‹ Prequel: Life Coach
Status: Complete

Act of Kindness

Chapter 14

"Owen! Do not throw your sister into the....pool."

"OWEN!" My daughter screeched when she surfaced from the water. Her brother just continued to laugh from the side of the pool, until Harper shoved him in as well.

"That's my girl!" Jon said, his arm tightening around Julia's waist.

Owen swam to the side of the pool where Harper sat, her feet dangling in the water. Harper smiled down at him, brushing a strand of brown hair from her face. Owen rested an elbow on the side of the pool and the other on Harper's legs.

"Look at 'em...how cute!" Abby said.

I smiled starring out over the backyard. Teenagers littered the place, the summer sun beating down on the beautiful Saturday afternoon.

"Cute? How's that cute?"

"Oh come on Jon, look at them! They've been best friends since birth! It was bound to happen."

"What was bound to happen?" The adults around the giant patio table shook their heads at the clueless old captain.

"Here babe, have a strawberry." Julia said, holding up the fruit to her husbands lips.

"I can't believe how old everyone is getting."

"Hey! Speak for yourself!" Patrick said to Abby as he handed his friends a beer.

"You know what I mean! Madelyn is 23, Owen and Harper are graduating high school, Amanda will graduate next year. All the children are growing up! Wasn't it yesterday you just found out that Kara was pregnant with Owen?" Abby asked Pat.

"That is one of my favorite memories. I couldn't stop laughing." Julia said. I smiled remembering the moment exactly. Patrick was so excited...too excited.

I remember it was a game day in March. I had finished getting ready to leave with Pat for the arena, "Pat? You ready?" I called out, checking the time on the stove.

I could hear Patrick's slow footsteps from behind me and when I turned around he had this unreadable facial expression, "Pat are you alright?"

"Are you pregnant?" I was taken back. The only way Pat would assume I was pregnant had to be because he found the pregnancy test in the trash. He and the team had been on a six game road trip when I started to get morning sickness. I immediately bought some tests to find out and they all turned out positive. I called my doctor to schedule an appointment which happened to be a few days after the boys got home.

"I'm not sure. The tests said yes but I'm going to the doctors on Thursday." I told him, slowly approaching my speechless husband. "Pat say something."

"I'm...I'm gonna be a father?" I smiled.

"Yeah Pat you're going to be a father." He broke out into a giant smile, his arms wrapping around my waist and lifting me off the ground, spinning me around. "Oh no Pat, don't do that." He set me down but his hands never left my waist.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited. Who else knows?"

"You...and the doctor. I don't want to tell anyone until we're positive, okay? I know you and Jonny Boy don't keep secrets from each other but this stays between us," Pat nodded. "Now come on Pat, we can celebrate later. You've got a game to get too."

The whole ride to the United Center, Pat wouldn't stop talking about the baby. I thought he was gonna swerve off the road, he was so distracted.

Before the game, I kissed him good luck and met the other WAG's in our suite, "What happy bug bit your butt today?" Julia asked. Pat's smile was very contagious. I shook my head and sat beside her while we waited for warm-ups to start.

Pat had a phenomenal game that night. Practically every shot he took went in or was close to going in, his passes were sharp, he was fast beating the opponent to the puck, his checks were clean, and he had a plus rating by the final buzzer.

"Patrick, you had an amazing game. How do you feel?" Julia and I usually waited in the suite and watched the post game interviews on the TV so we were out of everyone's way. Reporters swarmed Patrick as he sat at his stall, wiping the sweat from his face, but the smile remained.

"I feel great. Really good."

"The Blackhawks are on their way to another playoff run and after the way you played tonight, the Cup could be in sight. What's going on through your head right now?"

"I'm going to be a father." Mine and Julia's jaws dropped as more reporters and photographers captured Pat's news. In the background of the locker room, you could hear the team cheering for their fellow Hawk.

"You're pregnant?" Julia asked.

"I'm going to the doctor's to figure out if I am or not."

"I'm going to be an aunt!" She said hugging me.

Nine months after that bomb was dropped, Pat and I got ready to welcome our first child into the world. Owen Bryant Kane. Blonde hair, blue eyes, and a hit with the ladies, just like his father.

"Just what the world needed, another Patrick Kane." Sharpie commented. It was no secret that Owen was an exact replica of his father.

"At least he's got his mother's personality."

"But that Logan, you better watch out for him. He is just like his father. Looks and all." Julia warned.

"I think they're adorable children. We did a good job." I said looking over at Pat who pressed a kiss to my forehead.

"Yes we did babe."

Logan was our youngest son and was his father's son to the T; looks, personality, and evilness. The only difference is that Logan took up baseball unlike his father and brother.

Then there's Amanda, the middle child and my only daughter. She shared the similar looks of her brothers but participated in the theater program in her school. Named after a past friend, Amanda reminds me so much of the original, the heart of gold, the ambition to not let anything stand in her way. I couldn't be more proud of my daughter and sons.

"And don't start with my kids! It wasn't my daughter that locked my son in a toy box." I argued. Jon let out a snort.

"We couldn't find him for an hour."

"That's yourdaughter." Julia told Jon.

Not long after Julia and Jon's wedding, the couple were expecting. When Harper was born, that was the first time I had ever seen Jonathan Toews, Captain Serious of the Chicago Blackhawks, cry. The image of him cradling the swaddle of pink blanket in his arms for the first time was a tear jerker. Harper was daddy's little girl. Jon loved each of his three kids equally and I couldn't of seen a more perfect father.


I loved having get together's with the old team. Over the years we had lost and gained players but always stayed in contact. Everyone made sure to have a day or two to come together, no matter where we are, and have a reunion.

Throughout the yard, children were scattered among themselves while the adults remained on the patio, out of harms way.

Different age ranges grouped within themselves; old with old, young with young. Thankfully all of them were in the pool where they're parents could keep a watchfully eye on them. But there were two that were not enjoying the water.

Owen and Harper sat on two of the sun chairs we had placed across the pool. Friends since birth, the Kane boy and Toews girl never left each others side, except when they had to go home. When Owen was accepted to North Dakota, along with Harper, the two took the opportunity and planned to attend together.

Pat was convinced Owen was going for the hockey.

Jon was convinced Harper was going to follow in her father's footsteps.

Julia and I knew better than that.

To us, it was no surprise our children would somehow fall for each other. Though through high school they, for some reason, never dated. It wasn't till summer times you'd think a spark would be lit. But our babies dated other people.

I couldn't tell you the countless times I've seen my son heart broken. Girls didn't understand the bond he had with Harper: she was his study buddy, she was his school projects partner, she attended his hockey games wearing his jersey, she was the one giving him advice about girls, and she was the one that was there after every break up.

Julia had broken the sacred mother/daughter secret trusting bond by telling me Harper was practically in love with Owen. Of course I saw the signs, I had been there before many years ago, but Owen was the only one that didn't see it.

And Jon. Jon was 100% clueless.

Harper was the one my son was going to marry. Now if I could just get him to see that...

Julia nudged my arm and nodded to the scene across the pool. Harper was laying on her chair in a cute bikini, that she probably had to fight her father about, with her eyes closed. Her already tan skin soaking up the sun. And Owen was in the chair to her left, his body facing the sun, but his eyes on the Toews girl.

"He's getting it." I said. Julia and I smirked.


The hours dwindled down, dinner was enjoyed, and a fire was lit. Families gathered together bundled in sweatshirts and bug spray. I handed out a giant bag of marshmallows, a box of graham crackers and---

"Oh no, those stay here." Julia demanded, keeping the chocolate within reach.

Once everything was passed out, I took my spot beside Patrick, his arm pulling me close.

Parents helped their kids with making the smores and everyone enjoyed the large fire on the starry night.

My daughter Amanda, and youngest son Logan sat on the ground at Pat and I's feet. Julia and Jon shared the large bench with Pat and I, their children by their feet as well. Owen and Harper sat close together, each making their own smore.

Owen took a bite of his, the chocolate melting from the added heat, causing the chocolate to smear around his lips. He cracked a grin which had Harper bursting with laughter. I couldn't hear what my son said but Harper was shaking her head 'no' and trying to move away from him. Owen grabbed a hold of her by the waist and brought her closer, his chocolate covered lips smashed against her cheek.

He's his father's son alright.

Slowly the families began to leave. Pat and I thanked everyone for coming and promised another great party soon. Julia and Jon were the last family left, the couple already helping with the dishes, much to Jon's dismay. In the living room I could hear the TV and the voices of the young children. But where were the older two?

Julia was at the sink, piling the clean pots and pans on the counter, so I went over and started drying everything, "You fired Jon?" I asked, Jon and Pat not in the room.

"That and I didn't want him seeing this." She looked out the small kitchen window that had a view of the backyard.

Tending to the dying fire, out two eldest kids sat talking among themselves. Harper was rubbing her arms, the summer night not as warm as the day. Owen slipped his zip-up hoodie off and wrapped it around her shoulders, "Come on Owen." I mumbled. Harper fiddled with the sleeve of my son's sweatshirt, a nervous habit for many girls.

Owen reached over and took her hand, her nervous movement seizing. Harper looked over at Owen. Nothing was said. Just the gaze of two young lovers that was oh-so familiar to Julia and I.

At this point, we had stopped our chores, our attention elsewhere. In my head I was cheering my boy on as I was at one of his hockey games.

And then it happened. It finally happened! Owen leaned in, placing a chaste kiss on his best friends lips.

Julia grabbed my arm and squeezed, both of us grinning.

"We should get going. Bryan's passed out on the couch." Jon said, startling Julia and I.

"Oh yeah sure." Julia replied.

"Where's Harper? Is she still outside?"

"I'll get her!" I volunteered eagerly. Jon raised a suspicious eyebrow but allowed me to pass by.

I walked up to the patio doors, and flicked the lights on and off, signaling for the teenagers to come inside. I watched as they gathered their stuff and came up the patio, "You're family's leaving." I told Harper. She nodded and went to meet her family. I stopped my son before he could get too far, "You be good to her." Owen scratched the back of his neck, aware that he had just been caught.

"You saw?" I nodded.

"I'm happy for you. It's about time."

"Momm!" He groaned. I chuckled and pulled him down to my height so I could kiss his head.

"I love you Owen."

"Love you too, mom."

"Now go say goodbye. But be carefully, the Captain doesn't know yet." He nodded and walked to the front door.

"I'll call you tomorrow." Julia promised me with a hug.

"I'll be waiting." I kissed Jon's cheek and hugged each Toews child, sending Harper a wink, "Let's go Pat, time for bed."

"You heard your mother! Race you up the stairs!" Pat and my two youngest took off for the stairs, a ritual for most nights.

"You coming Harper?" Her father asked.

"I'll be there in a sec." He gave a small wave and left for the car. I sent my son a look and headed for bed.

I paused, out of sight.

"I'll text you later." Harper said.

"Maybe we can go to a movie tomorrow." Owen suggested.

"I'd like that." I smiled and continued up the stairs.

I walked into my bedroom, shutting the door and leaning against it. Lining the walls were various photos of our family and friends; Pat and I's wedding, Jon and Julia's family, the team, and many pictures of my children through the years. My eyes stopped on my son's senior picture. God does he look like Pat or what?

Patrick stood in the bathroom, dressed in just a pair of athletic shorts. Though many years have gone by and Pat and I were getting older, we still remained in healthy shape, Patrick especially.

He was brushing his teeth when I came up behind him, my arms tightening around his muscled body, my cheek resting against his back. His unoccupied hand held onto my clasped ones as he rinsed out his mouth, "What's wrong?"

"My baby's growing up."

"What he do now?"

"He's about to send Jon's blood pressure through the roof."

"That's my job." He joked.

"You've been replaced. Owen just asked Harper out." Pat snorted.

"'Bout time." I looked at Pat through the mirror.

"You knew?"

"Everyone knew...well except Jon. Damn, is he in for a rude awakening."

"Harper's dated before." I told him.

"And look how those ended. Besides, Owen's a Kane. The only thing working in his favor is he's just like you." I released Pat so I could change and he could get in bed.

"I don't know. He's now just realizing his feelings for her," I smirked, "Sounds familiar to me."

"And look how that turned out," Pat pulled back the covers for me. I immediately snuggled into his side after I turned the lights off, "I married the woman of my dreams who has given me a wonderful and happy life, amazing and good looking children, good work by the way, and made me the luckiest man in the world."

"You're such a smooth talked, Patrick Kane." He grinned.

"That's how I got you, isn't it Kara Kane?"

"That and so much more."

"I love you Kara, more than anything."

"I love you too Patrick..for the rest of my life."
♠ ♠ ♠

I hope all of you liked it! I'd been toying with how I wanted that to end and found this one best fitting. I just want to say thank you to all of you who stuck with me through both stories. It had been a fast/slow process but we made it through together. If it wasn't for you, I don't know where this story would be. Thank you to all those who commented and subscribed. I took each comment to heart and was happy to see each one. If you loved this story, tell your friends! Now that it's finished it should be an easy read. Keep a look out for updates on my other stories. If you haven't checked them out, go do it now!! Haha just kidding but if you liked this one, you might like the others as well.

Thanks again everyone for their great journey!

With all my love, <3