Status: A new chapter every day (:

Christmas and Wrapping Paper

Chapter 3

“What’s your real name?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Her chocolaty eyes locked with mine, innocence filling them. “You’ll never know.” She taunted before turning away and going back to where she came from.

A tall woman strode into the room, heels clacking obnoxiously against the dirty wooden floor. Her golden hair was tied into a tight bun on top of her head and her suit-jacket strained around her waist.

“You must be Christina.” She remarked, extending her hand to me. He face was blank of any emotions as she examined me.

“Chris.” I corrected, shaking her hand.

“Save it for the kids, honey.” She replied coldly before withdrawing her hand and wiping it on her skirt. “All you have to do is make sure they don’t get into any trouble, and if they do, feel free to punish them in whatever way you find suitable.” With this, she exited in the same way Wrapping Paper had. I decided to take this time to explore this place. I walked through what seemed to be the most popular door frame in the house where most of the children were, climbing on a guy, yanking at his pant leg, and biting him.

The boy’s face was horror stricken as he tried to shove the little hooligans off him. I rushed over to him, plucking the children from him one by one until he was bare as a tree in the winter. I pretended to brush the dirt from my hands.

“Thanks.” He smiled, sighing in relief.

“No problem.” I shrugged, going on my way to explore more. I felt warm body wrap around my leg again and I looked down where Wrapping Paper’s curious eyes were peering up at me.

“Whatcha doin’?” She asked.

“Yeah, watcha doin’?” I heard a familiar voice mimic. I turned around, shaking the little girl off my leg. The boy I’d helped earlier was peeking around the corner, and expectant look on his face.

“I’m looking around!” I replied. “What, are you writing a book?”

“Actually…,” the boy trailed off suggestively, a smile lighting up his face.

“Of course you are.” I muttered under my breath. I stalked off into the next room, taking every little detail in. I could help but be disgusted at these awful conditions. That reminded me…

I took my travel sized bottle of hand sanitizer out of my pocket and lathered my hands. The lemony scent filled the air, making me feel just at home.

“I’m Nick.” The boy stated, making me jump. I hadn’t realized he was following me.

“Chris.” I replied, turning around to face him.

“I know.” He said. “I heard Mrs. Higgins talking to you earlier.”

“While you were being attacked?” I teased.

He scratched the back of his head awkwardly. “They’re stronger than you think.”

I nodded my head skeptically. “I’m sure.”

His face lit up again. “Hey, you want a tour?”

“Look, if this is your way of hitting on me, I’m not interested. I mean, not that you’re not cute or anything, but I’m not exactly looking for a relationship at the moment.”

“I’m cute?” He echoed. I blushed. “But no, I’m not hitting on you. Just thought I’d be gentlemanly. But I guess if you don’t want someone to show you the way around this huge place…,”

“Well bye.” I waved.

“Wait, no. I’m coming with you.” He laughed, catching up to me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey! Another chapter, how about that? Hope you're liking the story so far. Comment and subscribe so you know when we update each day. And if you wouldn't mind checking out my story Be My Life Jacket, that'd be great. It's pretty much done, so you won't have to wait for updates. Also, like my facebook page if you wish. It's on my profile.
