Status: A new chapter every day (:

Christmas and Wrapping Paper

Chapter 7

I smiled at Nick's disheveled hair. He wore a plain white t-shirt and plaid pajama pants that hung loosely from his hips. His eyes were tired, yet bright at the same time, as if he was happy.

"Did you get lost?" He questioned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Did you get kicked out?"

"No silly." I chuckled, nudging his shoulder playfully. "I just thought...," I faltered. What did I think? "I though it'd be more efficient to stay here. You know, don't have to drive back and forth."

"Mhm." He muttered dubiously. "Well you can sleep on my bed if you want." He shrugged.

"Again." I started to reply. "I don't like you that way. Heck, we just met."

He threw his hands in the air in a surrendering motion. "I didn't mean it that way." He shook his head vehemently. "I was going to sleep on the floor."

"I'll just sleep on the couch." I argued. "I couldn't kick you off your bed."

"Nah, it's okay. I'm sure these old floors have been worn so soft, they're probably even more comfortable than these crusty old beds." I hadn't realized he'd been leading me until we got to the bathroom. "Go change. I'll wait here."

I nodded, entering the only slightly familiar room. It wasn't a pretty sight. In fact, it was a rusty, stained disaster. I changed quickly, glancing at myself in the mirror for a brief moment. I began folding my clothes back up.

"Come on, woman." Nick whisper-yelled through the door. "You're getting ready for bed, not a beauty pageant."

I exited the smelly room agitatedly. "Sorry." I muttered sarcastically. "Now lead the way, Jeeves."

He shot a flat look at me over his shoulder before leading me to his quarters. I stared at my bare feet as we walked, trying to suppress my laughter. I bit my lip, smiling while I giggled the slightest.

"In here." He stated, ushering me into a room with only one bed.

"Why do you get your own room?" I asked, cocking a brow.

"Because I'm like staff." He explained, ripping one of the blankets and one of the pillows off the bed. He threw them onto the floor before turning out the light and crawling under. "Night, Christine." I could he the smile in his muffled voice.

Oh, using full names are we? "Night Nicholas.” I mocked.

I pulled the blanket closer to myself, Nick’s faint scent surrounding me. It was a nice scent. Almost outdoorsy, but kinda of fruity at the same time. I breathed it in, trying to place my finger to the scent.


I heard a thump and then a groan. That caught my interest, causing my eyelids to fly open and search for the source of the noise. I chuckled softly when I found Nick on the floor with Sam sprawled on top of him.

"Sorry Nicky." Sam said sheepishly.

"It's okay buddy." Nick replied, sitting up and mussing his sibling's hair adoringly. The scene made my heart swell, between Nick's kindness and Sam's cuteness. "Just get off before I'm not able to have children anymore."

"What do you mean?" Sam asked, scrambling off Nick. His amber eyes became wide. Nick ran a hand though his own messy hair, laughing a little.

"Nothing." He laughed. "You'll understand when you're older."

"Why does everyone say that?" He pouted, exiting the room in a huff.

Mrs. Higgins peeked in, shock overcoming her wrinkly features.

"What did I tell you about no girls being allowed in your room?" She sapped.

"That was a bit of a pointless question, Miss." Nick explained, stifling his laughter along with me.

"I wouldn't talk that way to the woman who provides you and your brother with shelter." She gave a venomous glare. If looks could kill, she'd be searching for a new staff member. "Now get up and go make the children breakfast."

"Yes ma'am." He saluted, throwing is blankets off. I followed suit, hopping out of bed. I caught a glance at the clock on the crooked dresser that stood by Nick's bed. It read 6:30. I groaned internally.

Mrs. Higgins wandered off down the hallway, the obnoxious clicking of her heels echoing off the peeling walls until it become faint as a whisper.

"What are we doing up so early?" I asked, placing a hand on my pajama clad hip.

"We have to make breakfast before the kids wake up." He shrugged. "And with all those kids, we have to make a lot. Have you ever seen how much little kids eat?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Heh.. you thought I was gonna forget to update today, didn't ya? Well I didn't. So there. Hope you enjoyed, make sure to subscribe and all that jazz ;D
