Your Love Is the Sweetest Sin

Burning bridges, making wishes

Not even 24 hours without Sisky and I am a wreck, I knew this would hurt, but never this hard, I have to stop this, its no good for me, I get out of bed, pushing the wrinkled sheets away, my weak my legs make me stumble which doesn’t help when you’re feeling vulnerable, I walk lazily to the bathroom where I sink into the hot watered tub, I miss his body heat, his scent, I’m in his house how can I not think of him, I wonder if he feels the same; stop torturing yourself Natalie, it’s all for the best he’ll come back and everything will be just like it used to be.

I dress myself slowly with my favorite clothes that happen to be his, I have nothing to do why should I hurry, I sit on the bed mind distracted until I feel something against my leg, I look down to find Baby, how long have these kitties been without food? Probably the same as me, I pick Baby up, Baby has been a long time with Sisky, since he was in second grade. I fill Baby and Little girls’ container with food and watch them devour.

I open the fridge to look for some beer, fuck, why didn’t Sisky get some before leaving, I grab a half-full jar of peanut butter and a spoon. I drop my body over the couch taking the control I turn on the TV, I’m sure SpongeBob SquarePants can cheer me up. A knock, I’ll just pretend that I didn’t hear, sipping my Dr. Pepper the banging on the door becomes more insistent I cant hear you I try to ignore it, “Coming!” I growl getting up.

“Hi Natalie” A tanned boy with long brow hair and cute smile is at my door

“Hi Jason, come on in” He does holding a tray “Nat, mom baked these brownies, and since you are lonely I thought it would be a good idea to bring you some”

I smile “Thanks Jason” I see that he is staring at my clothes, ok maybe it’s not a great idea to receive visits when you are only half dressed in some boxers and t-shirt that are not yours. He follows me to the kitchen where I offer him a glass of milk

“You can visit me anytime, or go with mom, she really likes you” I never thought of Mrs. Siska as a friend

“How do you feel?” I barely understand him between the munching, I giggle seeing that he is having some trouble swallowing, milk can be a good friend in these situations,

Jason looks at me expectantly “You know how much I love Adam, so its not gonna be easy” Jason pats my shoulder “How do you feel about it?”

He scratches the back of his head, “Well he’s my brother, the one and only Sisky Biz” pushing a brownie to his mouth “If you need a brother I’m right here” I’ve been gaining lot of family lately,

“Thanks, but technically you already are my brother-in-law” Giving him a knowing smile

“Oh right” He scratches his neck, “I forgot, now where is Copper?”

“Follow me big bro” I skip off to the living room causing him to laugh

“Why are you so weird?”

“Im not weird, I’m just different and that, my dear, makes me special” I touch his nose slightly with my index, he laughs even harder

He lifts the tank “I have to go Nat, would you mind getting the door for me” I nod and lead him to the door “Take care of Copper, you know, it would be nice if you came to visit me”

He leans and places a wet kiss on my cheek, which was kinda awkward, “Sure, take care” He walks away, I sit on the doorsteps watching him drive away, Sundays are always so calm, I feel the cold breeze against my body but I don’t feel like moving, I rest my head on my knees

“So there you are, and here I stand!” There’s only one person who does that, “Dammit where have you been? And why do you have crumbs all over your face? ” That’s Wendy, my loud always hyper friend “And why are you wearing boy boxers? Anyways I got something that will make you happy!”

“Really? What is it?” I jump and fight with her to get she was hiding “Oh you brought me cookies ‘N cream ice-cream! I love you!” I run back to the house to grab spoons

She starts jumping “Where’d you get these brownies they are great!”

“Jason brought them”

“You mean Jason as in the hot brother?” I nod “Damn, I just missed that hottie right?” Again I nod, she slaps my head

“Ouch! Why’d you do that?”

Wendy shrugs “I don’t know I was bored, by the way your phone is ringing” She says casually licking the spoon

I reach out for the phone that was on the cupboard “Hi Natty Nate!” All the guys scream through the phone making me hold it away

“How are you Nat?” Sisky asks softly

“Missing you” that was the first thing that came to my mind, “How about you, how is Florida treating you?” I don't want him to worry about me, he has to be concentrated in his music

“Ok I guess, I’m sharing room with Mike, so it’s difficult to sleep”

“Why? Does he moan in his sleep?”

He laughs “No, he actually talks in his sleep, last night he was having a fight during his sleep”

I snort which made Wendy scream “Eww! Please no phone sex while I’m here!” loudly enough to make Adam laugh.
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Im sorry for not updating before
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