.

I eventually started yawning again and got up. “I think I’m going to bed, want to let yourself out?” I suggested. He just nodded, but stayed where he was.

I went to my room and got into some sleeping clothes and curled up in my bed. I was feeling so drowsy, I had no idea what was coming over me.

I heard the TV turn off, and saw the lights go off. Then I heard footsteps coming towards me again.

“Are yeh sure you want meh to leave?” He asked, he sounded really unsure.

I rolled over and stared at him for a minute before shaking my head.

“Stay here with me? Please?” I mumbled pathetically. He just smiled, a real smile. Not that smirking, half-smile bullshit.

He moved towards the bed, and I rolled over, letting my back face him.

He slid in beside me silently. He seemed kind of awkward for a moment before I rolled over and snuggled up to him.

“I’m sorry to make you take this role, but since I don’t have Cam, I need someone here for me like this” I murmured, my voice heavy with how tired I was.

I felt him kiss my head and wrap his arms around me. “It’s perfectly fine, love” he mumbled right before I drifted off to sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am pretty happy with this chapter c:

I'm finally getting into the more adorable side of their relationship. I mean, it was getting no where fast, this just speeds things up a little.

So yeah, please comment? Give some predictions of the storyline (which there is one, I know exactly where it's going) or some ideas of what you think should happen? C'mon :3

Oh yeah, I'll be updating that other story of mine (Not the Johnny B one, but the Asking Alexandria one) after this. I have the next chapter half written. I just have to finish it.
