‹ Prequel: French Vanilla
Status: Completed with Readers: 254; Subscribers: 117; Comments: 108; Stars: 10

Sweet Nothings

Rory C, What's Your Thesis?

"Yeh readeh to go?" Oli asked the next morning.

I nodded, zippering his sweater. Not Tom's sweater - Oli's. I was in Oli's sweater, Oli's t-shirt, and Oli's sweatpants. I quickly pulled my hair into a ponytail before following the lanky man out of his room. My eye's fell on to Tom's door and a sigh left my mouth.

Oli's hand slipped into mine and I looked up. He smiled lightly and pulled me downstairs and outside to his car. The ride was pretty quiet - not awkward, but comfortable - as comfortable as you can possibly be when you're going to a doctor's office.

Neither of us spoke until we were walking into the office. "May I help you?" The secretary asked.

Oli didn't even look down at her as he walked right by her desk and into Bob's office.

"Ello!" Bob greeted us.

"Ello mate. We juss want to get 'er checked out real quick. She 'asn't been feelin' like 'erself." Oli spoke for me.

Bob nodded and looked over towards me. "Well, sit on down. Tell meh what's the problem."

"I don't know," I shrugged, sitting on the crinkly paper on the doctor's bed. "I just feel weird and I'm ultra stressed out, you know?"

"Well that can't be good fo' yeh," Bob commented. He walked over and listened to my heart before checking a few other procedure things. "Well yeh don't seem sick. Have yeh been takin' yeh vitamins like I've instructed?"

My brows furrowed, "vitamins?"

"Uh... yea?" He questioned. "The vitamins you've been takin'.... fo' months?"

"What vitamins?" I asked.

Now it was Bob's turn to twist his face in confusion. "Well, I've been prescribin' yeh vitamins... and," he glanced down at the chart in his hand. "Yeh 'ave been pickin' up from the pharmacy monthly accordin' to this."

"No I haven't."

"Yes yeh 'ave," he shot back. "It says Tommy 'as been pickin' em up fo' yeh every month like I told 'im too. Yeh 'ave been takin' them, right?"

"Obviously not!" Oliver shouted, finally breaking his silence.

"Why would Tommy do that?" I asked.

"Wait," Oli started shaking his head. Now it was his turn to look confused. "Why would she 'ave to be takin' vitamins?"

Bob looked severely confused, flashing his eyes from the chart, back up to both of us, and back to the chart. "She's pregnant. Didn't yeh know?"

♠ ♠ ♠
I'm just going to let this one sink into your skulls...
Thank you lexin3d, tica0o0, The Mini Monster, lalalaloveme, dreamingyouhere (haha! YOU are the threatening one!), cityofsin, CountMyName, DropDead4Me, taylorsatiger, Vani.Violence, Fast.Times., Pretty Optimistic and Hannahd108 for commenting.
Fourth Chapter. 10 Stars. New record.
Don't start hating me.