Sequel: Rookie of the Year
Status: Complete - Check out Re-Write of Rookie (Sequel attached)

Shooting Stars


Monday morning came too quickly and soon I found myself on the ice in practice gear. My skates were too tight, but I didn’t want to look like a fool, so that was how they stayed. Practice was hard. I wasn’t going to lie. It was more exercise than what I was used to, so I was the one getting the most water. Coach Q didn’t care, he knew it was hard on the first day. And when it came time for sprints, he offered to let me sit them out. But that would’ve been a weak move, so I toughed it out and did ten sprints across the ice and back. Some of the practice squad fell over panting, but I stayed standing, barely. But I couldn't look bad in front of the guys who even made this opportunity possible. I wasn't as fast as Kaner by the end, but I had him pushing it in the early sprints. But he has the ability to contain it to last where I was trying to prove myself and pushed too hard too fast. Rookie mistake, or in my case, practice squad mistake.
“You did great, Sophie!” Corey congratulates me later that day in the car on the way home. He was being genuine, but it was rough and I know it wasn't that great.
“Thanks. I think I’m still catching my breath.” This was as honest as I could be.
“Sprints are the worst, aren’t they?” he chuckles because he doesn't have to do them as goalie. He does a couple laps throughout practice, but that's it.
“Yeah. They suck and you suck that much more for not having to do them.”
“Well, it can only get better. Maybe this time next year you’ll be on the team? You never know.”
“You’re right. Thanks for the support, I expected some of the guys to be total downers, like the practice squad, but the team is really cool about me playing. So that makes me a bit happier.” I know that Corey made sure the guys would treat me like an equal, not that they didn't think that before. They were great about making me feel welcome and that I could keep up with them.
“Just try your hardest!” He wasn't exaggerating. If I could try, things could really happen.

July 1st 2012
Chicago Blackhawks welcome new player. A female from Chicago, IL. Sophie Mosier is 19 years old and has been apart of the Blackhawks practice squad since March of this year has now been promoted to a spot on the roster.
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Here it is! The completely refurbished and edited Shooting Stars. I think I'm going to edit the rest of this trilogy but we'll see.