Status: Completed on 2.16.13 with 15 Recommendations, 319 Readers, 75 Subscribers, and 41 Comments.

Just Making Things Harder

“‘Allo. We’re Bring Meh Tha’ Horizon”

It was early in the morning when I finally collapsed into bed that day. I didn’t go to school the Monday after, way too tired to even move.

Oli, unwillingly, agreed to just go without me. He came over right after to give a status report.

Apparently Olivia had flipped her shit on Oli, like with a spatula and everything. She had immediately blamed me for why Cam wasn’t at school, and then she noticed that I was either and jumped on Oli about why we were both out.

Oli had ultimately just pushed his way by her, he told me as he snuggled into me and then grumbled something about how he can’t wait for Cameron to “drop tha’ slag’s arse like tha’ diseased ‘fing et is”.

I had my own little fit of laughter over that.

Once again, I didn’t go into work. If I kept this up, I knew I’d get fired. But a lot of things had been going on. Gimme’ some credit.

The next day I went to school, Cameron had apparently been released from the hospital. Everyone, by now, had heard about what happened. All of his fake friends that he made while with Olivia were showing fake sympathy, thinking it would change anything.

Cam, being who he is, made a huge spectacle of his break-up with Olivia, as well.

“Where were you yesterday, Cameron?” I could hear Olivia screeching down the hallways, “That blonde bimbo wasn’t here either. Were you with her?”

I had walked up and saw Cameron rolling his eyes at her drama.

“I was in the hospital
Olivia” He hissed back. Her expression changed right then. he hurried apologies and excuses, asking what happened.

I could tell, Cameron was a little sceptical about telling her, but after glancing at me, decided it was for the best.

“I tried to kill myself” He said evenly, ignoring her reaction, “And Kyle was the one who found me and saved my life.”

“So now you’re friends with her again?” Olivia continued to screech, resembling a howler monkey in my opinion.

“I am” He told her, “And you and I are done, Olivia.”

She yelled, saying something about how he “knew what would happen if he did this.”

“I have all the proof I need to prove that all of it is fake,” He told her simply, “Now if you’ll excuse me..”

At that, he walked over to where Oliver and I were standing. He smiled and threw his arm over my shoulder lazily.

Then Olivia tried to attack me. I went to hit her, but didn’t when I noticed the principal had been drawn to the action too. He took care of her and Oli, Cam, and I went on to eat lunch together.

In the end, Cam had managed to actually warm up to Oli a little. He told me later that he would deal with Oli and I being in a relationship, if it came to that, because in his eyes, that’s how he’d repent for what he had done.

I personally, was just really happy to have my best friend back.

It was close to the end of the week when Oli asked me something important.

“Mah band an’ I are ‘avin’ a show this Saturday, an’ ah realleh want yeh to be there. Will yeh go?” He said. I accepted right then, wanting the chance to hear his music. I already knew what it was like, but I hadn’t had the chance to see him in action.

I rushed through that week, working most of the time to try and make up for the days I had taken off.

The day of their show, I went to pick up Cameron. Oli had happily agreed when I asked if I could bring him. Cameron enjoyed music like Oli’s as well, and maybe they’d bond a little more.

I really wanted my best friend and my maybe-possibly future boyfriend to be good friends.

Cam and I were just stoked for this show. We just wanted to get in the pits, knowing that there would be some good action in it for us. The only thing was, we both had to be out and side-stage for the last song.

I didn’t want to accept, but did anyway, knowing Oli would have a good reason for it.

At the venue, there was already a line.

“I guess they’re a little more popular than I thought” I told Cameron softly. He shrugged.

“It’s the accents” He said indifferently. I laughed, knowing that was probably it.

Being friends of the band, we got in before the rest of that line. A bunch of girls complained, but dealt with it.

Inside, I greeted and hugged the rest of the band. They were all so happy to see me. They were a little less happy to meet Cam, but made friends once he started talking about how excited he was to mosh to their music, and continued to praise them.

No guy can dislike someone who strokes their ego as well as Cameron did.

There were only three bands before Oli and them went on, but Cam and I had fun with it. There weren’t many people who could join in the pit because they were too scared, but we made the best of it.

Then finally, they went on. Matt, Lee, Vegan, and Curtis took the stage first, not getting hardly as many cheers. Then Oli walked on and all the girls screamed.

My jealousy flared a little at this.

“‘Allo. We’re Bring Meh Tha’ Horizon” Oli said breifly, “Are yeh ready tah fuck shit up?”

Cam and I laughed a little, knowing that his attempts were futile, because all the little girlies in here weren’t going to do anything.

They played a few songs before Oli announced they were about to play their last song. Cam and I hurried side stage and watched.

Oli announced the name, and then started the slow riff of a song I had never heard before.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alrighty. Right after I post this, I'm writing the next chapter.

Literally, what happens in the next chapter is the last thing to happen. And the chapter after that is the last one.

There won't be anything but song lyrics and a little dialogue next. If you guys know your songs, and are reeeeally paying attention, you know what song is going to be played.

Actually, if you think you've figured it out, tell me. I'll mention you in the next one if you get it cx

Until the next chapter, my wonderful little readers.