Your Love Is the Sweetest Sin

With everything, I won't let this go

After a long day buying stupid stuff and laughing like crazy, we finally make it to the park. Laying under a sturdy tree, my head over his chest, watching the clouds slowly move in the blue sky, such a cliche scene. He hasn’t said a word, something is wrong. I sit up and look deeply in his eyes. I press my lips against his, he doesn't respond. His look emotionless.

“Whats wrong Adam?” He sits and looks down to his lap.

“You know, this is our last year in High School right?”

“Yes I know that, I’m not retarded”

“Well you know that my dream is to be in a successful band, and…” He looks up to the sky. Stalling. His eyes fixed on the blue cover almost pleading for help to continue.

“And what Adam?” I shake his arm, anxious for an answer.

Eyes back to the ground, “The band was signed.”

Excitement takes over. I hug him. “That’s great Adam! I'm so happy for you!” but he isn’t excited, “What’s the problem?”

“We will have to go for some months to Florida, to record our debut.” I finally understand why he was so sad. I lay my head over his shoulder.

I turn to him. “Adam, I only want you to be happy.” His hand in mine. “Our love is so strong that it will get over this.”


I hold her hand tight to my lips. Straight eyes on her. How am I going to live without her? Her gaze on the grassy field while I caress her cheek. Silence. Salty tears slide off her face. I place my arms around her pulling her head against my chest.

“Natalie do you really love me?” She laces our fingers without saying a word. They fit perfectly as if they were molded for each other. She gets up gracefully pulling me with her. I hug her tightly, she rests her head on my shoulder; if time could stay still.

“Of course I love you, now lets get out of here and have some fun.”

I stare at her confused, where were we going? I just told her I'm leaving and she wants to have fun? She takes my hand leading me to the car.

“Where are we going Natalie?”

“To your house”

“Why do you want to go to my house?”

A mischievous spark in her hazel eyes, she bites her lower lip as she starts tracing her fingers in my thighs. I get it. A tiny smile creeps onto my lips. I drive as fast as I can. We arrive at my house and literally run to the front door. I have some difficulties to get the door to open, she takes my hand and leads me to my room.

Our lips meet with fiery passion. Lust. Her legs end up round my waist, her hands in my hair pulling it gently. Clothes flying across the room, scattering in every way. “I love you” I whisper to her ear giving her goosebumps. Her body fused against mine feels just so right.
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