Status: Working on it day by day

Ferard: A final love.

Chapter Two - "I can't believe this.."

Meet me at the fountain in the park tonight at 7:00.

Gerard's heart skipped a beat.
He was going.
He checked the door to see if Frank was still there, but he was gone. Gerard stepped off the slight incline he and Frank had shared such a dramatic moment on. He bent over, picked up his bag, and left the room. A few students that he had posed for stood around the entrance, wanting to talk, but Gerard kindly dismissed them, stuffed his hands into the pockets of his coat, and walked to his car.
"I want to know what just happened in there!"
Gerard looked up, to meet the eyes of the girl who he had called on in the classroom.
"What do you mean?" Gerard questioned, digging for his keys.
"You walk in, ready to model, call on me, TAKE MY REQUEST THAT YOU SHOULDN'T POSE ALONE, which you SO knew that I wanted to pose with you, and then call in Frankie!?" She had both hands on her hips.
"Well, I'll tell you something. A few things actually. One: I'm gay, sweetheart, sorry to disappoint. Two: You got a LOT more out of the experience by drawing me, then you would have if you just drooled over me the whole time." He found his keys.
The girl dug into her bag and pulled out a notebook. Giving Gerard a look, she flipped open to the page she had just drawn on.
Gerard stared.
She had replaced Frank's face with her own, and made them both naked.
"Wow...." He said under his breath.
"So?"She asked, hotly.
"Soo?" He replied, beginning to become annoyed with the situation. With every passing second, he grew more and more irritated.
"Okay, listen here, doll." Gerard began. "I have to be somewhere in a little while, so I need you to step away from my car, get on the damn sidewalk, and walk away." He jammed his key into the lock next to the door handle, turned, and opened the door.
"Ugh! You're impossible!" She slammed her notebook shut, shoved it into her bag, and marched onto the sidewalk.
Gerard got into his car, through his bag on the seat next to him, and turned the ignition. As he drove away, he could hear her yelling, "You're missing out big time!" after him.
Once he reached his home, he parked the car, grabbed his bag, and went inside.
Okay. He had three hours 'till he had to be in the park. He needed to eat, shower, and get ready. He wanted to look nice, even though he wasn't even sure what he was getting himself into. He wasn't even sure if Frank was gay...
Gerard shoved that thought away. Of course he was gay! He winked! That meant something..
Gerard went into the kitchen, and padded over to the fridge. Pulling out a slice of cold pizza, he closed the door, and ran upstairs.
In his bedroom, he unbuttoned his black shirt, and slid it off his shoulders. It landed in a heap on the floor. He wolfed down the rest of the pizza as he slipped off his jeans and socks.
Stepping into the shower felt wonderful. The steam woke him up, and put him in the mood to go out on his little adventure tonight. Letting the hot water run over his black hair, he thought about Frank. He was incredibly attractive. Though he was a lot shorter then Gerard, his height seemed... cute.
These thoughts ran through his head while he turned the water off, wrapped a towel around his waist, and re-entered his bedroom.
The clock read 4:46.
He had a little over 2 hours.
Stepping around his bed, he approached his closet. He opened the door, re-adjusted his towel, and took a look. He mostly had jeans, a few skinnies here and there. The took a moments look longer, and decided on a pair of plain black jeans. He didn't want to look too dressed up in case.... in case he'd read the situation wrong...
He again shoved the thought out of his head. He pulled a white, button-down shirt with a skull on the bottom right-hand side, and through his outfit onto the bed. After pulling out his socks, a studded belt and fresh boxers, he took his towel off, dried his hair one last time, and pulled on his clothes.
4:54. The clock wasn't moving fast enough. He decided to slow down his getting ready a little bit. He tried to pull his belt through the belt loops around his hips without rushing, but it was incredibly hard. Still trying to remain calm, he sat down on the bed slowly, and pulled his socks on as time - consumingly as he possibly could.
4:58. He made a face of annoyance at the wall.
Grabbing his dryer and straightener on the way, he made his way downstairs. In his living room, he had a huge mirror. Underneath was a socket with two plug-ins. He pulled his straightener into the bottom one, turned it to 400 degrees, and set it on the floor. He pushed the prongs on the dryer into the top socket, and turned it on to the highest, hottest setting.
Slumping down onto the floor, he started drying his hair. It was reasonably cold in his house, (financially, he couldn't keep too much heat going,) so he occasionally blew the stream of hot air down his shirt, and over his arms and legs.
The straightener beeped, so he unplugged the hair dryer, and began straightening his hair. His hair was very silk, so it straightened easily and quickly.
5:06. He still had two hours of spare time..
"I can't believe this.." He said to himself.
He picked up the hairdryer, and turned it back on so he could pass the hot stream over his cold body. Crouching down, then placing himself onto the floor, he stared into space. He roboticly moved the hand holding the hair dryer every now and then. For the next two hours, he'd do nothing but this, thinking about Frank and the fountain, which he'd see in what seemed like decades.
♠ ♠ ♠
Ahhh, the prepping of the gay guy. Lovely. :)