Your Love Is the Sweetest Sin

Jewels polished and gleaming

I open my eyes laying on the bed, once again the blue ceiling the first thing I see, the pictures of Sisky and me hunt me in addition to that, my head spins like crazy, I pull my knees to my chest trying to reassure myself.

“Feeling better?” Jason’s voice breaks the silence making me jump as a small smile creeps on his lips.

“Uh, yeah I guess so, what happened?” I carefully got up

“You passed out for a couple of hours”

“Thanks for helping me but you didn’t have to”

“I just want to make sure you are ok”

“Thanks but seriously I’m fine”

“You should see a doctor, want me to take you?”

“Thanks for the offer but no, it was probably just the lack of sleep or something like that”

“Or could’ve been the amount of alcohol you drank, whatever and it’s not normal just to pass out” He steps closer “I’m starting to worry about you”

I immediately turn away and walk “You don’t have to, I’m perfect, I just need to rest a while”

“Ok, but you have to go out for some food with me”

“I don’t want to, I just want to stay here and fall asleep until it all gets better”

“Don’t talk like that, I’m here for you and if I can help in anyway just let me know” He follows me out the room

“So grab a hoodie and come with me”

“Why should I?”

“Cause I’m here for you and no mater how you’re coming with me”
I pull on a white hoodie and we walk the door heading for the car, the ride is pretty fun, I actually don’t remember the last time I had such a good time with someone. We enter a nice little dinner take a booth and order. The service is pretty good and the food here is pretty good, Jason stares with a cute smile “What?”

“You have something on your face, let me get it” He takes a napkin and cleans it for me “There”

My cheeks color in a soft shade of red “Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, I’m flying to catch up with Sisky” A smile lits up my face

“Oh, um, that’s pretty… um cool” He says poking his food “How long will you stay”

“Just some days” I sip my coke “It’s going to be so fun”

“I bet so” He looks at his food frowning “You don’t seem excited about it”

“I am! I haven’t seen him in weeks” I twist on my seat smiling

“I’m sure he’ll be happy too” He sips his drink, the rest of the dinner is silence not knowing how to handle the tension I try to bring up another topic failing, the ride back home is awkward to say least, but I didn’t do anything wrong.
“See you” That’s all from Jason’s lips, I nod and watch him speed away.

School once again, It’s really frustrating I have no friends except for Wendy who I haven’t seen today. I rest my forehead on the locker “So Natalie did you enjoy my gift?” A soft voice and cold breath on my neck sends shivers up to my spine

I turn around quickly, Seth smirks widely, I push him away and start walking to the cafeteria but as all boys he follows “Why are you ignoring me Natty?”

“Cause I’m really really hungry and if you don’t get lost I’ll bite you”

“I’d like to see you try” That’s all I hear from him before practically running down the hall. I enter the cafeteria straight to line-up and order, pay, and holding a gray tray of food I rush to get a table, alone, think I lost the guy “Mind if I sit with you?” Think again

“Doesn’t matter cause if I say no you’ll still stay”

He chuckles “You’re right” He sits in front of me and smiles

“So Seth why are you all… um I can’t find the correct word… stalkerish?”

“I’m not a stalker, I’m just persevering” I roll my eyes “I’m sorry if I’m bothering you but I just want to be your friend”

I smile “That’s nice I guess”

“Let’s start over again” I smile nodding “I’m Seth and I’m in two of your classes” He sticks out his hand

“For real?” I never noticed this guy before

“Yeah, art and gym class, I just moved like two weeks ago”

“So where are you from?”

“Boston, but dad was transferred so here I am” He smiles slightly, the conversation went on pretty well, favorite movies, favorite drink and music until it lead to the obvious

“How long have you been with your boyfriend?”

“Two years”

“That’s pretty long. Is he from school?”

“Yes, but he’s out of the city”

“Why would a boy leave a girl like you?”

“He’s a bassist and he’s recording with his band”

“A rock-star, that’s interesting, It was nice talking to you, but I have to go”

"Ok, see you later" He kisses my cheek and trails off to his class.
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Sorry it took really long to update, my summer is pretty sucky so I'll try to update sooner