
First Day

I arrived at my grandfathers' in late July with just a few more weeks of summer left. My mother thought it would be better for me if I was away from all the drama for a while, so she sent me here. My parents were still going through a nasty divorce, even though it had been two years. I didn't mind though, I loved my grandfather, and I loved where he lived as well. He had lived in La Push, Washington his whole life.

My grandfather and I got along very well. We usually agreed on most things, and unlike my suspicious and curious grandmother, he usually left me to my own business. My grandparents were divorced. They had been for about 6 years now. As much as it sucked for them it really didn't bother me. I no longer believed in marriage so I wasn't surprised when they decided to split.

Today was my first day of school. It was my senior year, so I didn't mind going, I actually enjoyed school, for the most part anyways. Besides, this was my last year before complete freedom, might as well enjoy it.

I drove from my grandfathers' to the high school that they had on the reservation. When I arrived at the school my friend Miranda instantly yanked me out of the car and attacked me a huge hug. She was shorter than me but she was still the strongest short girl I ever met. Her brown hair was all in my face and I knew those brown eyes of hers were shut tightly and she enjoyed the hug. I met Miranda when we were both six, she lived on the reservation and we had come up to visit my grandparents. Long story short, we saved a fish together and we've been best friends ever since.
I pulled myself out of her strong grasp and laughed at her. She acted like we hadn't seen each other in years, when in reality we had just seen each other yesterday.

"Hey Randi." I said while I grabbed my bag out of my car. I locked it and then locked arms with her.

As we walked to the entrance of the school we passed by a large group of guys. These guys were huge. They were all tall, tan, muscular, and handsome. As we passed I laughed at something that Randi said which caught their attention. I turned towards them and winked at one of the guys then kept on walking.

Paul's P.O.V

I was dropping the young wolfs that still attended high school off. I was just turning to head back to my truck so I could leave when we heard laughing. Turning towards the source of the sound we saw as two girls walked passed us. The taller one looked at us and made eye contact with me. She winked and not missing a beat she continued walking into the school.

Something happened the moment our eyes met. My body instantly froze. Her beautiful face was the only thing I could see, and in a flash I saw the life we would have together, the life that I only wanted to have with her, forever. She was my one and only. I had to meet her and never leave her side; be with her every minute of every day. I refrained myself from taking any action on my new found urges, and instead got in my truck and left.I knew what had just happened, I had imprinted, but the thing was that I didn't want an imprint. I was fine without a "soul mate".

Damn Imprint. I thought to myself as I left the school parking lot.

Carson's P.O.V

I entered my first class and instantly went to the seat that was in the very back closest to the window. I always liked a view. I waited as the class filled in. As people came in I noticed that two of the guys from this morning were in this class as well. I smirked to myself when they headed for the last two seats in the class which just so happened to be by me. One was in front of me and the other one was to my right. Once they were seated they both turned towards me at the same instant. I smiled at them and they smiled back.

"Hey I'm Jake and this is Embry." Jake said introducing both of them. Jake was a very attractive man, and I say man because the way he looked there was no way he was a boy. His features were sharp, straight nose, black hair that had a mind of its own today, his eyes were brown and friendly, and he had the most infectious smile.

"Carson." I said with a small wave.

"So are you knew to the reservation, 'cause I have never seen you." Embry said. When I finally took my eyes off of Jake they found their way to Embry who was attractive in his own way. He was no wear near as muscled as Jake but he had a toned sleekness to him that was very attractive. His hair was a darker brown that fell in his face, his features were long and his smile was small, but just like Jake he had brown and friendly eyes.

"Yeah I just moved here to live with my grandfather near the ending of summer."

"Oh who is your grandfather?"

"Reece Longe?" I asked. Wondering if they knew him.

Jake had taken a sip of the water bottle he had, but when he heard the name he spit the water out all over Embry.

"Dude! Really?" Embry said while wiping off the spit water from his face.

"Sorry Man." Jake said to Embry. He looked back to me, and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"You're grandfather's an elder." He said. I looked at him quizzically. He does know that I just moved here right?

"Sorry, you see we have this council on the reservation and the council is filled with elders. Like my father is one, and so is your grandfather apparently." I nodded as I took the information in.

"Cool I guess." I shrugged.

"So, Carson we are going to the beach a little while after school, would you like to come?"

"Yeah sure can I bring my friend Miranda?" They nodded.


"Yeah, so, do you want a ride there?" I nodded.

"Do you wanna meet here or do you want me to pick you up at your place?" Jake asked.

"Let's meet here." He nodded. Then we finally started paying attention to the teacher.