‹ Prequel: Beautiful Remains
Sequel: You Are Who You Are
Status: Ricky Horror <3

When Love Meet Destruction

part 1

Tours you got to love them! Listening to amazing music every day for a few months, Meeting new and interesting people every day, and you’re in a new place when you wake up. It’s one of the most perfectly amazing things ever for someone who likes to travel…or in my case just like another normal summer minus my family.

“Bebe!” I stopped reading the text message from my little sister and looked up at my twin. She looked rushed and excited.

“Huh?” I responded absent mindedly chewing on my gum.

“The concerts starting soon…”She said taking off her professional camera from her neck and placing it in one of our totes that had been emptied earlier today of our merchandise. “Please watch this?” She asked grabbing her digital camera from my bag.

I raised an eyebrow, “You’re not goin’ to take your camera?” I asked a bit confused. She had that thing on her always. That’s part of the reason that she was our photographer.

She shook her head. “Have you seen those animals?” She placed her hands on her hips. “They’d knock it from my hand and kill it!” I laughed and nodding my head, sliding down a bit more in the fold up chair we had put out. “Thank you Bebe!” She grinned jumping a bit. “Ok how do I look?”

I raised an eyebrow at her looking her over. Her purple hair was teased up perfectly like usual. Her face and neck we’re covered with war paint and she wore a nice white band t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans. On her arms she had on her favorite bracelets and her necklace. “Lookin’ to get laid?” I asked, a bit amused. She glared slightly, her cheeks turning light pink. She kicked my leg lightly, crossing her arms over her chest huffing. “M’ just teasin’ you twin!” I giggled, “You look fit.”

She smiled immediately her cheeks still pink. “Thanks. Ok, I’ll be back in an hour or soo.” She blew me a kiss and ran off towards the stage where she’d be for the next hour and a half.

I sighed running my hand through my hair. I looked back down at my phone a bit sad.

To: Bree
From: Jeffrey Elliot Star ;D
Hey, Bree! We really miss you sis! :(( Why don’t you call no more? How’s tour? Hunter’s being all moppy since you left. CALL US!! Your brotha misses having you talkin’ to him! I LOVE YOU FREAKY!! :D

I bit my lip and opened up a new message, slowly typing back a reply.

To: Jeffrey Elliot Star ;D
From: Bree
I misses yeh too Jeffy! &amp;lt;/3 sorry about that it’s been extremely busy last few days &amp;amp; I’ve just forgotten. :( tell him to cheer up; I’ll be there in a few days. :D I’ll call tonight before I go to bed! I promise my pinky! :) I LOVE YOU TOO JAKE!! &amp;amp; TELL FINN I MISS/LOVE HIM TOO!

I sent the text and sighed again. The only down side I was finding to this tour was that my sister and brother could have come along. They had been on every tour with my Twin, my friend Num Nums, my twin’s friend Karley and me, but not this one, because they were in school.

I started to set an alarm on my phone just in case I need to go run and get Twin so she wouldn’t be late for her photo follow. I started to then look through my email; deleting all the networking sites from my inbox and checking to see if I had gotten another email from the next tour manager and to see if a shipment email had been sent to me about our recent order of our merch for the newest designs we had sent in.

Today was out last day on the Fears VS. Dreams Tour. We’d spent about 3 and half months with this tour. Tomorrow we’d being starting our 2 month break before we; well Nums and Twin, would be leaving the country and meeting me in England where we’d kick off on our first tour through Europe. It’d be our Music Threads first! We were super excited for it even though none of us knew who we’d be covering.

A random guy walked up to the table smirking lightly. I summed up a friendly smile, slipping my phone into my shirt. “Hey,” He said nodding his head in greeting and chilly looked over the remaining clothing, posters, and accessories we had left.

“Hi.” I said politely sitting up and leaning on my knees a bit. “Can I help you with somethin’?”

That earned me a full smirk, “I’m really hoping you can.” He winked.

I held in a groan and forced myself not to roll my eyes as I stood up. “Let’s see what I can do then.”

He chuckled as I walked over to the merch. “Is there anythin’ in particular that you like?”

“There are a few things I like.” He said distractedly. I could feel his gaze on my chest.

I rolled my eyes this time and crossed my arms over my chest. Another down side to this tour, my brother wasn’t there to help me deal with the creeps. I never had the nerve to say anything till it had gotten a bit too far. “From our merch?” I asked shifting uncomfortable.

“That’s what I meant.” He winked again. “Among other things.”

I bit my lip looking away more uncomfortable. “Whatcha like from our merch?” I looked anywhere but him. He chuckled and I noticed a guy dressed in all black walk up.

“Well from your merch, I think I’d like the long sleeve t-shirt with the zombies.”

“What size?” I asked turning to the totes opening up the tote that held the tees.

“Medium.” I nodded and started to search through the piles for the size. “Oh, and I’d also like you little mama.” I nearly choked on the gum in my mouth at that. As quickly as I could I spit it out and clutched the shirt in my hands still coughing lightly. He was laughing at my reactions as I stayed kneeling by the totes, trying to catch my breath, my eyes still watering.

I slowly stood up and walked over to the table grabbing the small bag that held all of our money. “Um, no.” I said not looking up at him. “$25.” I mumbled holding up the shirt. I looked at the other guy and smiled politely. “I’ll be with you in a second.” He nodded and continued to look at the left over merch.

“You don’t have to play hard to get, mama.” He chuckled, pulling money from his back pocket. “It’s just going to be a quick fuck. Not a relationship.” He held out the money and I grabbed it quickly handing him his shirt and ignored his statement. I rolled my eyes when I saw that there was a number written across the ten, probably his. I wonder how many of these he had written on.

I placed the money into the little purse and pulled out a five, handing it back to him for his change. “Whatever.” I grumbled under my breath.

He smirked a bit wider slipping the five into the tip jar we had placed out. “We’ll now I’d like my kiss, baby.”

I sighed. “Wishful thinkin’ creeper.” I grabbed the box and pointed to the Names. “Nums dances for tips.” I moved my finger to Karley’s name. “Kar-wee gives highfives.” I pointed at Twin’s name. “Bree/Twin gives kisses. I give hugs.” I said placing the box back onto the table.

His smirk didn’t fall by his eyes looked disappointed for a moment. “Come and give me my hug then.” He said opening his arms.

I closed my eyes and held in a sigh, before turning and slowly walking around the table to give the guy I had to hug. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist and pulled me roughly against his chest. I stood there awkwardly as he held me.

“I’m not let you go mama, till you hug me back.” He chuckled, his breath brushed my ear. I felt like my skin was going to crawl. I slowly wrapped my arms around his torso and linked them lightly together. His hands slid down my waist to my hips and I felt his breath move to my neck. I felt my skin crawl and my breathing hitch slightly. He smirked against my skin taking in my scent and creeping me out. I felt his hot breath then the sinking of his canines deep into my shoulder.

I shoved the guy away from me quickly as I could, his teeth were still holding onto my neck when I hit his chest. His mouth ripped away and I could feel my muscle scream in pain.

My eyes started to fill with tears and I gave another shove, causing him to fall to the ground. I moved my hands to my neck massaging it. He watched me from the ground laughing slightly and taking his time to stand himself back up.

“Bree?” I looked over to see For the Fallen Dreams Merch Guy Sam walking towards me. He came to my side and touched my shoulder in a brotherly way. I didn’t look at his face and I just kept my hand on my throbbing neck. “Are you ok?” He asked I nodded still avoiding his stare.

He turned to the guy who had sunk his teeth in to my neck. “What the fucks your problem dude?” He asked dropping his hand from my shoulder and turning all his attention to the guy. He crossed his arms over his chest making him look very intimidating.

I watched him shrug. “Chill, asshole.” He didn’t look at Sam, but he put the shirt he had bought around his neck freeing’ his hands. “I was just messing with the little Chiquita.”

“Messing with her?” He moved closer to him, making him step back a step. They were close now; Sam was in his face. “You actually hurt her!” He jabbed him in the chest and his voice gain volume when that was said. I bit my lip nervously, people were starting to stop and look and a few other Merchers were standing up and seeing what was happening. Anthony was slowly walking towards us, probably to help Sam if he got in a fight. “You should fucking watch yourself and what you do around people you don’t know. You might get your ass beat otherwise.”

He scoffed, “Whatever man.” He crossed his arms over his chest, like Sam had. “It’s not my fault you’re little bitch can’t take a fucking joke.” He shrugged his shoulders slightly.

Sam’s expression got really pissed. His face changed to a new red and he advanced on the cocky ass. The Goth guy grabbed a hold of him though, stepping between the two of them. “Sam, man come on, dude.” He said trying to restrain him. “He’s not worth shit.”

The cocky guy laughed as the Goth guy somehow managed to hold back Sam. I slowly walked over to them and touched Sam’s arm. He looked down at me and I shook my head begging with my eyes that nothing stupid happen. He sighed angrily and the Goth guy let go of him.

He pointed to the guy. “Get the fuck out of here or I’ll call security and I have them toss your ass out.” The guy didn’t budge and the Goth gave him a shove away from us. I turned and walked back towards my tent ignoring the looks of the people who had stopped to watch.

“Bree, you alright?” Sam asked. He stood in front of my tent.

I nodded my head slowly and wiped my eyes careful not to ruin my eyeliner and sniffling slightly. “Aye, Sam.” I mumbled. “Thanks.”

He smiled softly and nodded. “You know on tour we all have to help each other out.” He looked over his shoulder to see if the guy was anywhere in sight. “If anyone is ever like that to you ever again, you call me and I’ll beat the living shit out of them for you.” He gave me his goofy smile causing me to laugh a bit. He chuckled, “Seriously, no one, should ever act like that to my Tour buddy.”

I nodded my head wiping my eyes again. “Thanks Sam.” He rubbed my arm before walking back to his tent that was unsupervised. I sighed out heavily and noticed the Goth guy still standing there. I scratched my head and walked over to him. “Sorry ‘bout that.”

“Why are you sorry?” He asked looking confused.

“That you’ve been waitin’ on me.” I shrugged my shoulders and pulled out the best fake smile I could. “You were lookin’ at somethin’ before all that happened.” I rubbed my forehead and turned moving towards my clipboard and checking off my last sale. “What was it?”

He gave me a confused look. “None of that was your fault.” He spoke gently, “It was that douche bag that was trying to get into your jeans.” He shoved his hands in his pockets.

I stayed quiet for a few moments trying to keep composed. I shoved back the urge to cry with all my strength, forcing my smile a bit more. “What was it that you liked?” I asked ignoring his remark. I tossed the clipboard onto my chair and turn to him.

He sighed and lifted his hand pointing at my favorite shirt. “I thought that one was cool.” He mumbled

I nodded my head and grabbed the t-shirt. I handed it to him quietly and took his money, placing it with the rest and making myself look busy till the Goth left. Still holding back tears I pulled out my phone and dialed Nums’ number. It rang a few times before going to her voice mail. I groaned and tried again. I ran my hand through my hair when she didn’t pick up again.

I paced back and forth as I continued to try and get a hold of my best friend. I started to bite at my finger nails. Dirty habit I know, but I only did it when I was stressed. “Samantha!” I growled when she finally picked up.

“Hello to you too!” She sighed.

“Get back to the tent now.” I sighed, sitting down in the folding chair. I really didn’t need to ask where my best friend was, the answer was kind of obvious. She liked sex and her favorite type of sex was with the bands we toured with.

“I was just on my way there, miss blows up my phone!”

“Just hurry the fuck up! I really need a smoke!” I groaned lying. I just really wanted to go to the van and cry a little bit. Call my brother and have him make me feel better…and probably smoke.

“I swear, you’re more of a drama queen then I am!” She mumbled.

“Fuck off Newton!” I growled playfully. She laughed at me.

“That’s Miss Newton to yeh!” She teased playfully.

“Oi!” I snapped. “Don’t go bringin’ that up!” My cheeks turned a slight pink at the mention of my words from the other night’s bonfire. That was the first time one this entire tour that I had chosen to party, and well from the lack of partying I hadn’t stopped.

“Miss Newton, your soo-”

“UGH!! SHUT YER GOB!” I shouted. “BYE!” I hung up and pulled my jacket, waiting for Sam to get here. Minutes seem to drag on and I looked at my phone constantly.

“Hey,” I turned my head to see Karley walking under the tent all smileys.

“Hi,” I said jumping up from my seat. “Can you take over; I really need to have a smoke.” I begged.

She smiled and nodded. “Yeah, go ahead.” I smiled and hugged her tightly before rushing off to the trailer and RVs. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and sent my brother a quick text.

To: Brother x)
From: Bree
Hey, can you talk? Or are you busy?

I held my phone into my pocket and made my way to the trailer. I walked up to the van and pulled at the handle. But it was locked. I groaned and patted myself down in search of the keys. Nothing. I groaned and hit my fist against the hood; I had left the keys in my bag back at the tent. I groaned, sliding down the side of the van, sitting with my back against the tire.

I need somebody,(somebody), Somebody Crazy enough to tell me I will love you till we,( I will love you till we), Till we are buried close together. Cemetery Weather. My brother’s ringtone went off and I pulled it out of my pocket hopeful.

To: Bree
From: Brother x)
Sorry, sis. =\ I’m doing some stuff with my dad right now -_- I’ll call you to night though. K?

I frowned and rubbed my forehead, shoving my phone back into my pocket and letting my tears slowly roll down my cheeks. I had no one to talk to, no smokes, and I couldn’t cry in private. I hated this day.

“Hey.” I quickly looked up to see the Goth guy from the tent.

I looked away from him laying my head back against the tire. “Hi.” I croaked.

“You ok?” He asked kneeling down beside me.

I shook my head, “Yes.” I lied.

“I think your lying.” He said, sitting beside me.

I moved away from him, making use there was a foot between us. “What makes you say that?” I sniffled.

He shrugged. “Just a hunch I have.” He mumbled. He pulled out a pack of smokes and placed one between his lips. I watched him closely as I lite up. The nicotine craving rushing through my brain, fucking dirty habit. I licked my lips, as he took a drag. Really bad habit.

He noticed me starring and shifted uncomfortably. “Do you not like smoking?” He asked taking the cigarette from his lips. He blew out the smoke, away from me. I shrugged and wiped my eyes off on the sleeve my Motionless in White Hoodie. I eyed his cigarette still, trying to play it off as just starring off into space. “Want one?” He offered holding out the pack.

I slowly took the pack from his hands and pulled out one, handing them back to him. He clicked his lighter and held the flame out for me. “Thanks,” I mumbled moving closer to him for a moment to lite the cigarette.

“Sure.” He said slipping his lighter into his pocket with his smokes. “Aren’t you a little hot?” He eyed my jacket.

I shook my head, taking a long drag. “I feel weird if I’m not wearin’ one of these.” I mumbled holding onto the cigarette with my fingers.

I felt him eyeing me which made me shift uncomfortably. I looked at him from the corner of my eye, he was actually really handsome. His hair was jet black and he wore his eye liner as thick as I did. He was Skinny, tall like my height and he looked really pale. I turned my head too look at him better. He looked so familiar.

“What?” He asked

My cheeks flushed a bit. “Nothin’, just you look bloody familiar.” I looked away from him, hiding behind my hair.

“Really?” He asked a bit shocked. “Like how? Like we’ve talked before or like I remind you of someone famous?”

I laughed a bit. “Doubtful.” I pressed the smoke between my lips, inhaling. “Like I’ve meet you before.” I breathed.

“Oh,” He sounded a little relieved. Our smoke swirled around us drifting off slightly as we settled into a not to uncomfortable silence. He had lit up another one as I grew closer to the end of mine. “So how long have you been working on this tour?” He asked.

I looked at him a bit unsure as to why he was trying to start up a conversation. “Umm, 3 months.”
He looked confused. “Seriously?” I nodded. “I wonder why we haven’t seen each other around then.
I’ve been on tour since day one.”

“Hmm.” I took the final drag of the cigarette, putting out the end of it on the ground beside me. “I don’t wonder around much. I’m busy keepin’ things runnin’, so my mates can go around an’ have fun.”

“That’s very nice of you.” He smiled, holding the cigarette between his tattooed fingers.
I sighed scratching my head lightly. “Yeah I guess.”

“So what’s your name?” He asked holding out his pack again for me, along with the lighter.

I gladly accepted, feeling the need for another relaxing stick of death. “Brianna, but most people call me bree.” I lit up and handed him back his pack.

He stuck out his free hand “Ricky.” I slowly took his hand shaking, making him smile. “Nice to meet you bree.”

I smiled back slightly. “Same to you, Ricky.” I pulled my hand back placing it on my lap.

“Are you going to be on this entire tour?”

I shook my head. “Today is my last day.”

“Oh,” He sounded a bit disappointed.

“Yeah,” I looked back at him. “You?”

“I’m going to be on for two more weeks.” He said. “Did you quit or something?”

I shook my head my cheeks flushing slightly. I was proud to say at 18 I managed and owned my very own music clothing thread. But at the same time I got like embarrassed because no one could believe that. “Noo, umm, I only had enough time to be on for this long.”

“Another job?”

“Uhh, no.” I breathed. “The old merch needs to be sold or packed up so the new shipment of merch can be modeled an’ filed, before the next tour, I’m headed on.”

“So I’m guessing you are close to the owner, huh?”

“Not really,” I said biting my lip. “I am the owner.”

His eyes widened. “You’re the owner?” I nodded my head timidly. “No Way! You’re like 16!”

“18.” I corrected him. I held up the smoke, “This would have been illegal if I was 16.” He laughed slightly, turning to me. “I’ve been workin’ on this Thread since I was 16, it barely took off before I graduated an’ now here it is.”

“Wow, that’s very impressive.” He said in a bit of disbelief.

“Thanks.” Neither of us was smoking now. I started to play with my hands, trying to think of something to say. “Uhh…”

“You want to go sit on my bus and talk some more, get to know each other?” He asked, scratching the back of his head, not looking directly into my eyes; almost like he was nervous.

I smiled softly. “Sure.”

He looked up at me and grinned. He stood up turning to me and holding out his hand for me. I took it letting him pull me up to my feet. “Thanks.” I said wiping any dirt from the back of my pants. I followed behind him telling him a few things about the thread and about myself as we walked to his bus.

“That’s unbelievable.” He said sitting next to me on the small couch.

I laughed lightly. “You have no idea.” I leaned my head back on the couch. “I almost find it hard to believe some days that I got to have my dream so quickly.” I turned to look at him. “It’s crazy, yeh know?”

He nodded his head, “Yeah I do.”

I smiled at him. His blue eyes looking me over making me blush and look away. “So, umm, what do you do?”

“I’m a musician.” He said slowly.

“Oh, any chance that I’ve heard of you?” I asked pulling my legs up onto the couch and tucking them under me, so I was sitting Indian style.

“Maybe.” He said pushing his bangs from his face. “But I don’t think you’d be all that into us.”

I tilted my head. “Doubtful.” He raised an eyebrow at me. “I listen to a lot of different kinds of bands.”

“Really now?” He chuckled. “Who do you listen too?”

“Bring me the Horizon, Motionless In White, For The Fallen Dreams, Chelsea Grin, Asking Alexandria, Confide, Escape The Fate, Abandon All Ships, HIM, Falling in Reverse, Iwrestledabearonce, A Day To Remember, D.R.U.G.S., Get Scared, Miss May I, MYCHILDREN MYBRIDE, We Came As Romans, You Me At Six, Attila, The Word Alive, Woe, is me, Jonny Craig, Lower Than Atlantic, blessthefall, Attack Attack!, T.Mills” I shrugged, “And like a hundred more.”

He laughed slightly. “Wow, that’s a lot of music.”

I shrugged, “It’s cheap therapy. What about you?”

“HIM, Cradle of filth, The Misfits, Bleed Through, Marilyn Mason, Slipknot, Nine Inch Nails and some other stuff.” I made a face. “What?” The corner of his lip turned down.

“Nothin’.” I said shaking my head.

“No, come on what is it?” He asked touching my arm. My cheeks flushed at his touch.

“Umm, just, uhh,” I sighed, shrugging. “It’s really stupid.”

“So, I’ll be the judge of that.”

I looked up, looking over at him, trying to find a way to word my thoughts. “I’m…not the biggest fan of Mr. Mason.” I finally spoke, biting the corner of my mouth.

“You don’t like his music?” He asked

I shook my head, “No, I’m a fan of some of his music; I listened to him when I was a freshie all the time.” I ran my tattooed fingers through my hair, trying to think of a way to put my view on the man ‘in the right words. “The thin’ ‘bout him is….He’s….I don’t get….” I pursed my lips, before turning and looking him in the eyes. “He honestly scares the livin’ shit outta me to look at. Like first time I saw him I screamed a bit and had to turn off my computer, so I didn’t have to look anymore.”

Ricky looked at me for a moment before laughing his ass off. I sighed heavily shaking my head, should have known. Most people react like this to my fear of the man. He fell off the small couch, lying on his back holding his sides as I glared down at him slightly.

When he finally stopped laughing he sat up and looked at me chuckling. “That’s all?”

I flipped him off. “Fuck you, I was serious.” I grumbled, crossing my arms over my chest and looking away from him.

“Awh, bree I’m sorry.” He said, kneeling in front of me.

I shook my head childishly. “No you’re mean!”

“Aww come on,” He pouted, looking extremely sexy at it, I might add. “I didn’t mean it bree.” He said, placing his hands on my knees. My cheeks flushed to a bright red, as I shook my head. I wanted to hide my face in my hands I was so embarrassed that he could see that he was making me blush.

“No, I’m mad at you now.” I said, trying to keep calm while still trying to pull off upset.

“Please, bree, forgive me?” He asked looking into my eyes, pouting playfully.

I shook my head, “No.”

He frowned, “Please! I’ll do anything to make you love me again!”

I bit my bottom lip, as my cheeks heated even more. My heart was racing; he was so close to me. I unfolded my arms from my chest, my hands falling to my lap and resting there. “Yeah, like what?” I asked softly.

He smirked moving his hand up to my face and brushing my bangs out of my face. “How about I kiss you?”

My cheeks had now reached a new level of heat and I looked away from him, as my heart jumped for joy in my chest. He was joking around, I kept saying in my head. He’s just joking. He doesn’t mean it. His hand moved my check and he turned my head so I was looking at him again. His face was much closer this time. My breath got caught in my throat at the small space between us. He leaned it and closed the space between us and pressed our lips together. My eyes closed softly before I leaned into it too.

He pulled away after a few moments, his fingers brushing my cheek lightly. “Can I kiss you again?” He asked. I nodded shocked that he would even ask that. He smiled and moved himself onto the spot next to me, attaching his lips to mine again. I kissed back more this time, wrapping my fingers into his hair and pulling myself close. One of his hands moved to my side and the other was on the back of my neck. We shifted on the small couch so I was lying beneath him. Our kisses getting more heated and our lips started to get rough, leaving bruises on them both, while our hands roamed. His fingers grabbed ahold of my sweater and pealed it from my torso, pulling up my Drop Dead shirt up, to just below my bra. I blushed and moved my hand to push down my shirt. Ricky grabbed my hands and shook his head; he smirked and pulled off his t-shirt. I looked up in awe at his chest. On his chest were two roses and hanging on a chain was an old key.

I sat up slowly reaching up and tracing his tattoos. They looked really familiar, but didn’t know how. Ricky grabbed my hands pulling them around his neck, and leaning me back onto the couch. His lips returned to mine and one of his hands moving to my side. I kissed him back and traced my tongue along his lower lip. He smirked, pushing himself closer to me. I groaned taking his lips between my teeth pulling it lightly. He moaned forcing my mouth open and tangling his tongue with mine. I tangled my hand in his hair as he moved his hand to my tight. We kept on kissing till both of us were light headed from lack of air.

Ricky turned me onto my side and lay beside me. I looked at him, my hands on his chest, stroking his tattoos gently. His arms snaked around my middle, holding me too him as we laid and tried to catch our breath. Ricky touched his forehead to mine looking into my eyes with his beautiful blue ones.

“You’re really beautiful.” He said softly.

My cheeks flushed and I looked down at my hands. “T-Thanks.”

“I like it when you blush.” He whispered brushing my bangs from my eyes. “It’s cute.” That complement made my cheeks turn even more red and made me hide my face in my hands. He chuckled, “Don’t hide it.”

I shook my head hiding behind my hair and my hands. “Stop it!” I whined. He laughed pulling me closer to him and pecking me on the forehead.

“RICK!” A deep voice called and a few sets of feet sounded coming up the steps of the tour bus. We tried to quickly sit up and separate but ended up falling to the floor me straddling Ricky and us hitting our faces.

“OW!” I groaned sitting up and holding my nose.

“Well hello.” The voice said and I looked up and about died. Chris Cerulli was standing in the entrance of the bus, with Angelo right behind him. “Rick, we didn’t know that you we’re going to have some lady company. “Angelo Parente said giving Ricky a smug look.

I quickly jumped off Ricky allowing him to get up off the ground. I looked down at the ground, letting my hair fall into my face. “It wasn’t what it looked like.” Ricky said quickly. I winced slightly, wow that hurt.

“Really Rick?” Chris asked looking me over. “So what were you doing with this very cute girl, shirtless?”

“We were just talking.” He said quickly.

“Uh-huh.” Chris chuckled.

“RICK OLSON!” Another voice shouted, at which Ricky groaned. Josh Balz, came running onto the bus a dart gun in his hand. “YOU’RE UNDER ARREST!” He shouted jumping on Ricky.

“Ma’am, Ma’am are you ook?” Ryan Sitkowski asked coming to my side. I nodded giggling as I watched Ricky and Josh roll around on the ground. Then it hit me.

“OH MY GOD!” I shouted causing everyone to jump and look at me. My mouth hung open slightly as I looked at Ricky. “Olson?” I felt my cheeks turn bright red as I looked at him confused. “Oh my….” I quickly grabbed my sweater and hurried from the RV.

I spend walked all the way back to my van and hid between the bumper and the trailer. I pulled my sweater over my head and brushed my hand threw my hair over and over again. Ricky mother fucking Horror!! Only like one of the most awesome sweetest guys I had ever fallen in love with in all the bands I had ever listened too. My head was spinning.

I groaned and dropped my head into my hands, having my elbows resting on my knees. I was so stupid.

“bree?” I didn’t look up to whoever was calling me. I just stayed silent, hoping they would go away so that I could die of my embarrassment. “bree!” They called out louder. I heard the crunching of gravel as they got closer to me. “bree.” The sound stopped next to the van and I bit my lip hoping that they would just go.

“Hey,” No such luck. A warm hand brushed over mine pulling them away from my face. “Are you ok?” Ricky asked. His face was painted with concerned. Or what I hoped was. I nodded my head, avoiding his eyes. I was embarrassed enough. Having to look him the eyes would probably make me feel worse.

He sighed, crouching in front of me. “I’m sorry about that.” He apologizing. “I didn’t mean to offend you.” He continued to hold my hands in his. “I just didn’t want them to assume anything and ruin my chances with you?”

I looked at him confused as hell. “Y-Your chances with me?”

This time he was the one that blushed. “Well yeah…” He said softly. “I mean in the time we’ve talked I feel really attracted to you and what I got to know about you I really liked.” He looked down at our hands, playing with my fingers nervously. “And I thought you had liked me back because…well because you let me kiss you and…it was even better because you we’re trying to hook up with me because of the band I’m in or my band mates…I mean besides the fact you’re a great kisser…” He was rambling now. “But …I mean if you don’t like me…I totally understand…”

I smiled and shakily leaned over kissing his forehead. “I like you too Ricky.” I whispered in his ear.

He smiled from ear to eat when I said this. “Really?”

“No, I’m lying to you.” I giggled rolling my eyes. He chuckled weaving his fingers with mine. He leaned forward to press his lips to mine. But not before a loud siren went off in my front pocket. I sighed pulling one of my hands from his and pulling out my phone from my pocket.

I slid my finger across my screen turning off the alarm telling me to go back to my tent. I half frown looking back up at Ricky. “Duty calls.” I said softly.

“I’ll come with you.” He said pecking my lips softly. “I’d much rather be hanging out with you than doing anything else.”

I smiled brightly as we stood up and started walking back into the venue, hand in hand. My heart was bursting with joy. This had to be the best dream of my life….
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This bree's outfit!