Status: Caution: This story is violent! If you have a weak stomach to sex, ***, or death in general...Do NOT Read! But if you do by all means. I mean, come's AWSOME!

Streaks of Gray

Chapter 7 Streaks of Gray

Isadora’s POV:
I went to go and pick up Skya and terry. The message Skya had sent me was still ringing in my ears. When I got there, the grounds were blasting with the vibrations of the music from inside the house.

Once inside, my nose stung. There was a horrid odor in the house. I screamed when I reached the bedroom. The kids, all of them, were dead. Their eyes were glazed and empty. I’d always had a phobia of blind people, for the same reason as the dead…the eyes.

I was in such shock, I didn’t know what to do! Trying to think, I grabbed a bottle of Ever Clear. After a few swigs, I felt sick. Not sick like with the flue. I mean sick as in poison. After a few minutes, I was having trouble breathing and focusing. I was growing numb…cold even.
