Status: Active

We Own The Night

chapter one.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

I groaned, rolling over. I could both hear and feel my phone vibrating in the folds of my bed, but at that particular moment in time… moving was not something I was particularly fond of.


I let out a sigh of relief, screwing my eyes shut even more, curling up into a small ball, relishing the silence as it lasted. I could feel the heat radiating from the blanket. The silence, whoever, only lasted another minute.

Without you, there’s no reason for my story.
And when I’m with you, I can always act the same.
Forever, yeah, if we’re together,
We can make it better.
You and—

“Fucking hell!’ I cursed, fumbling to sit up. My eyelids felt heavy, mind groggy, body tired. With a heavy sigh, I felt my way around, groaning as I latched onto my Blackberry. With one quick glance at the caller I.D, I hit the ‘accept’ button and brought it slowly to my ear.

“Hello?” I asked, cautiously, slowly.

“JESSICA BAKER! JESS! OH MY GOD IT’S ABOUT TIME YOU PICKED UP!” Erika’s voice echoed out of the phone, and I cringed, pulling it away from my ear.

“Shut up…” I mumbled, flopping back onto the pillow, face first. “It’s too early for this.”

“Early?! Dude! It’s 11:40!” I rolled my eyes. She had a tendency to exaggerate.

“Can I just go back to sleep now? Gooo awaaaaay.” I whined, though I was now slowly starting to wake up. Damn.

“NO! NOT AT ALL! This is why I called you! Myles hooked us up.” I blinked.

“Myles as in like… your brother Myles?” I heard her scoff on the other end of the line.

“No, my DAD Myles. Obviously my brother!” I heard her swivel in her chair on the other end, obviously on the computer.

“Okay. So, your brother hooked us up. With what?” I asked, sitting up, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes with the palms of my hands.


“DUDE! HE GOT US TICKETS TO A SHOW?!” I exclaimed, eyes wide.

"Yep." She replied, and I thought I heard a sly, smug tone in her voice. "And, well... WE GET TO FUCKING MEET THEM!"

I felt my jaw drop, no words coming out. The only thing I could think at that particular moment in time was Oh, My. God. All Time Low had to be one of my most played bands on my iPod. Erika was obsessed with the singer, Alex, though I found it kind of odd; I’d loved them for their music, lyrics, everything like that, where as all Erika ever seemed to talk about anymore was how hot Alex was. Sure, it’s alright at the start—but let me tell you, after hours and hours on end hearing about her shrine to Alex, and how attractive he was, you tended to get a little bit tired of it. No offense to her, of course.

“You… You’re not fucking with me? It’s legit?” I heard her chair squeak as she gave a vigorous nod, then laughed. “We’re on the phone, Eri.” She paused for a moment, then gave a gentle laugh in reply.

“So, when?”

“Today, dude. Today.” I paled.


“I KNOW RIGHT? No! But seriously! Be ready by 2! Oh, and uh… can you come pick me up?” I raised my eyebrow, this time my own stupidity forgetting we were on the phone.

“Yeah, sure. What’d you do?”


I sighed. “Tell me when I get to your place, okay?” I replied, pulling myself out of bed. Yawning slightly, I balanced my phone on my shoulder, taking a quick glance at myself in the mirror. Meeting All Time Low. There were some things in life that you always pictured, hoping, praying they'd happen; but sometimes, when they actually did come true... You couldn't help but be surprised. My eyes shifted down to my desk, tracing over all the familiar items that rested there. My brain zoned out, and for a good minute or two I was just overwhelmed by the memories, I hadn't noticed her beginning to gush (once again) about Alex Gaskarth.

"I'm gonna go get ready now, kay?" I said, interrupting her, and I heard her give a small squeal of excitement. I gave a small chuckle, tucking a stray piece of my long brown hair behind my ear. Clicking my phone shut, it took me just a moment to plug in both my iPod and phone, just to make sure they were fully charged, just in case.

All I knew that today was going to be… interesting, to say the very least.
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Hi guys! This is actually an older story I wrote and never went anywhere with, and so I'm restarting all over because I love the idea and have been meaning to finish it. I hope you enjoy it!