Status: I'm wondering where this will go as well :]

Rose Water

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The world isn't always a safe place for humans. This is a lesson Phia just got a taste of.

This is also a lesson Victer has come accustomed to over his life time. When your parents practically run the underground vampire slave trade, you get use to unsafe. The truth is Victer has never approved of his parents 'jobs,' and now faced with the harsh reality of owning his own slave- will Victer become all his parents want (a possible heir?) Or will Victer realize his own equally unsafe dreams- destroying the company his very parents created?

Phia was not the typical choice for a slave, far too strong willed some would even say. Phia is too nerdy to be 'pretty,' per se, and was not depressed enough to find something sexy to her situation. Phia is a survivor, the question is- has she finally found her match? Will Victer be a stepping stool to her escape? Will Victer allow that?

The real problem is, can they defeat an organization over 500 years old? Or will they join the body count growing around the ever mysterious Rose Water Society?