Status: Completed on 2.16.13 with 15 Recommendations, 319 Readers, 75 Subscribers, and 41 Comments.

Just Making Things Harder

“I can explain!”

I stood completely frozen, completely still as I just stared. I wasn’t expecting this. Never, in a million years. This just wasn’t possible. I almost slapped myself, just to make sure I wasn’t having a nightmare.

Now, you ask, what was a terrified of? Well, I couldn’t say terrified was actually the best word, but it did scare me.

I stood there in the doorway staring at Cameron’s bed, which was currently occupied by two people. Both naked. Both asleep.

One of those people was Cameron, which wasn’t surprising because it was his bed. The other person, although, was my issue with this whole thing.

Olivia fucking James laid there, curled up to Cameron’s side.

I didn’t move, neither of them having any idea I was there, seeing as they were both asleep.

A million questions were assaulting me right now, trying to figure out what was going on. Why was his door broken if this was all that was going on? Why the hell is this scene being laid in front of me in the first place?

I wasn’t completely sure what to do at this point. So I left.

As I was heading down the stairs, his father glanced at me. “Where’s these notes you were talking about?”

I’m sure my expression resembled a deer caught in headlights. “He’s asleep” I murmured.

“What? No. I’ll get that boy up” He said before pulling himself off the couch and moving up the stairs.

“No! Really, it’s alright” I tried, still walking away. He just ignored me.

“Cameron! Wake the fuck up. Your friend just came over to get notes and you’re sleeping your ass off” I heard him yell from upstairs, followed by a thump of what I assumed was him falling out of bed.

“What friend?” I heard Cam say. I took that one to the ego.

“Kyle or whatever her name is” I heard his dad say, in a normal voice now. Then I heard louder thumps, just as I was walking out the front door.

“Wait! Kyle!” I heard him from behind me, I just continued out to my car. I threw open the door and got in, looking up just briefly to see him run out in boxers and look at me sadly.

“I can explain!” I heard him yell, muffled by the sound of my car. I kept an expressionless face on as I pulled out of his driveway and headed down the road.

I had no idea where I was going to go, but it wasn’t going to be home.


After driving around for about fifteen minutes, I eventually ended up in front of the town movie theater.

Since it was such a small town, we didn’t have a mall or anything else. We just had a building with two huge rooms that they played movies about two weeks late in. When something came out, it took us two weeks to get it and actually get days to play it. If you missed the very few showings of it, you were just fucked.

I parked my car on one of the far sides, and got out to sit on the hood. I usually didn’t come here, but I always went somewhere and did the same thing when I was stressed and upset. I found somewhere to park, sit on my hood, and did something I didn’t do very often.

I smoked.

I always had a pack in the car, but it was reserved for times like this. This certain pack was only missing three cancer sticks. As much as I preached to the people who came to the store about this, I did it myself. But this was only the third pack I had ever had. The only reason I could get them is because I worked in the store, and I could just put money in a register, no ID required.

I had just finished off the last of mine and flicked it onto the ground when I saw two dark figures approaching. I immediately freaked out and started to slide off my car, about to dart for the knife I had inside when I recognized them.

“Oli?” I asked, sitting back on my car. A grin stretched across his face.

“Oh, I see, I don’ get a ‘ello from yeh?” Matt said from beside him, hopping up on my car beside me.

“Sorry, I thought I only needed to greet one of you” I said quietly. Matt just grinned.

“’s fine.”

I smiled a little before looked back over to Oli. He was giving me a look that I couldn’t necessarily decode.

“’ey Matteh, go start tha’ car. Et’s bloody cold out ‘ere” He said. Matt groaned, but did what was asked.

As he walked away, Oli sat next to me.

“So, Kyle, I di’n know yeh smoked?” He said, more of a question that a statement.

I shrugged. “Only when I’m stressed out or upset. I wouldn’t be here otherwise.”

He looked at me worriedly. “Would yeh like ta’ talk ‘bout it?”

I glanced wearily at him. I hardly knew this guy, but it wasn’t like he had anything over me. I always wished I had someone to talk to, preferably someone who didn’t know me so well. Someone I wouldn’t ruin my image in their mind.

“Matt is waiting on you though” I said quietly.

He looked over again, then held up a finger, indicating he’s be back in a minute.

I watched him run awkwardly over to the car and lean in the window. I didn’t hear any of the conversation, just saw Oli running back over to me as Matt pulled out and drove away.

“Well, if yeh don’ mind giving meh a ride, yeh can talk now” He told me, smiling lightly.

I stared at him for a second, then a half smile crawled it’s way to my lips.

“Get in.”
♠ ♠ ♠
This took me a really long time to decide to write. Whatever.

It's weird, because I'm slightly tired of my Get Scared story. I hate how I wrote some of it and as much as I want to continue, I like this better.

Anyway, if you are actually reading this, and you like it, I'd love it if you'd tell your friends about it. I need some more love.