Your Love Is the Sweetest Sin


“Nat, where are you?” Sisky asks from somewhere in the house.

“In the kitchen” I frown the burned pancake on the pan.

“What are you doing?” He hugs me from behind, and kisses my cheek.

“I’m making pancakes” I give him a smile as I try to flip a pancake, but it ends at the floor, Adam laughs at my attempt so I give him a sad face. “I’m really trying hard.”

“You don’t have to, I know that pretty girls can’t be perfect” He sits at the table

“Well thanks for the pretty thing, but what’s that supposed to mean?” I pass him a plate with a stack of pancakes “you think I should be stupid?”

“No, you are just perfect” He pulls me down to his lap “And you look good with an apron”

“I also made orange juice” I kiss him “You’re the best boyfriend ever” he seriously is, I mean he is good looking, charming, caring, makes sweet love, the list can go on.

“I know” he pours the maple syrup on the pancakes, and starts eating, I stay on his lap “You should have some, they are really good” he stuffs some in my mouth, he keeps feeding me.

“Adam if you make me eat like that everyday I’m going to get fat”

“No your not, you're freaking skinny” he rubs my stomach “I think you would look so cute pregnant”

I stare at him amazed “What?” he can’t be serious we’re still fucking kids.

“I think you would look so cute with a little Sisky in your tummy” he pokes my stomach and tickles me.

I twist on his lap laughing “Stop doing that”

“Just imagine a cute baby rocker with a dead ferret, wouldn’t that be awesome?” I hope that he’s just kidding, but that seriously would be fun, at least making the kid. I get off my thoughts by the insistence of his fingers on my stomach. I move from his lap, walking to the living room only having Sisky chasing me, he tackles me and I end up squirming on the floor, where he continues tickling me.

“Stop please… I surrender… but just please STOP!” I finally get to say, this way my torture ends, but I finish pressed against the linoleum floor “This is so unfair”

“Life isn’t fair honey” Sisky says with a grin “Siska equals total domination” and the make out begins.

“Sisky, do you mind if I go visit Wendy?”

“I’ve got no problem with it, just come home safe and horny.”

“Sisky, do your parents know I’m living with you?” I trace my finger on his chest.

“Not yet Nat, do you want to go with me and tell them?”

“I don’t know if it’s a good idea, what if they don’t like me, I’m afraid they might think I’m not good enough for you, and what if they think I’m perverting their underage son” he chuckles still on top of me.

“You know I’ve also been thinking of getting a job”

“Why? You haven’t worked before, you don’t have to do it, I can give you enough cold hard cash” he inches down and kisses my forehead.

“I really want to do it, you are leaving for some months, I have to do something, now if you don’t mind I think I’m going to visit my friend Wendy” I push him aside, and get up stumbling with the couch at the time that my phone starts ringing.

“Clumsy” Sisky starts laughing, well I must agree with him on that one. Damn phone, I check the ID and wish . “Nat I think you should get the phone” Sisky whispers making me smile. Seeing that I won't answer, he takes the phone.

“Sike! It’s Sisky, you’re calling Natalie, she can’t get you cause she is trying to get laid…” I laugh loudly, his expression changes, the smile fades as he listens with attention, he nods without blinking. “Would you hold on a second?” he rubs the back of his neck, “Nat, its your dad, he says its important” I bury my face in my hands, this would happen sooner or later, though I would prefer later. I reach out for the phone.


“Natalie, are you ok?” he definetely is concerned.

“Yes, I’m fine dad”

“Nat, I know what happened, and I understand if you hate us, but you have to know that I don’t approve what your mother did, I want you to come home…”

“Listen, I don’t know if you were in accordance with the decision that my mother took, but I wont go back” My voice breaks, “She was the one who kicked me out.” Honestly, she did hurt me.

“I understand that you are angry, but you can’t be serious, you can’t afford a department, you’ve never worked, what are you going to do?”

“Well if you called to make me feel miserable, tell me that I'm useless, don’t waste your time, I already know that you think I don’t serve for anything, so If you don't mind I'm trying to get laid.”

“No, please, do you think we could talk? will you hear what I have to say? I need to apologize for not being there when you needed me, to offer you help” I sure wasn't expecting that, my father apologizing? I thought that in a lifetime that would never happen.

“I mean if you think I could see you? How about eating together?”

“You’re wrong if you think i'm going back to that house.” I won't leave Sisky, he completes my life.

“Ok, how about a restaurant, how about your favorite one, where we used to go at your birthdays, you remember that one?"

The memories made me smile “Yeah, you know it’s been years since we last ate there.”

“I’m sorry if I didn’t spend enough time with you, how about 3:00 p.m?”

“Sounds perfect to me, see you later then" I hang up the phone and look at Sisky.

"So, what happened?"

"What do you mean?"

He stares at me with the are-you-stupid-or-what face. "That, what happened with your dad? what did he say?" Ok, it was a stupid question but not knowing what will happen there makes me think.

"He wants me to meet him at a restaurant"

"Do you want me to go with you? I'm sure your dad will love me, I'm cute, everyone loves cute Sisky biz" He's right, my mother never gave him a chance. Stop thinking of her Natalie. Think happy thoughts. Adam, much better. I start walking to the bedroom without looking back, I stand in front of the bed, and cross my hands against my chest, and fake a frown.

"What? I didn't do anything" Sisky says joining me, throwing his hands up to the air

"That's why I'm upset, now do you want to finish what we started?" A grin spreads his face as I am pushed over the mattres, he crawls over to me, we finish getting rid of our clothing. Now this is what I've been craving for.
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