
Believe in this

"Oh really?" I folded my arms in front of me and leaned against the door frame.

"Is your Grandfather here?" I shook my head.

"Good let me come in and I'll answer your questions from earlier." I raised my eye brow but let him anyways, I wanted my answers. We went to my room, he went and sat on my bed, I made my way to my desk chair. It was silent, and I figured that he was waiting for me to ask the questions.

"What was with the tension between you and Bella at the diner?"

"I already knew Bella, and we've never really liked each other." Lie. I thought to myself, he was a horrible liar.

"Okay then, why don't any of the Quileute boys like you?"

"That I don't know, maybe they just don't like me because I'm with you." Lie I thought again. Wait, wait, did he just said he was with me... Oh no, no, no.

"No no no, you're not with me, we're just friends that happen to make out on some occasions, nothing more." I stated.

"Now on to the two lies you just told me. I'm not stupid or have any mental disabilities, I know you're lying to me, so the truth now!" He sighed and ran his hand down his face.

"Do you believe in myths?"

"Like what? Like unicorns, and mermaids?"

"No more like vampires.."

"Well, no, not really."

"I didn't think so." He muttered. I let an exasperated sigh out.

"Well what about vampires then?"

"I believe in them." I raised my eyebrow at him. His hotness just went down.

"Really?" He nodded.

"I think their real. I think werewolves or shapeshifters are real too. I don't believe much else is real but it could be I guess."

"What are you getting at Daniel?"

"Do you think vampire's would only drink human blood."

"That's ridiculous if they're vampires then they probably drink any kind of blood." Oh great he has me talking like him now. I sighed and shook my head.

"Listen Daniel if all you wanted to do was get me up here and talk about your weird obsession with vampires, then mission accomplished, you can go now, and I think it be best if we didn't talk for a while." All he did was give a huge sigh and fall back onto my bed.

"Why is this so fucking hard!" He yelled out at nothing.

"Calm down Daniel." He sighed again. Then in seconds he was in front of me, kissing me with his cold lips. I kissed back at first. His hands came around my waist, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I realized what I was doing and pushed him away. He looked stunned at first but soon lost the dumb expression on his face and just looked at me. He looked angry.

"You know what Carson? Ask your friend Paul about all of this." He said with an evil smirk, I went to ask him what the hell he was talking about, but he was already gone. He just disappeared into thin air.

Out of frustration I just let out the loudest scream I could. All of this was really starting to get to me. I went over to my bed and screamed some more into the pillows. When I was done with my little screaming act I checked the clock. It was only seven, but I was pretty tired. I laid my head down, and started to doze off, but not before making a mental reminder about going to see Paul tomorrow.


After school I headed to Paul's. I spent all day of school avoiding Daniel which wasn't that hard since I barely saw him. I actually spent all day avoiding everyone. I didn't want to talk to anyone today. I was still a little uppity about the night before. I welcomed the silence that engulfed me as I made my way to Paul's house. The car ride seemed to be shorter than usual, but that could be because that I was actually enjoying the ride to his house. When there I just barged in. I yelled for him, and he was in the room within seconds. He could probably sense that I was a little pissed off at the moment. I glared at him for a few second before opening my mouth.

"I want answers from you and NO BULLSHIT!" I all but yelled at him.

"What answers Carson?" I seated myself on the couch then continued.

"After I left your house last night I went home and Daniel payed me a visit. I want answers to what he was talking about last night."

"How am I supposed to know what you two were talking about, for all I know you could have been fucking that damn leech!" He yelled that last part at me, and I knew he was getting angry when he had no reason too.

"OH YEAH?! AND WHAT IF I WAS FUCKING HIM??" His face was starting to turn red.

"Did you have sex with him?" He asked quietly which scared me. You can't go from yelling at someone to perfectly calm in a matter of seconds. I eyed him and stayed quiet. I was finally about to answer him when he blew up!

"YOU SLEPT WITH HIM! DIDN'T YOU?! YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING SLUT! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" If looks could kill then he would be 10 feet under right now. He actually thought I slept with him. Well I guess I do sleep around, but I mean come on! He didn't even let me answer.

"NO, YOU FUCKING BASTARD, I DIDN'T SLEEP WITH HIM! NOW ANSWER MY GOD DAMN QUESTIONS!" I yelled as loud as I could at him. He calmed down a little but I knew he didn't believe me. I sighed and went up to Paul, and smacked his face with all the force I had. I brought my hand back quickly from the searing pain I had inflicted in doing so.

"I haven't slept with anybody since you." I said turning my back to him and heading to the kitchen to get some ice for my hand. I heard his big footsteps as he followed me.

"What answers do you want Carson?" Finally he'll answer my questions like a sensible person.

"Last night Daniel talked about vampires and shapeshifters." I saw Paul freeze for a minute, but he regained his composure before answering.

"What about them?"

"You tell me Paul."

"I don't know anything about what he's talking about."

"Liar. Could you please just tell me the truth."

"I love you." I froze immediately.


"I love you Carson, that's the truth."

"There's no such thing as love Paul, I don't know what you feel, but it isn't love."

"You love me too, whether you want to admit it or not, you do." I shook my head no.

"Say you love me and I'll answer any questions you have, and I'll answer them all truthfully." I shook my head again.

"I don't believe in love Paul."

"You have to, because I love you, and I know it's real, so why can't you?"

"Because nothing good can happen from loving someone!"

"Now, that's a lie Carson."

I didn't want to talk about this anymore. I threw the ice into the sink and made my way to the door. But Paul grabbed me and smashed his lips to mine before I could go any farther. I felt as tears slipped down my face as Paul kissed me. I couldn't help it when I started kissing back, something in me just said kiss him. It also told me to do more, but I stuck with just kissing him. When Paul pulled away, he leaned his forehead against mine.

"I love you Carson, and I need you to believe that."

"I can't." Then I was gone out of his grasp, into my car, and down the driveway.