Status: A new chapter every day (:

Christmas and Wrapping Paper

Chapter 22

I folded my arms defiantly against my chest and thought about how I could possibly squirm my way out of his one. Mrs. Higgins was a woman of steel and it was hard to defy her, I swear, she's like a dictator. 

I tried the direct approach. "No," I stated bluntly not even bothering to raise my voice. I shot a quick glance in the boy next to me direction. Nick was fidgeting even more than me and I knew it was going to be a tough feat for the both of us.

She looked as if I had slapped her, now now, Honey. Don't hurt poor Nicky's feelings, he's had a ruff day and a kiss from a pretty girl would certainly make him feel better. 

A blush crept to my cheeks and there was absolutely nothing I could do to stop it. I threw a look in Nick's direction and knew my face must be an even deeper shade of crimson than his. 

"Well, now that that's settled, I'm going to go take a hot bath." Mrs. Higgins made it sound like she would leave us to ourselves, but I heard her feet stop pattering as she exited the kitchen. She was going to listen to make sure we accomplished the task at hand. 

Nick gave me a quick peck on the cheek. Just when I though the air couldn't get any heavier with awkward, the head of an elderly woman popped in and said, "Not a real kiss." Mrs. Higgins was gone as quickly as she had appeared. 

He placed a shaking hand on my shoulder and drooped down to my level to kiss me. 

At this point in my story, you're probably thinking that the two of us fell madly in love. Well that's not what happened. 

He pulled away as quickly as his lips had met mine. There was no spark, no feeling, it seemed wrong, as if I was kissing a good friend. 

I heard a sigh of relief from the other side of the door, then Mrs. Higgins quietly chastised herself for eavesdropping. Her steps began to quickly recede in the distance. 

"So..." I mumbled trying to shake the weird feeling from me. 

A mass of brown frizz appeared and Wrapping Paper entered the room elegantly. She looked between the two of us and her quizzical look made my heart beat faster. I knew just what she was going to ask before the words escaped her lips. 

"What just happened?" 

"Nothing, sweetie, it's getting late. Why don't you hurry up to bed and I'll be there in a second?" My words were chosen carefully and I added extra gentleness, I felt horrible lying to her. 

"Kay," She shrugged, "but, I know something happened."

"You'll understand when your older." Me and Nick stated in unison. 

She huffed, obviously hating the words just as much as I did at her age. 

As her footsteps pounded up the stairs, Nick's amber gaze met mine. "We. Never. Speak. Of. This. Again." I stated adding extra emphasis to the words, daring him to defy me.

"Agreed." He stated, plain and simple. 

That moment reminded me of a game me and dad used to play, That Awkward Moment When...

I just came up with a new one. That Awkward Moment When you kiss a guy that's totally wrong for you...
♠ ♠ ♠
Ooooh, I know what you were thinking, you thought they were going to end up together, well you would be wrong. I had to convince Kylie into not making it a romance. We compromised, no romance and no murder. So I really hope you're enjoying the story.