Your Love Is the Sweetest Sin

Seasons change with the break of a lifetime

“Natalie what should I wear?” Sisky asks as I put on some jeans.

“I thought girls were the ones who should worry about that.”

“But it’s a fancy restaurant and I don’t want your dad to think I’m a freak,” I nod and put on a plaid baby doll, I walk bare foot to the closet where I pull out a pair of dark jeans, a stripped black and gray shirt for Sisky, “Here you can wear this, it really doesn’t matter what you wear as long as you leave a generous tip”

He puts his arms up “Dress me!” I smirk and walk over to him, pulling the t-shirt off, I rub his chest nibbling his neck making my way to his mouth, my tongue enters his mouth, I rest my hands on his head, as he holds on tightly to my waist and starts rubbing my sides, we pull away, now the best part the pants, I pull them down and my fingers start playing with the waistband of his boxers, Sisky pins me over the mattress, “You think your dad would mind waiting some minutes?”

“Only minutes? Is that your best?” I ask wryly

He fakes an offended look and grinds his hips against mine, with a smirk he nibbles my ear, “Adam I love you” He stops and stares at me “I already know that” I push him off and toss him his jeans with a victorious smile, he sticks out his lower lip, I walk away to finish my hair and make up, he starts yelling “You teaser! You never get to finish what you start!”

We drive to the restaurant and pull in the parking lot, I am nervous, I don’t want to go back, I had already made a decision and I won’t rescind, Sisky gives me a smile as he takes my arm and we start walking to the door of the restaurant in silence I guess he is nervous too, it was the first time he would meet my father, I see my father walking ahead of me with his penguin suit and fancy shoes, I slip my arm and run to catch up with him, he smiles at me and gives me a big hug “You have no idea how much I miss you Natalie” he whispers, Sisky walks over and stands beside me, my dad stares at him “Natalie who is this young man?” before I could say anything Sisky replies with that contagious smile “I’m Adam, Natalie’s boyfriend, it’s a pleasure to meet you Sir” as they shake hands I see my dad wearing a confused expression, “Well I didn’t know Natalie had a boyfriend”

I nod, “You would if you used your time with me and not working, we have been two years together” he blinks and we share an awkward moment, “I think we should go in” Dad breaks the silence. It had been a while since I last came, everything was different.

We walked up to the host, who sneers at our clothes, two teens wearing washed off skinny jeans and chuckles, how could we afford a meal here? I raise him an eyebrow, Dad notices and pulls me closer, “Monsieur, Your table is ready" said the host, leading us to a table in the back "Thank you" my dad slips the host a tip when shaking hands, dad pulls out the chair for me, a waitress comes and takes our respective orders.

“Natalie where are you staying?”

“Since I can’t afford a hotel room, I’m with Adam”

Dad sighs “I’m sorry honey but It doesn’t seem appropriate for a young lady to live with a guy”

“Pardon me Sir, but I think she is better with me, I really love her” he smiles taking my hand

“I’m not questioning your feelings for her, but how are you going to solve your economy”

“Well my parents gave me a house and money, I’m in a and I have small gigs very often, in a few months I will fly to record our first album”

“And I’m planning to get a job” I add with a smile looking at Sisky

Dad didn’t seemed to be pleased with the idea of his only daughter working, the waiter came with our food, just non-alcoholic drinks for us, since we are underage. We ate in silence, I felt something rubbing my thighs, Sisky was grinning.

“So Adam when are you leaving?” The legs stop running my thighs

“In a couple of weeks” I glance him, he didn’t tell me it was that soon,

“Natalie, I think you should at least consider coming back, at least while Adam is out” I turn to him, what the hell did he just say?

“No, you said you wouldn’t try to convince me about going back” I pin the fork in my plate “Let’s forget about that, I came because I want to keep in touch with you”

“Ok, would you like to come here every weekend so we can talk?”

“Yeah, sure,”

“And Adam can come with you if you want”

He looks up from his plate after listening his name “Oh, I would love to, but I think you should spend more time alone with Natalie” I see that he is feeling uncomfortable,

“Natalie, I don’t want you to work, if your doing it for the money don’t worry I’ll give you a credit card and, I think it’s time you get a car”
What? He wants to buy my affection, with expensive gifts, “Thanks but you don’t have to do it”

“Please let me do it, it will be a way to compensate the time I didn’t spend with you”

I roll my eyes, “I think it’s better If we go” he motions calling the waiter for the tab, after paying and leaving the tip, as we walk past the host with Sisky holding my hand, he still stares at our clothes, I blow the host a kiss, we head to the parking lot, dad pulls me into a tight hug, “I hope I can see you soon Natalie”

“Me too” I reply more like an automated response, seriously it’s the worst meal I’ve ever had

“Take care of her Adam” My dad pats Sisky’s shoulder