Status: A new chapter every day (:

Christmas and Wrapping Paper

Chapter 15

Mrs. Higgins whisked Nick and I into the kitchen, away from the kids. She shelled out two hundred dollars, placing a hundred dollar bill into each of our hands.

"I want you to buy the kids gifts." She explained, stuffing the rest of the money, unfortunately, into her bra. I cringed, thinking about the poor soul who'd have to handle it next. "And Nick, show the lady around this city while you're at it. She deserves it after all she’s done for this place.”

I opened my mouth to inform her that I hadn’t really done anything more than convince her to part with some of Mr. Higgins’s stuff and possibly break up an anti-Wrapping Paper club, but Nick already had me out of the room before I could utter a word. We go our coats on, leaving the creaky building. I hesitated, a bit apprehensive about leaving Mrs. Higgins alone with all those kids, but I shrugged it off. Today I was going to enjoy this amazing city.

“You have to walk pretty much everywhere.” Nick told me over the loud blaring of horns and such. “There’s this resale shop down here.” He pointed. “We could try that.”

“No.” I shook my head. “Brand new toys.”


An hour later, Nick and I were walking around New York with bags of toys. They were stuffed to the brim; you’d be surprised how much $200 can get you. I took a deep breath, taking in the New York air for the hundredth time. I couldn’t get used to it. It was nice and crisp with that wintery smell; like snow was on it‘s way. It didn’t smell like California. It didn’t make my lungs burn because the air was so dry.

“Chris.” Nick nudged me. “It’s snowing.”

A gasp escaped my mouth as I gazed up at the sky. Little white flakes floated down, lightly dusting my eyelashes.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well this chapter is short. Sorry. Short and sweet, right? Ehh... sorry. This is the product of writer's block, lack of sleep, and the fact that I'm tired right now. I've been working on this chapter for a couple days now.. but you know. Writer's block is the worst. I'm sure Regan will post such an awesome chapter tomorrow, you won't even mind!
