Status: A new chapter every day (:

Christmas and Wrapping Paper

Chapter 12

Nick tensed up as I leaned against him, but he quickly relaxed. He put his head on top of mine and we stayed like that for a while.

A sharp briiiiiing penetrated the air, Nick shook me off to go pick up the phone. As he picked up the dinosaur, his face drained of color and I knew it could only mean one thing.

Dad had called.

I stood and decided I would take my punishment like a man. As I inched to Nick I tried to picture myself as a man. I imagined my muscles tearing out of my shirt and my head shaved. The thought was so disturbing, I had to quickly shake it from my thoughts.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!?" I pulled the clunky phone away from my ear as dad began a rant on how irresponsible and stupid I was being.

I found my voice and knew, I just knew, he wasn't going to get away with that. "You're the one that wanted me to volunteer! You're the-"

"Don't you talk to me lik-"

I cut him off before he could say anymore "-one who called me a selfish brat and now you want me to come home from my volunteer work! You're the one yelling at me for doing just want you asked! You're the one who obviously didn't care enough about me to call for a whole day!"

He was quiet for a moment as my words sunk in. "Fine, whatever, do what you want, but when you realize you don't want to hang out with dirty orphans anymore, don't come crying to me."

I hung up without even saying goodbye. It was hard to think that only a day ago I was here to get back at my father. That only a day ago I was twisting this charity work to fit my agenda. It was hard to think that now I was here because I cared and because I was growing bonds between some of the little heathens.

Standing there, I could just feel my ice heart melting. And it felt as if I was The Grinch with my heart growing three sizes.

I turned to far Nick and looking into his amber eyes I said, "Let's go to bed."


"Please, Mrs. Higgins." I begged, Nick's eyes were filled with even more hope than mine.

She seemed to ponder the thought and Nick's face showed real hope. Of course, she had to go and shoot it down with a very blunt, "No."

"Come on," Nick began, "We'll raise a lot of money and there will be more room for the kids.

"But, it's all I have left of him." Mrs. Higgins stated. As tears threatened to escape her eyes, I realized that the cold woman did have emotions.

"Oh, Honey." It felt weird to call someone older that me Honey, but I just couldn't help it. "I know you miss him, but his old things are just collecting dust in there. You can keep some things, but the kids need things too. They can't just be shoved into a single room, it's ridiculous."

Mrs. Higgins looked at me with teary brown eyes and sighed. "I suppose your right. Maybe we can sell a fee of his things."

I tried my best to hide my excitement. It really was a Christmas miracle.
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Um yeah, I hope you like this story so far. In my opinion, there should be less Christmas joy.I told Kylie we should put in psycho killers and freaky dissapearances, but Kylie said no! Hmmmm... I wonder why. Anyone know? So if you like it, tell me what you think or tell me if we should put in murder for next years story.
~Regan <3