Status: In progress <3

Honest Eyes

Best Friend


“Success!” I yelled as zipped up the suitcase I had been fighting with for the past 5 minutes. Being the mature 18 year old I am, I broke out in a victory dance in time with the Escape the Fate song blaring through my room. Immediately, loud male laughter met my ears. I whirled around, and came face to face with Gabe. Not caring about what he had just caught me doing, I let out a shriek of joy, and leapt over my bed, and ran across to the doorway to maul him. He caught me as I flung myself at him, arms wide open. “Hi! Holy shit, I missed you!” I squealed, and squeezed him tighter.

His laughter rumbled in my ear as I tucked my head to his chest. “Hey Row, I missed you too.” He said, rubbing my back as he returned my hug. I then became consciously aware of how I was dressed; a baggy white tee cut to it hung off my shoulder with no bra, shorts, no makeup, glasses, and my hair pulled up into a messy bun. Why must he see me for the first time in three months looking like such a hot mess? Oh well, better get used to it I guess. I’m going to be stuck on a tour bus with him for the next 5 weeks or so; I’m not always going to be gorgeous.

“Wait, how the hell did you get here? I never told you where I live. And are the other losers with you as well?” I asked, stepping back and crossing my arms over my chest.

“I texted Thalia and told her I wanted to surprise you, so she gave me the address. The guys are out there with her because I wanted to see you first, and Thalia was pretty sure you were going to tackle me. No need for them to risk injury.” He smirked, his eyes dancing with mischief.

“Well, aren’t you just clever? I should probably be annoyed with you for surprising me, because you are well aware of the fact I hate surprises, but I’m too excited to see you to be pissed. Damn you for being irresistible.” I giggled and launched myself back at him.

“I know, I know. I’m just too sexy for my own good.” He joked and winked at me, making my heart flutter. If only he knew I was being completely serious. “You should get dressed, beautiful. The guys want to see you, too, and while I’m perfectly okay with your current state of dress, I would prefer for their eyes to stay in their heads. You know, I must protect your honor and all that other bullshit.” Gabe laughed.

“You are so full of shit, Gabe Garcia, but since you called me beautiful, I guess I’ll let it slide. This is my pajamas, which I fully intend on wearing on the bus. I guess you will all just need to get use to my habit of being half dressed.” I stated walking back to my dresser and pulling out my favorite plum colored lace push up bra, shedding my shirt with my back to him, and putting on the bra. Pulling a black t-shirt over my head, I turned to face Gabe again. “Better now?” I asked sarcastically raising an eyebrow.

“Much better, but that was cruel, Row. When did you get your new ink? That owl is amazing.” He asked, tugging my t-shirt back up again to inspect my ribs.

“As much of a fuss as you made about me getting dressed, you don’t seem to want to keep it that way.” I laughed, “I got it last month, if you must know, nosey.” I really didn’t mind his perusal, even if it was just my ink he was looking at.

“Hey, if you guys are done fucking each other stupid, I’d kind of like to see Rowan as well.” Austin yelled, banging on my door, barely being heard over the music that was blaring. Gabe and I immediately looked at each other and began laughing.

Turning down my music, I called out, “The door is open, fuckface. I promise we aren’t currently in any state of undress.” I laughed hysterically as Austin opened the door and stuck his head, looking through his fingers.

“Stop being a drama queen, Austin.” I giggled and ruffled his ridiculously curly hair. An annoyed look crossed his face, but was quickly replaced by a bright smile as he hugged me.
“Man, you know better than to think I’d even be close to finished fucking Row if that was what we were up to. I am by no means a minute man. Plus, you’d have heard her screaming over the music.” Gabe smirked and wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

“You’re talking out your ass again, Gabe.” Zakk called from the doorway where he stood with Lia and Steven. Lia was smirking at me as I went to hug the others.

“Like your surprise, Rowan?” She asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Four of my favorite people randomly showing up in my house equals a good day in my book. Now, my rockstars, what the hell are we going to do today? We have many hours before we need to sleep, and there is still trouble to cause. Personally, I want to go swimming… And tonight, we must get wasted. I’ve not drank with you guys in forever and a day.” I smirked, wrapping an arm around Zakk and Steven, and pressed a kiss to both of their cheeks.

“I’m down, and you look gorgeous, Rowan. Ready for these next few weeks? We’re going to party like its 2012.” Zakk said, wrapping an arm around me.

“Why do you think I agreed to this tour? Come on, guys, can we please go swimming? I don’t know when the next time I’ll be able to go is. Please!” I pouted, looking around the room. I’m going to miss Florida’s weather so much these next few weeks.

“Sure, I’ve not swam in a while. Plus who would miss seeing these two lovely ladies in a swim suit?” Steven agreed, nodding his head.

“Hey, quit it! You’re a taken man, and I happen to like Desiree. You need to hold onto her.” Thalia glared, planting her hands on her hips, as I nodded my agreement. Dez was supposed to be joining us in Houston to help me with merch.

“It never hurts to look, Row.” Gabe stated, smirking.

“Oh all of you stop it. You’re going to be the death of me. I’m being flirted with by all these gorgeous men. My poor heart can’t take it.”I swooned, giggling like crazy.

“Come on, fuckers. Save her poor heart, and lets go swimming.” Lia said, shoving the guys out of my room. “Everyone go change and be ready in 10 minutes! Kay? Thanks. Bye!” She giggled as she slammed the door in their faces. I turned to look at her, and raised a curious eyebrow. Let the adventures begin.


About five hours later, we all stumbled back in from our beach adventure. “I’m going to go get comfortable, and then we shall get wasted. Someone, pool the liquor, and can someone make a beer run?” I asked with a wide grin, cocking a hip out to the side. I didn’t even wait for an answer, as I rushed for the shower. “Dibs, bitches!”

Once everyone had showered quickly, and changed I met everyone back in the living room wearing comfortable shorts, and an off the shoulder Avenged Sevenfold shirt. The music was blasting, and everyone but me already had some sort of alcohol in hand. “Drinking without me, love?” I asked, wrapping an arm around Gabe as he stood leaning against the counter talking to Austin. I grabbed his beer and took a swig. Swallowing quickly, I made a face, “Fuck, how can you drink that nasty shit? I’m getting a Smirnoff and taking shots of Jack Daniels. Feel like joining me?” I smirked at him.

“You think that’s a good idea, Row? I know how you get when you drink whiskey, girl,” He asked, smirking. I tend to attempt to fuck anyone in the vicinity when I get whiskey drunk, but hey it was a Jack kind of night.

“I’ll be good, Gabe. I promise.” I laughed, and looked up into his eyes and bit my lip. “Plus, it’s only you guys here, so I can’t get into too much trouble, can I? You can surely save me from doing anything too stupid. Now, quit being chicken shit, and take shots with me.” I drug him across the small space, and grabbed my bottle and poured two shot glasses, and grabbed a Smirnoff for a chaser. “Cheers.” I raised my shot.

“Cheers” Gabe clinked his glass with mine, and we threw back the first shots, laughing and joking as we took them. I kept conning him into drinking more, but he wouldn’t however, dance with me, claiming he hadn’t had enough alcohol for that to happen.

He cut me off after three, and tugged me into the living room, beers in hand. “You really don’t need to drink too much more, Row. A huge crowd, loud music, and a hangover are not a fun combination.” He reasoned, stumbling over Zakk’s leg as we headed for the loveseat.

“Believe me, we learned this from experience. Having a hangover and playing a show is not a good idea. Part of your job on this adventure should be to make sure we’re partially sober for shows.” Zakk joked, grabbing my arm so Gabe and I didn’t fall onto him where he sat on the couch with Lia and Austin.

“Where’s Steven?” I asked, cocking my head to the side. I curled into Gabe’s side as we sat on the loveseat, tucking my legs underneath me. His arm was thrown haphazardly over my shoulder.

“His woman called, so stepped out on the balcony to talk to her for a little while.” Austin said, sipping his beer. I nodded, and laid my head on Gabe’s shoulder, ignoring the look from Lia.

“I feel so lame. It’s only 11 at night, and I’m fucking exhausted.” I whined. “Or maybe it’s just the reverse effects of Jack on me. I didn’t drink enough to be wasted, so maybe it’s just making me sleepy. Hell, I don’t know. I sure as hell am not a medical professional… and I’m rambling. Someone shut me up?” I said, waving me arms around, nearly hitting Gabe in the face.

“Whoa, Row. Chill the hell out. You’ve got nothing to worry about, beautiful.” Gabe muttered, grabbing my hands, and lacing his fingers with mine. I glanced down at our entwined fingers, noting the difference in texture, tattoos, and size. His calloused thumb rubbed circles slowly. “Just a precaution, Row. I don’t need a black eye on stage tomorrow. If you’re tired, I’ll go lay down with you. We can watch a movie or whatever. We’ve got to get up fairly early in order to do sound checks and shit, anyway.” He smiled at me, his real smile, not the smirk I normally get.

“Sounds like a plan to me. You sure you don’t want to stay out here? I don’t mind.” I told him, my voice soft. I was lying, of course. There was nothing more I wanted than to have him in my bed curled up with me. I wouldn’t tell him that, though. God, I’m going to hell for this shit.

“Really, Row, I’m sure. I want to hang out with you. They’ll survive without us until morning. I’ve not seen you in forever, and we’ve not hung out, just us, in even longer. Get your ass to your room, Rowan. You’re mine for the rest of the night.” He told me, standing up and pulling me with him. He drew the eyes of our friends. “We’re turning in for the night. Have fun without us, and don’t let them drink too much Lia.” He announced, ignoring the raised eyebrows and smirks.

“Goodnight, guys. Have fun finding a place to sleep tonight.” I said in a sing-song voice, walking down the hall.

Once ensconced in my darkened room, the door firmly locked I let out a groan of relief as I collapsed face first on my king bed, the soft deep purple comforter muffling my noise. “Are you really that tired, Row?” Gabe asked, pulling his shirt over his head.

“I’ve not slept for shit these past few days. I’ve been crazy busy with packing, and not to mention becoming inspired at the most inopportune times. Fucking muse….” I muttered, sitting up to unhook my bra, and throw it across the room.

“I know how that goes. I’m the same way when I write. If I don’t write it exactly when I think of it, my ideas go to shit.” He said, popping a random movie in my DVD player. The light from the TV showed every rippling muscle in his back, and his basketball shorts barely hung on his lean hips. Damn him.

I turned down my bed, trying to ignore the rush of hormones as he climbed in next to me. “It’s both a gift and a curse, being a writer, isn’t it?” I muttered, curling up facing him. The familiar opening music of The Nightmare Before Christmas played softly and I smiled. “I should have known you’d pick my favorite movie.”

“It never fails to make you smile, and I like hearing you sing along with it.” He said softly, propping himself up on pillows, and pulling me over to him. I laid my head on his chest, softly tracing the tattoos on his chest and stomach, as he ran his hands through my messy hair. I love when he acts this way with me. When he loses his rockstar persona, and is just my Gabe.

We lay there just like that, curled up and talking about anything and everything until the ending credits rolled. “Play it again, will you Gabe? I like having something to fall asleep to. Maybe I’ll dream of it.” I said, sleepily rubbing my eyes, and rolling over on my other side. He complied, and rolled over as well, throwing an arm over my waist. “G’night, Gabe” I mumbled, half asleep.

“Night, Row.” He muttered into my hair. Sleep came very easily for me that night. Wrapped in the arms of my secret love, the last thing I remember was the slight press of a kiss at my temple.
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It's a little later than I wanted it to be, but I literally had no time at all because of finals. Thanks to my subscribers and readers. :) Please, don't be a silent reader!

Peace, love, and music!